Will Vaccines be required to travel to Ak this fall?

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Jan 9, 2020
Airlines are corporations and can require just about anything they want. You'd of course be able to fly privately. Any "vaccine passport" will not be enforced by state, federal or local governments, its companies that want a liability shield in place to relax costly measures that are hampering their business. They are asking for this.

The best argument in this thread is the one where you get Covid and can't hunt, call me crazy but if there's an slight chance of my hard-won cardio being diminished in the short (or god forbid long) term, you can stab me in the eyeball with that needle, happily.
Unfortunately I believe you are spot on. Of course these corporations are going to come to the conclusion that you need a vaccine passport of some sort because the government will use all sorts of economic and regulatory "carrots and sticks" to make sure that companies come to the "right conclusion". Welcome to the new Fascist States of America
Dec 23, 2017
Southwestern Alaska
Regardless, check on quarantine times. My brother was in AK over the summer filming and he and his entire team had to quarantine for 14 days. He was also tested 3 times. They were escorted by the sheriff from airport to hotel and could not stop along the way or leave the hotel for the entire time.
Sheriff? Where the heck were they filming?


Jun 16, 2019
Makes more sense. I know some of the smaller villages took it pretty seriously. We flew into a village on the kusko and they didn’t really give a shit. A friend that was working out in bethel couldn’t go back to work for a while. I’m curious where your brother flew Into?


Dec 6, 2015
I'd get the vaccine just to prevent yourself from getting covid... you'll probably be fine from it, but it might have some lingering effects.

I got covid on a hunting trip this fall. We're all in our 30's and everyone on the trip that got it were in healthy and in shape. None of us would have been up a for sheep hunt in the days/weeks right after. Or if you got covid on the way up I think it would be miserable dealing even with a mild case in the mountains in a tent. Just my two cents.

I don't see the state of Alaska requiring a vaccine. Wouldn't fly politically
Yeah and I got it and had a slight chill for one night, woke up couldn’t taste anything so I went and shot a whitetail doe totally fine after.

then my body did this weird thing called built it’s own immunity to the virus.

anyhow hopefully the state of AK rebukes that from Biden and his thugs and you can go sheep hunt


Sep 6, 2014
Makes more sense. I know some of the smaller villages took it pretty seriously. We flew into a village on the kusko and they didn’t really give a shit. A friend that was working out in bethel couldn’t go back to work for a while. I’m curious where your brother flew Into?
Not sure, I'd have to ask.


Jan 27, 2021
As many have indicated in this thread you cannot predict the politics or policies but one thing for sure is no one is going to prevent you from going if you are vaccinated, maybe restrict travel if you are not.
Would really suck if you got Covid and would have to cancel the trip or worse became oxygen dependent and could never hunt again! The Moderna Vaccine and Pfizer vaccine are really good as far as vaccines go. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is slightly less effective but it is one shot as opposed to two. The J&J vaccine may not be as effective against the South African variant. But in reality get the one available if you are inclined to get vaccinated. The safety profile is all about the same except there have been some incompletely vetted concerns regarding AstraZeneca ( not available in US)


Aug 26, 2017
Interior AK
Yeah and I got it and had a slight chill for one night, woke up couldn’t taste anything so I went and shot a whitetail doe totally fine after.

then my body did this weird thing called built it’s own immunity to the virus.

anyhow hopefully the state of AK rebukes that from Biden and his thugs and you can go sheep hunt

Congrats on the doe. All I am saying is that I would do anything in power not to ruin a sheep hunt. It's what I look forward to more than anything each year.
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Sep 8, 2019
I'd get the vaccine just to prevent yourself from getting covid... you'll probably be fine from it, but it might have some lingering effects.

I got covid on a hunting trip this fall. We're all in our 30's and everyone on the trip that got it were in healthy and in shape. None of us would have been up a for sheep hunt in the days/weeks right after. Or if you got covid on the way up I think it would be miserable dealing even with a mild case in the mountains in a tent. Just my two cents.

I don't see the state of Alaska requiring a vaccine. Wouldn't fly politically

You can still get and transmit COViD after vaccination. Just saying.

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Feb 21, 2017
Regardless, check on quarantine times. My brother was in AK over the summer filming and he and his entire team had to quarantine for 14 days. He was also tested 3 times. They were escorted by the sheriff from airport to hotel and could not stop along the way or leave the hotel for the entire time.
Which county sheriff did this?
Feb 21, 2017
I will add, I got Covid in November. I had a stuffy head and was lazy. I had to quarantine, so I hunted mule deer from my camper at around 5000’ ASL. I killed a buck on day 7 and gutted and dragged him out whole about 1.5 miles.

