Why you dont hunt with some people anymore

One guy was lazy and out of shape, hiked half way in the day before opener and quit on the trail before opening day because hiking sucked he said. He left me in the woods and spent the week in town staying in a hotel going to the bar every night and wouldn’t help me pack out my bull 5 days later. Don’t even talk to him anymore

Another guy shot at a bird with me in the spread and I’ve still got 6 steel shot BBs in my face because of it. Not friends anymore at all
Sounds like he needs a knot on his head! Well this whole series of folks do!!
@Outlaw99 Yea the forest fire was bad, and so was the purposeful negligent discharge.

With the forest fire, I took him to an over looked honey hole where I patterned some bucks during archery. They followed a draw up onto a little hill off the mountainside that i call “buck islands”. Seems like I always find em on those features. Anyway day before season we set camp and go on a walkabout to give him the lay of the land (remember he gets lost easy). He decides to spark a stogie to go with the ice cold beers we were having since it was 80*. After the walkabout we get back to camp and set up for dinner. Didnt realize til days later that he never brought the end of the stogie back to camp. So after dinner, before bed around 9, Im by my tent taking a leak and look up to see what looks like a small camp fire above us on the hillside. I tell my buddy that we should go investigate - theres no camps above us but if we have neighbors we should meet em since its public land and a small area to hunt. As we get up towards the “small camp fire”, we realize there arent neighbors, just 20 foot flames climbing trees!!! Had to call the fire department and hats off to them for getting there fast. We had packed up camp and met 4 wildfire fighting trucks by a locked gate below the fire. Directed them to it and watched it get put out. Had to reset camp later in another spot late at night and had a shit opening morning.

After all that, du#%sh!& takes us to a pig hunting spot. Long story short, he had some jack and then shoots a .460 hand cannon from camp into the hillside, at night, within deafening range of where we were all sitting. He also got a speeding ticket going 85 in a 55 on the way home.

Should have walked away after the fire, but being new to the group/area and having few friends, I kept with them. Now the group goes with me and without him. We still drink in camp but less now that we backpack in 99% of the time. His new wife now hunts with him though, but hasnt asked why no one else does...
Two opposite stories for me. When I was a teenager I started out hunting with my best friend. He’s basically my brother, and because of that relationship we both butted heads a lot. As we got into our 20s we were in different mindsets of life so we didn’t hunt together. For the next 15 years I had a group of great friends I hunted with every year and enjoyed our time together. About 10 years ago the guys I was hunting with kind of got Egos and wanted to control hunts that they knew nothing about and I knew everything about. It led to worse hunting experiences. In that same timeline my best bud from earlier in life wanted to start hunting together. I was hesitant about how we would get along on a 10 day trip together, but I rolled the dice and went for it. Our first trip together was awesome. We worked together perfectly. The other group I hunted with went their own way and unfortunately have had terrible hunt after terrible hunt. Now I hunt with my best friend and my family every year and it’s never been better for me. I don’t hunt with randoms.
Two opposite stories for me. When I was a teenager I started out hunting with my best friend. He’s basically my brother, and because of that relationship we both butted heads a lot. As we got into our 20s we were in different mindsets of life so we didn’t hunt together. For the next 15 years I had a group of great friends I hunted with every year and enjoyed our time together. About 10 years ago the guys I was hunting with kind of got Egos and wanted to control hunts that they knew nothing about and I knew everything about. It led to worse hunting experiences. In that same timeline my best bud from earlier in life wanted to start hunting together. I was hesitant about how we would get along on a 10 day trip together, but I rolled the dice and went for it. Our first trip together was awesome. We worked together perfectly. The other group I hunted with went their own way and unfortunately have had terrible hunt after terrible hunt. Now I hunt with my best friend and my family every year and it’s never been better for me. I don’t hunt with randoms.
That's awesome! You find a good one to hunt with you keep them with you!!
I think I was in 8th grade when I started hunting solo. Not backcountry hunts but day to weekend hunts. My dad worked a lot but he and my uncle took me when they could, since then I’ve had one serious partner but he moved to Washington so we try and get together still but it’s hard with our work schedules. I really enjoy my time alone.

