Low light comparison of 17 scopes

For my use, hunting being the end focus but a whole lot of shooting because I enjoy it, I desire thicker outer and thinner inner.

I've had thick inner plex cover limbs/twigs in cover. I've had thin outer posts get lost in low light/thick cover.

I dislike any wider spacing than 10 mil (5x5, basic mildot/milquad) from outer post to outer post. Perfection of outer post spacing is Tangent Theta's 7 mil post to post (3.5 mil per side). It leaves plenty of windage (for me) while helping to bracket.

I prefer 4 equally spaced outer posts. It's not an absolute...none of these are, but I've had a couple of low light opportunities using SWFA's milquad where deer stepped into an ag field with a dark background of cedar trees immediately behind them. A lower post would have been helpful showing up against the lighter colored field...but the shot could still be made in those cases.

A floating dot, like Maven's SHR Mil, with inner bracket starting at .5 mil is really nice.

Illumination should be very low and a minimal amount of the reticle should be illuminated. Perfection is only a floating dot.

This is just my opinion and preferences for use in any situation, light condition, background/cover, distance....and use on target/practice.
That TT, LRH MRAD reticle looks nice. Good spacing, bold outer posts. Price tag is a bit much though.

For my budget the Trijicon Huron BDC works. I could do without the useless windage hashes, and make outer posts bolder and closer together.

I guess there is a reason manufacturers are still making German #4 reticles.
The solution to lowlight is illumination and really good binoculars. I’m counting points and guessing age through my binos to find my animal. The rifle just needs a dim dot and the ability to present me a good view of the chest profile so I can park my bullet where it needs to go.
That said, I buy a lot of upper mid tier glass because I enjoy getting new stuff and I’m fortunate enough to be able to do it, not because I think it really makes the difference between success and failure. Looking through good coatings is just nicer.
This may be a dumb question....I've only owned the SWFA 6x and 10x. Is there any reason you couldn't buy one of the new SWFA 3-15x and leave it at say 6x or 8x and never mess with the zoom? Would it work as well as the fixed 6x in these tests?

If the objective size, parallax adj/no adj, lens quality, lens coatings, reticle dimensions, eye relief, and FOV were exactly the same between 2 scopes - one fixed, one adjustable - all while on the same x...then the fixed power scope will have a brighter image. A % of light is lost on every lens. A fixed power scope has fewer lenses. Less light lost through lenses results in a brighter image.

This isn't a statement for/against either type of scope. It's just an answer to the "as well" question. There's "as well" and "well enough".
If budget was no option. What scope would yall go with?
This one: https://rokslide.com/forums/threads/would-you-buy-this-scope.373983/


But you might want to look in this other thread, rather than clutter the current one: https://rokslide.com/forums/threads/the-perfect-hunting-scope.367740/page-6

Just beware that thread contains some not great recommendations, such as Zeiss, Leupold, and Vortex.

As I said in that thread, between the following, there's nothing you can't really do - and all are 1) reliable and 2) have good reticles for hunting:

  • SWFA 3-9 x 42 (19.84 oz / 562 g stated weight)
  • Maven RS1.2 2.5-15 x 44, SHR-MIL reticle (26.4 oz / 748 g stated weight)
  • Minox ZP5 5-25 x 56, THLR reticle (32 oz / 907 g stated weight)
If budget was no option. What scope would yall go with?
Minox zp5 thlr. It’s not the lightest, and certainly not cheap. But seems to be the best short to long range option out there.
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That TT, LRH MRAD reticle looks nice. Good spacing, bold outer posts. Price tag is a bit much though.

For my budget the Trijicon Huron BDC works. I could do without the useless windage hashes, and make outer posts bolder and closer together.

I guess there is a reason manufacturers are still making German #4 reticles.
Im with you on this. My next scope will be a Trijicon Huron 2.5-10. I like that it's made in Japan and has a good price point. SIMPLE is the name of the game for me.
Good testing and very informative. I've compared severel of my scopes extensively in low light side by side. Low light shooting is very important for me as a large proportion of the animals I cull are after sundown/almost completely dark. My Minox zp5 5-25x56 is marginally better than my ZCO 4-20x50 but it's close. My ZCO 5-27x56 is better then my Minox zp5 5-25x56 in low light. I've also seen significant differences in optics between the same manufacturer. I have an early version of the S&B Ultrashort 5-20 and optically it's ok but nothing special. I've been shooting a new Ultrashort 3-20x50 for the last 6 months and optically its phenomenal. Its low light performance is significantly better than my Minox zp5 5-25x56 which surprised me. The illumination is also excellent and designed for very low light shooting with the 1st few settings almost invisible in complete darkness.
Any data on NF scopes lighting?
I can only comment on my NF 5-20 SHV model. I was a bit frustrated with the near dark performance elk hunting this year. Really have to back off the magnification and the crosshairs are hard to see. Not as good optically as the Leupold HD VX5 I had prior, but at least the NF held zero.
I can only comment on my NF 5-20 SHV model. I was a bit frustrated with the near dark performance elk hunting this year. Really have to back off the magnification and the crosshairs are hard to see. Not as good optically as the Leupold HD VX5 I had prior, but at least the NF held zero.
I have the NXS 3.5x15 with a lighted crosshair and jumped from a failed vx5 as well. I never had them both at the same time to compare.
I’ve done a lot of low light comparisons and came to the same conclusion that the majority of scopes (even down the 32mm obj) have good enough light gathering that being able to see the reticle and aim is the limiting factor.

Something weird I have notice on more than one occasion is that SFP scopes with wire reticle (specifically not etched ones) seem to stand out best on very dark targets.
My LRHS G2h reticle stands out very well in low light, but agains very very targets (black cattle) the reticle blends in and is impossible to the centre of.

My Burris FF2 3-9 by comparison has considerably worse glass, with a yellowish tinge to it, but under the same lighting conditions the reticle still stands out against a black target. I tried the same thing with a 1-6 LVPO with a wire reticle and it also stood out well.

The 1-6 (PST Gen2) has much better glass than the FF2 so I don’t believe the glass is what made the difference.
Comparing a SFP scope with a fine etched reticle doesn’t exhibit this behavior so I think it’s due the wire reticle.

Out of interest, the worst low light scope I’ve ever used was a VX5hd 3-15x44 with the Impact 29 reticle. The glass was fine and could see plenty of detail, but the reticle just disappeared, it was worse than any FFP scope I have ever used.
Thanks @Formidilosus for doing this.
I have two comments:
- have you noticed a difference between reticle colour against the (mostly) black background? I have used Leupold VX3 against Zeiss and it lot on definition, but it gain in shootability at last light due to a brownish hue the reticle had, seemingly reflecting light (coming from the ocular ?).
- when shooting against a snowy background, the 4A reticle faired well (3 thick lines) but when the background was dark and the sky still had some little light, I found that the upper vertical portion of the reticle was most useful, since it allowed me to center the target and then focus on the horizontal alignment. Deer under 100m, quick acquisition situation.
