Why used prices on here so high?

I tend to post on the optimistic side after putting a car up for sale for $1000 and getting 50 phone calls in the first half hour. I sold it that day, but in hind sight I should have taken it down and posted it the next day for more money.
I usually anticipate a lower offer, so I usually ask a bit more than I am willing to take. I agree that many out there are overly proud of their used gear. I was shopping around for an identical bow release to use as a backup and most of the ones posted on here were over the brand new price on Amazon. It doesn't really bother me, but it makes sense whey some items have been up for sale for months.
Real life and current example. I purchased a bino pouch and harness for $99 in July of 2020. Today the same item lists for $120 (if I opt out of $3 shipping protection and bear the risk of my item being lost or stolen). The maker does not add shipping or sales tax (at least for GA purchasers). I listed the pouch and harness and was paid $85 gross, and after shipping of $24, I netted $61. So the discounts to the buyer could be seen as a range of 14% (compared to what I paid) to 29% (compared to the current price). From my perspective, the discount range is from 38% to 49% based on the same comparisons. Am I OK to continue as a WKR?
Real life and current example. I purchased a bino pouch and harness for $99 in July of 2020. Today the same item lists for $120 (if I opt out of $3 shipping protection and bear the risk of my item being lost or stolen). The maker does not add shipping or sales tax (at least for GA purchasers). I listed the pouch and harness and was paid $85 gross, and after shipping of $24, I netted $61. So the discounts to the buyer could be seen as a range of 14% (compared to what I paid) to 29% (compared to the current price). From my perspective, the discount range is from 38% to 49% based on the same comparisons. Am I OK to continue as a WKR?
Real life and current example. I purchased a bino pouch and harness for $99 in July of 2020. Today the same item lists for $120 (if I opt out of $3 shipping protection and bear the risk of my item being lost or stolen). The maker does not add shipping or sales tax (at least for GA purchasers). I listed the pouch and harness and was paid $85 gross, and after shipping of $24, I netted $61. So the discounts to the buyer could be seen as a range of 14% (compared to what I paid) to 29% (compared to the current price). From my perspective, the discount range is from 38% to 49% based on the same comparisons. Am I OK to continue as a WKR?
Did you ship next day air?
Did you ship next day air?
UPS ground. I refuse to ship USPS due to bad experiences. There is an incredible disparity in shipping costs - and it doesn't appear to just be based on distance. I shipped two knives via UPS - same weight and dimensions. One went to MN and the other to ND. One was twice the cost of the other.
UPS ground. I refuse to ship USPS due to bad experiences. There is an incredible disparity in shipping costs - and it doesn't appear to just be based on distance. I shipped two knives via UPS - same weight and dimensions. One went to MN and the other to ND. One was twice the cost of the other.
I shipped a harness via USPS the other day from Utah to Wisconsin and it was 10 bucks.

Mine was similar to yours. 100 bucks brand new without shipping/tax, sold it for 50 and netted 40. Dude got a hell of a deal on a brand new with tags harness. Guess I had to make up for all the times I have sold items to willing buyers but didnt discount it enough.
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Dude you are fried
You’re willfully ignorant or just too unintelligent for this. Either way, I do not care. You can attack me for speaking truth. That’s fine.
You’re one of the vast majority that attack things they can’t comprehend.
Have a great time being blind-sided.
You’re willfully ignorant or just too unintelligent for this. Either way, I do not care. You can attack me for speaking truth. That’s fine.
You’re one of the vast majority that attack things they can’t comprehend.
Have a great time being blind-sided.
Oh, I love arguments where both sides claim to be speaking "the truth." Give me enough time to get home and start popcorn PLEASE.
I shipped a harness via USPS the other day from Utah to Wisconsin and it was 10 bucks.

Mine was similar to yours. 100 bucks brand new without shipping/tax, sold it for 50 and netted 40. Dude got a hell of a deal on a brand new with tags harness. Guess I had to make up for all the times I have sold items to willing buyers but didnt discount it enough.
I debate continuing to sell to accomplish my purge, as I follow the tracking as closely as when I am the buyer.

I'm still waiting on the resolution of a USPS item that was lost in transit - and trying to find a human to speak to made me just decide to eat it and move to UPS. Those knives I referenced above - the UPS charge for one was $12 (Idaho) and the other $23 (Minnesota). The difference in the distance from me to the two destinations - 7 miles.
I debate continuing to sell to accomplish my purge, as I follow the tracking as closely as when I am the buyer.

I'm still waiting on the resolution of a USPS item that was lost in transit - and trying to find a human to speak to made me just decide to eat it and move to UPS. Those knives I referenced above - the UPS charge for one was $12 (Idaho) and the other $23 (Minnesota). The difference in the distance from me to the two destinations - 7 miles.
I am lucky that there is a small USPS where I work. The guy that runs it bends over backwards to help resolve issues and is super helpful.
USPS sucks ass and has been even worse the last year. I had a package from Ridge Merino (In transit for 45 days) it did show up all beat up. They sent a new package at 30 days, and it showed up before the first. I use our company account and get better prices with FedEx ground and never have issues.
Cost benefit analysis is a thing.

For you, the 10% discount isn't worth buying used for someone that is getting a 25% plus discount it may be. Its an odd concept, I know, but taking into account your own situation and making the best decision for you is a pretty good idea.
Thanks for the lesson, I will take that into consideration going forward.
I can't believe I have to explain this to you...but if you can buy with free ship and no tax, then, by golly, don't buy at the higher prices on Rokslide classified. Pretty simple.

The thought that someone shouldn't consider all costs when making a buying decision seems very weird to me.
Another "Rocket Scientist" response, thanks for your brilliant insight, due to me being simple and naïve this type of input is extremely helpful. It seems this thread has put many people on the defensive which it too bad. I certainly don't expect pennies on the dollar or yard sale prices when I buy something used in good condition, I just want a used price and not a new price. I know, I know - then buy new, I got it!
USPS sucks ass and has been even worse the last year. I had a package from Ridge Merino (In transit for 45 days) it did show up all beat up. They sent a new package at 30 days, and it showed up before the first. I use our company account and get better prices with FedEx ground and never have issues.
USPS is a disaster. I ordered some VPA's, they're in Indiana, me CA. They went from IN to Honolulu where they sat for 4 days before taking another 3 days to get to my local hub then to me.
Another "Rocket Scientist" response, thanks for your brilliant insight, due to me being simple and naïve this type of input is extremely helpful. It seems this thread has put many people on the defensive which it too bad. I certainly don't expect pennies on the dollar or yard sale prices when I buy something used in good condition, I just want a used price and not a new price. I know, I know - then buy new, I got it!
Yea, yea, yea and I could go for some 2012 housing prices right now too.

You asked a question that either A) you knew the answer to, so why would you ask it? or B) didnt like the answer so now its play victim.
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i'm team usps. all about the flat rate boxes and envelopes, esp in hawaii. and OP you can list what your selling for whatever you want, its only worth what someone will pay. if theres no bites they will eventually drop the price.