Whys it so dang hard to find a reliable hunting partner?

I quite relying on other people long ago, at least when it comes to hunting. It is hard to find someone who is physically strong and capable enough to keep up with me and has the same level of commitment and determination. I enjoy hunting with others but I have hunted alone for so long that it feels awkward.

Usually I make my own plans and invite friends who I think would be willing to go. If they make that commitment and come along great, if not I go alone.
Im going solo but always can call a friend to help pack out... but i dont think i will call anyone but my dad as i dont want to share the place. And i wouldnt say im anti new guys but I'm against taking somone who says they wanna go a week before. Ill take someone serious when they get in gear and start working out, scouting and shooting every day months before. Until then they are not the people i need involved with my hunt.
How are you solo hunters accounting for getting meat out of the backcountry in early season archery hunts?

I can't speak for everyone, but, my plan last year was to use more game bags, that way the meat would cool faster, I know most guys only use two or three bags for a deer, but I had 4 or 5, the added weight was nominal, and it gave me peace of mind knowing that had I downed an animal, I'd be taking less of a risk with spoilage. I've kicked around the idea of using citric acid, but I haven't looked into in-depth, something to think about.
I can't speak for everyone, but, my plan last year was to use more game bags, that way the meat would cool faster, I know most guys only use two or three bags for a deer, but I had 4 or 5, the added weight was nominal, and it gave me peace of mind knowing that had I downed an animal, I'd be taking less of a risk with spoilage. I've kicked around the idea of using citric acid, but I haven't looked into in-depth, something to think about.

I did the same and went in with many game bags. Maybe it's not as big a deal as I thought but temps in the 70's seems like I should worry. Planned to hang in the shade or find a cold stream if necessary. I also took a spray bottle with some vinegar. Hopefully this year I will get to bloody those game bags! :)
After reading some of these posts I feel very lucky to be born into a hunting family where hunting partners are easy to come by and more loyal than your favorite dog. One call to one of several people and they would all drop anyting and go hunting or dive head first into the deepest nastest hole to pack out whatever we shot. A truly great blessing!
We have always packed a big thing of pepper. It works to season food as you go but you pour it all over your meat as you quarter out and it helps flavor the meat a little but helps keep flys off it. Weve found keeping animals away helps more than just cooling it... Think about cutting up an animal in the heat and all the flys that are there during the process... If you arent pro active you are losing the battle with every fly that lands.
Talking about packing. I'm packing for my aoudad hunt in west Tx. 10 am flight . Summer will be here before we know it. I got a bear hunt at end of May maybe early June in Cabada .. Then maybe speed goat in August. But let's do one at time. Wish me luck.
What is that Aoudad running you tag wise? Thats always been a hunt ive looked towards! Guided or DIY? Let me know how you do!!!!
Other than my old man - I can honestly say that I have only had one good hunting partner. Then he bought a outfitting company....

We still try to get out for turkeys in the spring and squeeze one hunt in later in the fall other than that its solo. I hated it at first but its growing on me with each trip.
My wife is my best hunting partner! That's right about the double expense thing though. You have twice the chance of getting a good tag in your household also ;)
AMP. pepper is the best. ive been using it for years. no flies, yellow jackets, and will even keep bears off. unfortunatle last year onlay had a week to hunt and when i showed up the nest day to pack him out, them black basterds drug my hanging quarters 200 plus yds yds back to the carcass and burried them. I totally think it was because I didnt cover them in pepper like normal. never had a problem in the past. lol
My wife is my best hunting partner! That's right about the double expense thing though. You have twice the chance of getting a good tag in your household also ;)

This is all 100% true.

That said I have hunted with a bunch of different people often not after meeting them. Sometimes I have to curtail my style or something a little, but I always learn from everyone I have been in the field and its always been a positive experience. I don't feel I am so badass that I only have to hunt how I want to or anything. I like seeing how others approach things cause as is often the case I have found I've been doing something the hard way for YEARS!!!
Other vote for the wife being the best hunting partner. Hel might not be able to pack as much but she'll be the last to quit and definitely looks a whole lot better throughout the hunt than those other hairy bastards I hunt with sometime. :)

Plus if you're going to do a holiday somewhere with the Mrs anyway- might was well be a hunting vacation!

Agreed, Luke. Everyone can learn something from someone else. Sometimes just another persons perspective can help you along. Yep, men are stubborn, but its always nice to see a different approach, because everyone has there own little way of doing things.
You can have 5 trucks parked at a trail head opening day, and by day 3, three of them will be gone.

ummm........can you explain how you know this? your still back yonder by day 3 aren't you? ha ha.

there are only two guys i would do more than 2 nights with and that's the two guys who come hunting in New Zealand with me. we share the same passion for traditional bowhunting and seek the same experience. to us the journey is more significant than the destination.
Amp I hunted with a buddy out in west Texas. He's a ranch manger and they bought 17000 acres and this property has a resident herd on it.

He's a nice aoudad not a giant but I'll take it.
I just would like to get that Animal off of my Arrow list!!! (Ya buckets are overrated) But what would something like that cost?