I don’t see a reason my freedoms and travel should be restricted if I don’t get a vaccine with similar efficacy to my natural antibodies. This is like saying “everyone should wear underwear because underwear is good. Prove you have size medium underwear to travel”


Jun 12, 2020
OK... so what about mofos like me.. that have already had it.. and had it BAD... and was just finally getting better after 2 months when they called the very first lockdown! My standpoint here is Hey Chuck You Farley!!... I already earned my immunity... the very freakin hard way! Heavy pneumonia, low-ox the whole nine.

So it's like... Why in the ever-lovin HELL... would I risk the possibility of potentially subjecting my body to anything even remotely resembling that isht again? ESPECIALLY when they CANNOT gaurantee you will be Immune!

And... I was told by an actual micro-biologist (and given the links to the whitepapers), that C19 mutates roughly 4-5 times per month. Like any mutation, the individual mutations aren't necessarily anything noteworthy. The vast majority of mutations in any organism either have no effect, or often cause the organism to die prematurely and are thus taken out of the gene pool. But... that once in awhile change can sometimes be a doosie.

What I don't get is... Because of America and Freedom... you (the plural you) are totally at liberty to go and get these things if YOU feel the potential reward outweighs the risks. So great go ahead and go get it. But I don't see the need for rabidly attacking those who are electing to err on the side of caution and let all the rest of you be test subjects for us first. You already have this particular option for your protection... so what do you care if someone else elect NOT to? Worst case scenario... it's like.. great for you! Right? I'll die... and you'll have a world with one less person to deal with in it? Where's the bad in that, right?

But... best case scenario... much longer down the line.. because of having elected to NOT have freaking man-made mRNA shot up into me... we come to find out I WON'T be growing a 3rd arm outta my back (being facetious here) or some other unforeseen offshoot side-effect that couldn't be predicted.

It's about exerting control. It always has been. Not saying this booger wasn't harsh as hell... cause trust me it was. But certainly it stands to reason that it is impossible to vaccinate literally the entirety of humanity, therefore whether it's me or you... are a whole 3rd world country full of poor people... at some point or another.... this virus.. and it's existence... WILL be back around again at some future point. That's just a given. And certainly not everyone even now has been vaccinated... and clearly the whole world didn't drop like flies... so it's like "Why?" Makes no sense to throw a tizzy fit if some person just up and decides "You know what? No thanks." That's what America is supposed to be all about!
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WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
I doubt it will be required. Alasak currently has no emergency declaration or travel requirements (unless I missed something in the past month, but I doubt it).

I got the Pfizer, my wife got the Moderna. The Moderna would be my first choice (due to easier storage and less opertinity for an error yo result in getting a dud, so only by a small margin). The J&J would be the most convenient if you just want to check the box.

The safest bet is to just get the vaccine, both in regards to travel and (in my professional opinion) your health. If you don't want it, than don't get it. The arguments for and against it have been beaten to death and resurrected enough times on this forum alone that I'm pretty sure they have earned zombie status.
Jun 15, 2016
I live in AK as well. lots of people have been freely traveling with no enforced quarantine as of late. Last Spring it was pretty strict though with with only absolutely necessary travel between communities. Trying to limit exposure to folks in isolated areas with out easy access to health care. especially Native villages. With new variants popping up who knows what's going to happen with potential lock downs, However likely nothing as people are pretty over it politically and most isolated villages have already been vaccinated. I got pumped full of Moderna and im not dead yet...
How did that 2nd shot treat you? Everyone who I know that has gotten the Moderna felt shitty for about 24 hours after that 2nd dose


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
How did that 2nd shot treat you? Everyone who I know that has gotten the Moderna felt shitty for about 24 hours after that 2nd dose

My wife said she did not notice any ill effects after her second Moderna shot. I know a lot of people do though.


Jan 8, 2013
I got my second Pfizer last night, I really can't say that I have noticed any side effects from either


Jun 16, 2019
This was ANC yesterday morning. They still have the covid check stations set up but nobody’s working them. The only place you might run into trouble traveling would be into some of the smaller communities. If you’re headed up to somewhere on the road system I wouldn’t give it a second thought.
Which ever county Dutch Harbor is in.
No counties in Alaska. I knew the sheriff comment would get a lot of flack.


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