Why you should always carry a gun in the back country.

there was two of you right? i guess drama makes for a good story but i bet you guys were probably pretty safe. unless your first instinct when not having a gun is to just surrender and drop trow. i dont know, im not real sure how you flat landers roll...
Two of us yes but he also had a sidearm and while I can handle myself, I find having a sidearm visible lessons the chance that I might need to.
there was two of you right? i guess drama makes for a good story but i bet you guys were probably pretty safe. unless your first instinct when not having a gun is to just surrender and drop trow. i dont know, im not real sure how you flat landers roll...

Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it...

I personally think the story is hilarious! And yep having a sidearm always makes me feel a bit more secure whether it's from them damn chipmunks convincing me there's a Sasquatch outside my tent or the random tweaker/stoner/home serial rapist....

I'm not really gay. I just love messing with you flatlanders that are out of your element in the high country. But you did have a purdy smile. Now I have to go light up and wait for my next victims. ;)
Funky story - always gotta trust your gut. I tend to be more like Justin and try to avoid people unless I want to talk to them.
Easy fellas.

LB you seem to be the only one so far of the opinion that a gun was an unnecessary item to the story. Which is fine if that's your opinion. I felt more comfortable with a sidearm being as I was in unfamiliar territory in close quarters with someone who clearly made me uneasy. If that makes me a "pussy" in your eyes, so what. If I prefer to avoid unnecessary combat by having a sidearm as a deterrent rather than have to prove I am "man" enough to handle it, that's my choice. There is further evidence to prove that our instincts were right to mistrust that but job but it's really irrelevant to you attacking someone for preferring to take another route than you would.
I would agree with little buff and say that a gun did not make any difference in the situation. I will continue to not carry a gun when im in the backcountry. To me its just added weight that is not needed. But thats me. I have spent my whole life living and hunting in the mountains of colorado. The mountains do not scare me. Now if I lived in the city and did lots of activities in the city I would most likely have a concealed permit and carry a gun. Because the city is scary to me

To me this story is funny. Maybe because I wasn't there. But the guy could have been just messing with you and scaring the "friendly" flatlanders.
Lol, he could have at least spelled "Ladies" correctly;)

BTW I'm just kidding Ryan, sorry it got out of hand and you had to police us. Thanks for a good site.
Even if he was just "messing with some flatlanders," I for one don't enjoy people I just met trying to screw with me. It makes me put my guard up right away if we just met and you are trying to pull strange jokes on me. I don't carry the extra weight of a gun either, but I'll admit there are times I wonder if it's the best decision. You can never be too sure....some people are just strange, some strange people are dangerous, and some people are lonely in the woods.
The only thought I had in my head while reading the first few lines was "oh my god this is me" then the horses and the camp description disproved that. He was probably messing with you but who knows for sure. We all carry in the woods for different reasons, mine is for people from the front range :) heh heh heh
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