Big deal breakers for me would be lazy slobs and whiners.

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The lost in the woods thread got me thinking why I dont hunt with some people anymore. Ill get it started. One guy in particular did all this in a few seasons. Hes still friends with our group but no one will hunt with him.

Got lost multiple times in easy areas, even during daylight.
Discharged firearm in camp (not accidental) and at night.
Cant hold his liquor, would then sleep in.
Altitude sickness due to cigarettes, beer, and a horrible choice of food before hiking.
Put out a cigar in duff, caused 30 acre forest fire the night before opening day.
Doesnt bury shit, shits 10 feet from camp.

Those arent in order but the last straws were the firearm and forest fire. Lets hear your stories of why you dont hunt with some people anymore...
Can someone point me to the direction of the "Lost in the Woods" thread? I searched but didn't find anything.

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Can someone point me to the direction of the "Lost in the Woods" thread? I searched but didn't find anything.

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I think this is the thread the OP mentioned.

-- Scott
I am generally the guy who tags along and helps out. I enjoy hunting, but not the stress of hunting. I’d rather go with a guy and help spot and pack out than hunt myself.

With that being said, I have got up and left the woods in the middle of a hunt due to the guys I was with being turds.
You're a friggin' unicorn! A beautiful wilderness angel who blesses the worthy. God love ya!

whos awesome.jpg
You're a friggin' unicorn! A beautiful wilderness angel who blesses the worthy. God love ya!

View attachment 268575

Yeah, he is awesome! He volunteered to do a 12 mile meat pack out if we were successful with our elk hunt this past year. And we were total strangers before this past year, except for our occasional crossing on RS. As an almost 50 year old, I’m kinda glad we didn’t kill an elk because it would have been a brutal pack out for me with that kind of mileage. But, he was totally ready to buck up and help getter done!
The lost in the woods thread got me thinking why I dont hunt with some people anymore. Ill get it started. One guy in particular did all this in a few seasons. Hes still friends with our group but no one will hunt with him.

Got lost multiple times in easy areas, even during daylight.
Discharged firearm in camp (not accidental) and at night.
Cant hold his liquor, would then sleep in.
Altitude sickness due to cigarettes, beer, and a horrible choice of food before hiking.
Put out a cigar in duff, caused 30 acre forest fire the night before opening day.
Doesnt bury shit, shits 10 feet from camp.

Those arent in order but the last straws were the firearm and forest fire. Lets hear your stories of why you dont hunt with some people anymore...
All of those would be my first and last straw.
You're a friggin' unicorn! A beautiful wilderness angel who blesses the worthy. God love ya!

View attachment 268575
Hahaha I agree! One of my best hunts was what got me started on the backcountry. Had a groups of friends in MT I hunted with, my roommate introduced us when he drew a mtn goat tag. The tag was in one of the unlimited units for sheep. So roommate n I go in 14 miles, and meet up with his 2 buddies who had been in there for days scouting sheep. They had goats pinned already. First time i met em and later we become friends. Next morning, kill a b&c goat opening day, and 5 days later kill a ram on the way out. Granted i was the FNG and without them, was way over my head at the time. But I had a great hunt just being the help, and would do it again in a heartbeat. That experience was priceless.

yes @swehrman that is the thread i was referring to. My post in there goes with my OP here, same dude.
I seek the experience of the hunt...the adventure. Therefore, I am very, very selective with whom I share that experience. My son and daughter are my first choices, and I also have a couple of hunting partners that I have enjoyed good adventures for many years...and hopefully many more to come.

