Wyoming’s Wilderness Area Nonresident Restrictions

I usually don't buy into bitch fests, but have you haters on Wyoming looked into the fact that there is more wilderness here than any state (outside ak), also for you guys pissing and moaning have you ever looked into the size of these areas? A typical diy non resident will have their head spun when they realize the size if these areas. Wyoming game and fish has a designated percentage of non resident tags per quota per area. So boycott, all you will do is help the next guy that want to hunt here. It boils down to a safety issue to keep inexperienced non resident hunter's from getting into situations that could be avoided. (Don't want to debate how to quantify who has the experience to hunt the ares). Also it has been an established part of our states economy, so I don't see it going away. Finally the highest trophy regions of park and teton? Perhaps, the lage sized animals here have lower draw odd areas, but I also wonder where other counties with large private ranches killing lots of b&c bulls fall from the previously stated counties. Get over it ladies, if you don't like the outfitter dilemma there is plenty other areas to hunt without wilderness in wyoming.
If that was the case then why only limit big game hunters from using the Wilderness? It should be the same for hikers, fisherman, campers, mountain bikers, etc. Only limiting big game hunters from hunting in the Wilderness due to "safety concerns" implies that Wyoming believes big game hunters are less safe while hunting in Wilderness than any other recreational user group (if the reason is what you said).
I usually don't buy into bitch fests, but have you haters on Wyoming looked into the fact that there is more wilderness here than any state (outside ak), also for you guys pissing and moaning have you ever looked into the size of these areas? A typical diy non resident will have their head spun when they realize the size if these areas. Wyoming game and fish has a designated percentage of non resident tags per quota per area. So boycott, all you will do is help the next guy that want to hunt here. It boils down to a safety issue to keep inexperienced non resident hunter's from getting into situations that could be avoided. (Don't want to debate how to quantify who has the experience to hunt the ares). Also it has been an established part of our states economy, so I don't see it going away. Finally the highest trophy regions of park and teton? Perhaps, the lage sized animals here have lower draw odd areas, but I also wonder where other counties with large private ranches killing lots of b&c bulls fall from the previously stated counties. Get over it ladies, if you don't like the outfitter dilemma there is plenty other areas to hunt without wilderness in wyoming.
Safety concerns? You can’t be really be serious. That’s complete BS and no one believes that. It’s clearly a restriction to benefit outfitters and that law was voted in by WY residents (or their duly elected reps) so it likely won’t change anyways.
Zz, if you really believe it's about safety, then you are terribly naive. That's simply a not-so-clever guise for the purpose it really serves.
Somebody should create a post where all us nonres hunters interested in the backcountry could meet residents. I bet there are some residents that maybe lack experience or could just use some help on their hunts. The posts would need to be some what detailed so that you could find someone with a similar hunting style. I know that the law says that standard resident cannot profit from it. I would be ok with being a pack mule, spotter maybe even a cook the first year if it was legit.

Have any of you residents had any experience taking someone that wasn’t family or a long term friend? Let’s here about it. The good and the bad.

Myself I am interested in a backcountry coyote out type hunt for trophy mule deer or elk. No horses just backpacking 100% Mobile 5-10 miles back for about 2 weeks. Either bow or early rifle. I have a lot of valuable insight into several units in AZ, NM and Nevada that I could bring to the table. I am in decent shape and am in my mid forties. I have decent gear and usually can find some decent animals. Grizzly country doesn’t bother me. I have found that if you respect them, keep a clean camp and give them their distance they don’t bother you. Definitely a run a gun style hunter, good glassing skills and a better than average caller.

So if you’ll be my body guard, I can be your long lost pal. I call you Betty and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al.

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Those are all good bear strategies, but they’ll still find occasion to bother you.

I have to admit that as a resident I like the rule. I’m sure I wouldn’t if I wasn’t a resident. I probably benefit from decreased hunting pressure in wilderness areas. And I’m good with residents getting that perk.
Those are all good bear strategies, but they’ll still find occasion to bother you.

