Will Vaccines be required to travel to Ak this fall?

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Feb 5, 2019
I realize it's a very cold way to look at it. I don't see how it's vindictive. I don't want those people to die, what I'm aiming for is them not killing people. The best way to do that is to not treat the people that chose not to vaccinate. And well, choices. Besides, it has a 99.5% survival rating. What's anyone worried about?

It's simply protecting at risk people in hospitals, while opening up everything(which has to happen, and now) and still allowing everyone to have a choice. Maybe there could be separate place for people with covid to go, to keep them and the people that treat them away from immune compromised/at risk people in hospitals.

And of course I've made wrong and bad choices. Generally, I get to pay for that choice. If it hurts, you can bet I won't be making it again. That's how learning works. Sometimes in nature, which we do still exist in, a bad choice can lead to your death. Happens every day. It happens every day in the hospital when a Doctor tells a patient, you need to stop/start doing X or you'll die. They make no changes and die. We don't lose sleep over this.
Are you still talking? Let it go dude.
Sep 8, 2019
I realize it's a very cold way to look at it. I don't see how it's vindictive. I don't want those people to die, what I'm aiming for is them not killing people. The best way to do that is to not treat the people that chose not to vaccinate. And well, choices. Besides, it has a 99.5% survival rating. What's anyone worried about?

It's simply protecting at risk people in hospitals, while opening up everything(which has to happen, and now) and still allowing everyone to have a choice. Maybe there could be separate place for people with covid to go, to keep them and the people that treat them away from immune compromised/at risk people in hospitals.

And of course I've made wrong and bad choices. Generally, I get to pay for that choice. If it hurts, you can bet I won't be making it again. That's how learning works. Sometimes in nature, which we do still exist in, a bad choice can lead to your death. Happens every day. It happens every day in the hospital when a Doctor tells a patient, you need to stop/start doing X or you'll die. They make no changes and die. We don't lose sleep over this.

Ok I take back my apology. You are absolutely ignorant and your suggestion is one on a completely stupid person would make. You are clueless.

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Jun 12, 2020
Wow dude you've drank the Kool-Aid at an unprecendented level.

Again... as someone who suffered harshly and was genuinely nervous about my fate at the worst of it... I'm not saying it's nothing. BUT... at the same time... I looked over and saw my wife and boy get better in a much less note-worthy amount of time. So I am here to personally tell you this bullshit they are trying to push of it being all freakin deadly as hell is a crock of sh*t in terms of MOST folks. Again.. in terms of MOST folks.

For the ones who fit into a certain profile, like me... yeah.. sure it was harsh as fizzuck and damn serious. Serious enough for all this lockdown isht? Hellz to the f*** No!

Even while I was against the ropes with this isht.. ribs sore of f*** from the coughing... gurgling on inhale... gurgling on exhale... gurgling while sleeping.... I was still needing to go get groceries and go to Rite-Aid to get the meds to help me battle the horrendous symptoms that *I* a person who fits a certain pre-disposition and profile was dealing with. And dude... it ain't like my pharmacists all dropped like flies and sh**. And this was for 2 months solid, and BEFORE the dumba$$ actylic divider and all the other dumba$$ sheninigans they forced on everybody to crush the smaller businesses so their large corp donors could excel and gain greater market share. You know.. and also return them.. the haves... greater dividends on their portfolios. The same ones that would like people to believe the sham of an election wasn't fixed. But I digress.


Mar 4, 2017
Damn, sorry about your Grandpa. I just heard from a hospice nurse about a patient who took the covid vaccine and died the next week. You won't see that in the news though. It is absolutely criminal how they suppress vaccine hazards. Now Biden has stated in his executive order that a main focus is to "combat vaccine hesitancy"

It's really unbelievable the trust that people put into the pharmaceutical companies. They fund the politicians, they fund the medical schools, THEY WANT YOU SICK so that you can buy their products from birth to death, and even better if the government robs it's people through taxation and pays out trillions of our of hard earned money to these criminals without our consent. Un-fing-believable that we have people here bragging about their "jabs" and suggesting it should be mandatory.

“Big Pharma”. Villain to hero in record time. I was hoping for Purdue to develop a vaccine. Talk about a catch 22 lining up for that thing....


Aug 26, 2017
Interior AK
I usually come the the "Sheep" forum to read and post about sheep hunting things.... man, mind is blown! Today I've learned about sheep hunting, fetuses in vaccines, big pharma hates us, government is tracking us (WHAT?!!), doctors want us sick, vaccines will likely ruin your hunt, etc., etc.

Damn, mind is blown. All that in a sheep hunting sub forum. Getting 2 for the price of 1 today!


Feb 5, 2019
Well here's an interesting story. Washington residents get covid after vaccination

And it makes me wonder how many more are out there since most people really aren't going to get tested after vaxxing.
Nice sensational scare tactic headline...90% efficacy means that, surprise, 10% of people can still get Covid even after the vax

a simple math problem can give you an educated guess on the high end of that question, not factoring in those that have already had the virus and didn't know it.