I have zero tolerance for inept firearm safety (e.g., muzzle flash me once, and I'll point it out...do it twice and I'm done with that person); I also don't tolerate excessive drinking or drinking during the day...I do enjoy sipping a wee bit of fine Irish at the very end of the day...sitting in the dark under the stars in the middle of nowhere with a hot Mountain House under my coat "cooking"/keeping me warm on a cold Alaska autumn evening...but that's it...stay home or don't go with me if the hunt is about getting drunk. Lastly, I tend to get quickly tired of continuous and excessive talking, bragging, etc.

I must sound like a jerk myself, but for me hunting is about the adventure, and I want to enjoy that adventure, as well as add to the joy of those with me.
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The lost in the woods thread got me thinking why I dont hunt with some people anymore. Ill get it started. One guy in particular did all this in a few seasons. Hes still friends with our group but no one will hunt with him.

Got lost multiple times in easy areas, even during daylight.
Discharged firearm in camp (not accidental) and at night.
Cant hold his liquor, would then sleep in.
Altitude sickness due to cigarettes, beer, and a horrible choice of food before hiking.
Put out a cigar in duff, caused 30 acre forest fire the night before opening day.
Doesnt bury shit, shits 10 feet from camp.

Those arent in order but the last straws were the firearm and forest fire. Lets hear your stories of why you dont hunt with some people anymore...

Good Lord. That guy would be working on his last straw of being my buddy.
Most of the ones I dont hunt with anymore burned me on taking people to places I took them. Others are so blatant in their outlawing that I am not sure how they dont get caught year after year. I want no part of either one. The population isnt very high right now here and the outright baiting is insane. Cant fathom how dudes will hang shoulder mounts and act like king shit when they spent six months pouring out illegal corn to do it.

I also cant stand a guy who sits behind posters in the same tree stand all season and gives me shit about hunting public because I dont worship the land they own. Supposed to be your friend but call you only when they need something done under the premise they let you hunt there. If you told me I had to sit in a treestand for 45 sits to kill a giant on the last day I couldnt and wouldnt do it.

Prefer to come and go as I please after 28 years of hunting. If I get a wild hair up my ass to get up and leave at 10am during the rut Ill do it and I dont wanna hear anyones shit.
Whoa, some of these are crazy. Good reminder of why I hunt solo so much. Has anyone mentioned bird hunting shenanigans? Years ago on a pheasant hunt one of my dad's buddies shot really low and close to my GWP pup and then did it again to another guy's dog on the same drive. We both came unglued and he just didn't seem to understand. I was done after that, I took my dog to the grasslands for sharptails by myself the rest of the hunt.
I had one buddy tell me that he was a hunting legend...

I was just getting back into archery hunting, and I initially thought I could handle the Legend's ego, so I planned an archery elk hunt with him. He had a short draw and could not pull much weight, so he was limited to fixed blades. With my draw length and poundage, I was quite comfortable with my choice of Grim Reaper mechanicals.

One week before we were going to hunt, he said he could not hunt with someone that used mechanical blades, and I said sayonara to the Legend!
I had a great hunting friend a long time ago. To cut a long story short, he had a serious accident (fell from a first floor window) and had a serious head injury. I stuck by him and supported him while he was in hospital and afterwards. He made a full physical recovery but his mental judgement was impaired. Outwardly he was fine but he couldn't be trusted to be safe with a firearm and he also made some really inappropriate decisions on other stuff that led to difficult situations. Apparently this is common for the type of frontal brain injury that he had. Because he was my best friend I was the one who had to be honest with him and tell him straight what the problems were as he couldn't see them. He didn't take it well and, worse still, a lot of our wider circle of friends took against me for being hard on him. I wish it could have been different but there it is. Haven't seen or spoken to him in years.
Drunks, those who can’t handle a firearm properly, folks who can’t keep up with me, idiots who shoot high-power rifles at songbirds and the water (true story), folks who want to be loud and carry on while in the woods hunting, people obsessed with B&C score to name a few.