I have to admit that as a resident I like the rule. I’m sure I wouldn’t if I wasn’t a resident. I probably benefit from decreased hunting pressure in wilderness areas. And I’m good with residents getting that perk.

Yeah it’s a great perk and I certainly don’t blame any resident for enjoying it. The whole problem with the scam law is that it is NOT keeping non resident hunters out of the wilderness. The tag numbers for the non residents are set. It is ONLY keeping the DIY non resident hunter out of the wilderness. The guy who would rather rely on his own skills and woodsmanship rather than pay for a babysitter are being penalized. The outfitters should not need to be subsidized by the government to keep their camps full. If their service is worth the money and they do a good job for the client they will prosper without having clients forced by the government to use said services.

That’s the problem.
No surprise, we have all of the Wyoming guys clucking about how great this rule is.

ive hunted wyo wilderness as a non res guided by a resident (my hunting buddies nephew lives in Cheyenne)

there is a dirty underbelly this rule creates. One resident was running multiple non residents in there- i talked tk a group of them. The douche bag outfitter in the same area was crying like a baby about it accusing us of being in there illegally, we weren’t.

then that same outfitter lost a bunch of his horses one night and accuse us of stealing them. We had six he burners of our own no need for anymore.

This whole circus between these guys created a mess we were stuck in the middle of and left more than one FG warden shaking his head in disgust.

the road berdering the wilderness was a stinking highway... more traffic there than on the paved road. We bailed out of there, less pressure in the Nat Forest.

Just one more law benefitting big money interests... ...
^^Interesting. Seems like a law like that is just begging to be exploited by black market "guides."
Write to:

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon
Idelman Mansion
2323 Carey Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0010

Or call:

Phone 307.777.7434

Fax 307.632.3909

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Thank you for sharing. I am going to write and call expressing my opinion that the regulation in question should be the model for other states in providing the best experience for resident hunters. I wish Colorado would find something to hold sacred for resident hunters.
Somebody should create a post where all us nonres hunters interested in the backcountry could meet residents.
Have any of you residents had any experience taking someone that wasn’t family or a long term friend? Let’s here about it. The good and the bad.
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Imagine if you had started this thread off with this post? I'd be willing to bet you'd have a WY wilderness buddy by now and there wouldn't be poo flung all about. Nobody wants to make friends with someone who is covered in poo.
Imagine if you had started this thread off with this post? I'd be willing to bet you'd have a WY wilderness buddy by now and there wouldn't be poo flung all about. Nobody wants to make friends with someone who is covered in poo.

Nice tents. I picked up I think it was the Antelope a few years back when it was on monthly special. You are entitled to your opinion sandman. It is what it is. No worries

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Thank you for sharing. I am going to write and call expressing my opinion that the regulation in question should be the model for other states in providing the best experience for resident hunters. I wish Colorado would find something to hold sacred for resident hunters.

Instead of writing WY Gov, you should write your own regarding the reintroduction of wolves in your state. That is if you are up for rocking the boat

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Nice tents. I picked up I think it was the Antelope a few years back when it was on monthly special. You are entitled to your opinion sandman. It is what it is. No worries
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It was intended as a constructive comment. It seems counter-productive to try and persuade a group of people to support your point of view by covering it up with nonsense. When the gorilla smears poo all over his cage at the zoo, most people walk away remembering the artwork more than the animal. That is all I could picture by about page 4.

Thank you for the complement on the tents.
It was intended as a constructive comment. It seems counter-productive to try and persuade a group of people to support your point of view by covering it up with nonsense. When the gorilla smears poo all over his cage at the zoo, most people walk away remembering the artwork more than the animal. That is all I could picture by about page 4.

Thank you for the complement on the tents.

Yeah I get it. My intent was to get people thinking. I am sure that a lot of people were unaware and without mud slinging post on here quickly go away and are forgotten ( I know that I learned something). I don’t think that the law will go away anytime soon and as for Colorado implementing a similar law, well you had better be careful what you wish for. Check out Randy Newbergs most recent YouTube elktalk podcast on nonresident hunters. It might open your eyes to a different perspective.

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