Classified prices

Who suffers consequences when people overprice barrels and whatever?

A couple notes about Rockslide classifieds:
  • As a Buyer, have never paid a penny too much for anything I've ever bought on RS classifieds
  • As a Seller, I never price greater than item value and always recover a very high percentage of what I originally paid
Consider that used barrels and rifles can justify near/equal/ or higher price than new. (1) When I sell and buy, there's often brass, load dev specs, and dies included in the mix. (2) Rifle part/s scarcity and wait times.
Why am I getting a low ball offer on an item I have posted a reasonable price on and have NOT posted obo?
Over a week listed and still not sold. I am guessing others think your price is too high. Try adding FIRM on your price if you do not want offers.
Why am I getting a low ball offer on an item I have posted a reasonable price on and have NOT posted obo?

You should always entertain every offer if you actually want to move the stuff.

There's some specific instances where certain things sell fast on certain websites (SWFA scopes here) but in general if you're trying to get maximum possible value for something, you're going to have to entertain the offers to determine what that value actually is. The real value is after all only what is the most someone is willing to pay for it.
One thing I have noticed here in perhaps the past year or so is people waiting the seller out, expecting a few bumps down in price even though the price is a very reasonable one. It's kind of sad to see that this has become the "expected" mentality and just one more reason I won't list here. Only way to correct that kind of thinking is for sellers to stick to the initial price listed if it is a reasonable one. Don't fold. I have zero tolerance for head-games and bullshit. Again, it's about respect. I have always paid the asking price if it was reasonable and only once or twice indicated to the seller by DM that I would be willing to pay the current RS "sold" prices if it was listed much higher. In every instance it was honored and we both felt good about it. RS is the best site of this type on the net and we should all work to keep it that way.
I don't look much at used stuff anymore, even for construction tools I rarely do anymore, prices don't reflect the age, use and price of new. I feel in about a year, the used market will actually turn back into a used price market.
Over a week listed and still not sold. I am guessing others think your price is too high. Try adding FIRM on your price if you do not want offers.
I have sold stuff after a month listed for asking price. I have sold stuff on marketplace for more than I had it listed here after no one wanted to purchase it here.
I never said anything about after a week so I do not know how that applies to what you quoted.
I have sold stuff after a month listed for asking price. I have sold stuff on marketplace for more than I had it listed here after no one wanted to purchase it here.
I never said anything about after a week so I do not know how that applies to what you quoted.
Just trying to help you understand why you got a "low ball" offer.... If an item is priced to sell fast, it usually will. If it's not, expect offers if you do not put "firm".
Just trying to help you understand why you got a "low ball" offer.... If an item is priced to sell fast, it usually will, if it's not, expect offers if you do not put "firm".
I got a low ball offer because people behave badly.
People behave badly because they can in today's society.
No thanks.
Aside from that what makes you think i need you to explain anything to me.
I got a low ball offer because people behave badly.
People behave badly because they can in today's society.
No thanks.
Aside from that what makes you think i need you to explain anything to me.
You asked the question....
Why am I getting a low ball offer on an item I have posted a reasonable price on and have NOT posted obo?
I gave you an answer.... Is that not what you wanted?
I have felt that used items across forums are less optimal deals than they used to be.

Not sure if that’s reality or a bias from my end for the cost of new items increasing/me finding better deals etc.

I also think some of the stuff I’m shopping for are more in vogue than they used to be, so the prices are higher.

I’m not buying used for a 10% discount. Getting screwed once makes it not worth it, and I have been.
We have members from different generations where rules and etiquette differ from each other. Pricing philosophy has changed drastically in the last four years due to inflation and demand. The increase in scams. All this together has people on different wavelengths trying to make a deal. Just be polite and think of it like a neighborhood garage sale and not a means to profit. When it comes to minimizing a loss (we’ve all been there) just don’t be upset if you can’t recover as much as you would like to.
Barrels are a really hard sell. First, it's limited to who has that action. Second, it's probably not quite what the person wants regarding twist, length, profile, muzzle threads. To fix one of those things makes a new custom barrel cheaper unless the used barrel is heavily discounted.

I have a barrel right now I wouldn't mind parting with as I'll likely never use it again. But to move it I'm entirely sure I'd have to list it for so little money it's not worth my time to take it to the post office.
Outside an item that is known to hold its value over time, that seems like a reasonable place to start with an offer.

If I'm not getting 50% off most items or at a minimum 25% off the best price I can find on items that hold their value, buying used isn't worth the potential headaches.
What I'm saying is, guy has something listed a great price and then someone comes along and wants to pay even less than that. It's fine to ask, but I've literally had something listed for say $20.00 and a buyer will be like "you take $10.00 for it. " I usually counter with you pay shipping and the fees. Never hear from them again.
I'm always willing to deal and will usually cut deals if you buy more than one thing from me. Some people just want things for free.