Why the 7mm prc hate ?

I hear both sides of this from people I know. Two disclaimers. I live in the southeast and hunt whitetails 99% of the time. The other being that I don’t have any friends who reload or are really into rifles.

It doesn’t matter what new calibers come out, they’ll never be as good as the 30 year old hand-me-down rifle with a $40 bushnell mounted on top that gets shot so little, they’re using the same ammo that was bought with the rifle.

I love all the new calibers and rifles that come out and I acknowledge the advantages that they have over older things, but in my small circle, people don’t shoot or care enough to upgrade. When they kill deer at less than 100 yards every year they’re not gonna jump to buy a new rifle every year and would rather scream that it’s a trend and won’t last and won’t kill them any deader than what they have. There’s some truth to it, but the hate for new cartridges is silly. I have a buddy who swears a .270 won’t kill a deer and you won’t change his mind. I have another buddy who opted to buy 180 grain loads for his 30-06 this past season and his reasoning was “more knock-down power” and he wanted to “kill them faster”.

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I have hunted with 7rm for 25+ years. My trusty ruger was due for a rebarrel so I am going 7prc. I know the difference isn't significant, but I like the idea of shooting heavier pills. I'm sure that's 75 percent placebo.

I dont think I hear a lot of hate for the cartridge, just a lot of hate for the hype and the "hornady marketing machine."
I dont think I hear a lot of hate for the cartridge, just a lot of hate for the hype and the "hornady marketing machine."
Exactly…the new cartridges ARE better, incremental progress IS good, but the hype would have you believe this was taking hunters from stone arrowheads to the 23rd century, or that you can buy your way to 1000yards without practicing. The hate is around the hype, its just easier to blame the poster child.
Before getting your granny panties riled up, "yes, shooter skill" comes into play...

Want a true 1000+ yard killer? Grab the 7 PRC. Want a cartridge to hunt anything in NA for most hunting scenarios? Go with the 7mm RM or 7 PRC. Want a cartridge to hunt the world? Grab the 7mm RM as you will likely be able to find ammo in BFE.

Folks would be better served worrying about themselves and what they can control rather than what some ass hats think and crap they have zero control over.
The hate comes from people that have no idea how business works. To stay in business a company has to grow sales every year over the previous one. A large portion of most growth comes from introducing new products. They all won't be successful and some will cannibalize existing lines. But when you introduce new product you get a sales boost filling the pipeline. Most retailers will order the new stuff to put on the shelf.
Hornady gets a large amount of hate because some, lets say less than brilliant people, believe they are being harmed by the "marketing" of new products. When in reality Hornady just wants to be profitable, grow, and be in business next the next year.
There are not a lot of companies that make the stuff shooters use, if Hornady were concentrating on the legacy cartridges they would be gone with no one to fill the void.
So THANK YOU Hornady for making the stuff I use. Like 218 Bee brass- a cartridge that has not been chambered in rifles in any quantity for decades. And for quickly building a custom size die for a custom rifle I had built last year. And for having more bullets on the shelf than ALL other bullet companies combined.
Haters are gonna hate, but I would bet they would hate to see Hornady stop being successful!
The hunt back country podcast with one of the hornady guys answers alot of questions for people asking why. I was in the camp of it being another annoying cartridge duplicate until listening to that podcast. I also had this conversation with my hunting partner building a 7 prc, he said it was just a turn key option for a Tikka action with a chamberbing set up for a heavy hornady bullet and a twist rate to accommodate said bullet. I hate to say it but I agree with him, we pretty much exclusively run hornady bullets for long range and that chambering is set up for the 175 eldx and 180 eldm.

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It’s because minor differences in cartridge selection have no impact to hunters 99% of the time, most hunters are low volume shooters and it fosters biases built on small amounts of anecdotal experience.

Also with the latest generation of cartridges being slower (more efficient) than the wiz bang new cartridge introductions of Nosler/Weatherby/RUM’s from the previous few decades which were just bigger faster stronger a lot of casual shooters are confused by what they are for.
I don't know what hate you're talking about, but I can understand being annoyed by the constant marketing acting like every new cartridge is revolutionizing the industry. I get it, companies have gotta try to do new stuff to stay relevant, but the hype is getting old. I feel like its less about an individual cartridge getting hate as it is people bitching at cringy ads with cherry-picked data.
My 7mm PRC should be finished soon and I can’t wait. I have other .284 cartridges and set this rifle up as a more modern hunting rig with CF barrel, ARCA plate, Atlas bipod, Kahles MOAK, TBAC UL7, etc…..may not be super hyped compared to other rounds but I like the idea of the thought out characteristics of the design and intend it to be my go to deer setup. …..already thinking about a shorter 6.5 PRC for the next build!
Its not going anywhere!! And it's arrived
That was very much tongue in cheek, it does pretty much the same thing I have to hand load to non SAAMI length, won't fit a standard long action 7mm RM. I love the idea of a turn key factory setup that does the same thing, and may not have started hand loading if this had been an option. I'm sure it will be "the" performance 7mm cartridge going forward for quite some time.
In my opinion it falls into:

Fudds who think anything other than 30-06 is unnecessary.

People that take brand loyalty to the extreme.

People that don’t dig into the finer details of things like why or how it was designed and what it does compared to xyz.
Don't get me wrong, I prefer a faster twist, but how heavy to people want to go in a .284? 195 eols minimum is 1:9.
I get it if it's for lathe spun monos.