Why used prices on here so high?

High prices, keep the riff raff out. If the prices are too high, it's really simple, do not buy it. There has been plenty of items I wanted, but thought they were overpriced for used. Move on, offer him less thru a private message or do not buy it. Seems straight forward
When it comes to clothing I tend to buy the best I can afford and never anything trendy. I like stuff that literally last forever. When I was an CO of the MSG detachment at the London Embassy my wife thought I was crazy paying 450.00 for a Barbour Jacket but 25 years later it's still in pristine condition and I wear it daily during winter both to work and in the field. Buy quality stuff that lasts and never goes out of style and you won't ever fall prey to marketing gimmicks. These companies know men will pay small fortunes for their outdoor gear and most of this stuff is crap quality.
These threads are a great lesson for newer guys wanting to start a thread- think very carefully before hitting the post reply button.

Hint- pissing and moaning about the prices on the classifieds isn’t going to go to well. Also if you lost an archery kill deer to only have it taken by someone else, just keep it to yourself :D
i'm team usps. all about the flat rate boxes and envelopes, esp in hawaii. and OP you can list what your selling for whatever you want, its only worth what someone will pay. if theres no bites they will eventually drop the price.
I think it depends on where you live. My mother in law lives in New Orleans and she goes for days without receiving mail, and incoming bills and outgoing birthday cards go missing completely. And the USPS personnel don’t seem to give a $hit.
I think it depends on where you live. My mother in law lives in New Orleans and she goes for days without receiving mail, and incoming bills and outgoing birthday cards go missing completely. And the USPS personnel don’t seem to give a $hit.
Unfortunately, this is the case with a lot of things. Its why you cant get too married to one company or brand. There are two tire shops here in town owned by the same company. One on the North end and one on the South end. The North one sucks, the guy that runs it is shady as **** and a complete asshole. The one on the South was ran by an honest, caring man and it was the best tire shop I have ever dealt with. He got promoted to a bigger store and now they both suck.
Memes are for mindless children.
I have no dog in this fight, but if you are trying to deal hunt I'd start with refining your criteria.
Look for:

1) Older posts (for example page 30 is the start of week old posts)
2) Posts with low replies.
3) Once you find an item you like, offer what you think is fair see if they take it

This is more effort but you can get some real gems.
You're extremely unlikely to find top tier gear for pennies but you can definitely get what you need if you work at it.