90% efficacy, take # of full vaccinations, x 10%...boom, you have the extreme high end. Now factor in those who have already had it and didn't know, those who still stay at home and those who simply just don't come in contact with it. Maybe 5% of vaccinated folks infected is a better # to use.
Sep 8, 2019
Nice sensational scare tactic headline...90% efficacy means that, surprise, 10% of people can still get Covid even after the vax

a simple math problem can give you an educated guess on the high end of that question, not factoring in those that have already had the virus and didn't know it.

90% efficacy, take # of full vaccinations, x 10%...boom, you have the extreme high end. Now factor in those who have already had it and didn't know, those who still stay at home and those who simply just don't come in contact with it. Maybe 5% of vaccinated folks infected is a better # to use.

Anyone can still get it after. It doesn’t keep one from getting it. Period. It reduces the effects. This is common knowledge by now. Or should be to most.

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Jan 7, 2021
Anyone can still get it after. It doesn’t keep one from getting it. Period. It reduces the effects. This is common knowledge by now. Or should be to most.

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Im not sure that’s common knowledge. To say anyone can still get it? Jury is still out. scientifically anyway. I legitimately have been looking for the unbiased answer to this question. The case study’s are ongoing. There is a 5 month trial going on with 12000 college kids that will be interesting to see the outcome. It’s the asymptotic business that is throwing the monkey wrench in a conclusive answer as I understand it. But yes I think most folks getting the vac just want there body to get a preview of the threat. As it’s likely most of us will end up exposed to the real deal in our travels. Totally get and respect we’re your coming from with not wanting an experimental vaccine. And to force it on people with or without conclusive data is wrong In my mind.


Feb 5, 2019
Anyone can still get it after. It doesn’t keep one from getting it. Period. It reduces the effects. This is common knowledge by now. Or should be to most.

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Yeah, well you're wrong. But keep pushing misinformation.

From Moderna...Based on evidence from clinical trials, the Moderna vaccine was 94.1% effective at preventing laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 illness in people who received two doses who had no evidence of being previously infected

CDC came to the same results, although they found 90% efficacy

Key word "preventing" lab confirmed covid. Therefore 94.1% of folks will not get the virus. I guess since you say anyone could get it, you mean the remaining 5.9%.
Sep 8, 2019
Yeah, well you're wrong. But keep pushing misinformation.

From Moderna...Based on evidence from clinical trials, the Moderna vaccine was 94.1% effective at preventing laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 illness in people who received two doses who had no evidence of being previously infected

CDC came to the same results, although they found 90% efficacy

Key word "preventing" lab confirmed covid. Therefore 94.1% of folks will not get the virus. I guess since you say anyone could get it, you mean the remaining 5.9%.

Preventing COViD illness. Illness being key word, meaning reducing the effects of COViD. That does not mean you can’t contract it. It does not mean you can’t transmit it. I’m 100% right. Sorry you can comprehend what you read. Again this is common knowledge by now to those actually paying attention and know what the hell they are talking about.

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Feb 5, 2019
Preventing COViD illness. Illness being key word, meaning reducing the effects of COViD. That does not mean you can’t contract it. It does not mean you can’t transmit it. I’m 100% right. Sorry you can comprehend what you read. Again this is common knowledge by now to those actually paying attention and know what the hell they are talking about.

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You must be one of those internet experts scientists I hear all about. Who knows more than the company that developed the vaccine.

If I dont get any flu symptoms, but get the flu, did I really have the flu?

And let's say yoy are correct, which you arent, if 94.1% of folks still get covid, but don't get symptoms, then still, 94% of folks are unaffected by it, so what is your point? Again, if you get it, don't get symptoms but transmit it to someone else else who then also doesn't show symptoms...who cares? No symptoms, no problem.

Do you also yell at others in public for not wearing masks?
Sep 8, 2019
Uh no mask don’t work lol. Again you just can’t comprehend. That’s on you not on me. It only takes common sense to be able to read and understand what you posted. Plus I have several family members in healthcare. You’re simply ignorant on the matter. But you can easily educate yourself if you care to stop watching your masters, aka media outlets.

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Feb 5, 2019
Reading is hard, I know.

"94.1% effective at preventing laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 illness" means testing positive for the virus, not just symptoms...how else do you think a lab confirms its covid?


Jul 2, 2016
I hope they require the vaccine, there is no reason that Unvaccinated people should have the same rights and privileges as those who got vaccinated.
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Sep 8, 2019
I hope they require the vaccine, there is no reason that Jon b acclimated people should have the same rights and privileges as those who got vaccinated.

And dumb post of the night goes to you. You beat the guy above you and that was pretty hard to do.

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Jul 2, 2016
Just pointing out the obvious. Don’t say completely stupid stuff.

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Stupid or not, its the way it is. if you didn't see this situation coming from a mile away then you need to ask yourself who the stupid one really is.
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