Why shouldn’t I get the Trijicon TenMile?

I've had that Tenmile 3-18x44 scope. Great one if you're set on those features. I switched it out for a Credo just because I liked the smaller size and I really didn't need FFP.
The Tenmile at that mag range was a nice scope, but the reticle is extremely thin and hard to see under about 6X which is typical hunting mag range for most I suspect. I sent it back because I found it hard to see the reticle quickly at low mag. If you are mainly using it at 8X and higher it seems like a nice option.
Fantastic scope. Except do yourself a favor and buy it in Mil!! Comments have been made about how long the scope is, but in my opinion that does more good than bad. Allows for a lot of mounting area so you can get the scope relief just right.
Fantastic scope. Except do yourself a favor and buy it in Mil!! Comments have been made about how long the scope is, but in my opinion that does more good than bad. Allows for a lot of mounting area so you can get the scope relief just right.
And you can use Hawkins hybrids on a long action. I was originally going to go with the 2.5-10 NXS on my 280AI, but didn’t want to use a rail. I think the tenmile is a better scope for my purposes anyway, so it worked out.
I have the Tenmile HX 3-18. Can’t complain about it any. Turrets are more positive than the shv and eurooptic.com has some great deals on the trijicons right now for under $1000
I got mine for 740.00 on euro optic, I really like it. I put mine on a 300wm and shot it out to 500 or so quite a bit this winter. It’s not FFP but it’s set to work on 9x if you want to use holdovers. I’ve dialed it a lot and havnt babied it, it’s a great scope.
I had the TenMile HX and swapped it for the NF SHV F1.

Pros and cons to both.

NF is heavier, by quite a bit.

NF has a 50mm bell, which is noticeable over the 44mm, for me at least.

After that there’s a lot of personal preference. Reticles are different. Upper end zoom is different. Zero stops are different.

Both are excellent scopes. Glass is comparable. Durability is probably a draw.

I’m pretty happy with my SHV, but I wouldn’t mind if it went on a diet and shaved 6-8oz off.

You can’t go wrong either way.

Good comparison - I have both the tenmile and the SHV F1 and this is a good comparison.

The zero stop, reticle, and illumination are better the the tenmile.

I do notice the 50mm on the SHV as well.

IMO the tenmile is the better hunting scope due to weight... I noticed with my SHV, my lightweight rifle fealt too top heavy, but with the tenmile, it fealt more balanced.

I like the 20MOA per rotation of the tenmile. I like the 90 MOA of the SHV, but on my 7 PRC, with a 20 MOA rail, still get 50 MOA internal adjustmemt out of the tenmile.

The tenmile also comes with really great accessories - that are worth $100 or so... Adds to the value.

Both are great!

I have the SHV on a bench gun and tenmile on a hunting gun.

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I’ve been using one for a couple months with no complaints thus far.
Glass is comparable to others you mentioned.
Mechanics are positive and track reliably.
if anybody isn't using the tenebrex scope covers that comes with the 50mm obj and would sell it please lmk my buddy lost mine as it popped off when i loaned him my rifle couple weeks ago. I have just enough clearance for the tenebrex, rubber ones wont work thx
if anybody isn't using the tenebrex scope covers that comes with the 50mm obj and would sell it please lmk my buddy lost mine as it popped off when i loaned him my rifle couple weeks ago. I have just enough clearance for the tenebrex, rubber ones wont work thx

Shoot me a pm
i got two of the 4x24 tenmiles on sale from eurooptic. very happy. I like more mag on the upper end. just feel more confident. if it's under 300 i just shoot on 12 power and halve what i need to dial.

Dialing isn’t affected by focal plane 6 mils on a turret is still 6 mils regardless if you have first or second focal plane
Dialing isn’t affected by focal plane 6 mils on a turret is still 6 mils regardless if you have first or second focal plane

He's not talking about what you think he is. SFP subtends differently at magnification. FFP is the same all the way thru. When you measure by reticle you'd better know what mag you're on if its SFP and how it subtends. That will tell you how much to dial.
He's not talking about what you think he is. SFP subtends differently at magnification. FFP is the same all the way thru. When you measure by reticle you'd better know what mag you're on if its SFP and how it subtends. That will tell you how

He's not talking about what you think he is. SFP subtends differently at magnification. FFP is the same all the way thru. When you measure by reticle you'd better know what mag you're on if its SFP and how it subtends. That will tell you how much to dial.
I’m well aware the reticle on rear focal plane optics are affected by the magnification. He may have been referring to ranging with the reticle but that’s not what he said so I guess we are to assume ? besides who ranges with reticles these days ? It’s a good tool when you know the exact size of your target and it’s all you have but if you’re guessing and wrong then you could very well miss not to mention a quality laser rangefinder can be had for a couple hundred bucks these days but to each their own.