Why the 7mm prc hate ?

Meh, shooters build what they want, they don’t rely on factory guns.

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Clearly that’s not true. I would bet money the people I hunt and shoot with shoot as many, or more rounds per year than any group alive. Before the 6.5cm and 6cm everyone had multiple “custom” rifles and reloaded heavily. Since, nah. Factory Tikkas in 6.5’s and prefits for 6mm, and most shoot factory ammo for everything including matches. Those that reload for matches, almost all use factory as practice ammo. I know lots of people that do the same. Even those that don’t use factory ammo, generally choose cartridges that they can readily get great factory ammo for.
The PRC cartridges are developed for high BC bullets and long range shooting. Only at 500 or so yards do you start to see their advantages. Just like boat tail vs flat base bullets. Under 200-250 yards you are potentially better off with a flat base bullet. And boat tails are more sensitive to less than perfect conditions in the barrel or at the muzzle.

PRC cartridges and high BC bullets are a niche. Long range over 600 yards. Hunting bullet selection, if you’re ethical and don’t use match bullets for hunting, are very limited and perform in more limited situations. A bullet that can perform well at 50 - 350 yards is a reality compared to one that performs well at 50- 1000 yards (that bullet doesn’t exist).

I have nothing against PRC cartridges and like the innovation of them and high BC bullets. Maybe the “hate” comes in because to many users think, and talk like, it turns them into a 1000 yard killer When in reality, in a hunting environment, they are just taking potshots at animals. But that’s not the cartridge or bullets fault.
It's only taking potshots of you don't know what you're doing.
They went with a retardedly tight chamber witn all the PRCs, basically the case head expands and can't be sized down enough after several firings for the bolt to close easily (Look up Clickers).
Not a problem for factory ammo guys but it's a bitch if you hand load, they're good rounds but underwhelming for anyone who knows how to load their own.

This is the kind of stuff I find nauseating though..
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Not sure I agree. I'm on reload #10 with my brass right now. No signs of pitting or case head separation. Primer pockets are still good too. Haven't had any issues closing the action.