Why does First Lite Customer Service suck?

First Lite's always been good to me, quick to respond to questions about gear, and I had a package from them stolen off my porch that they replaced immediately
They saw your crocs and made assumptions about what team you were on....
Side story… I was wearing a Pink Floyd, Dark Side of The Moon t-shirt and some green haired gender fluid type said, oh I like your shirt. I turned and said this short is NOT what you think it is.
As far as customer service goes I have never been let down by Orvis, LL Bean, Sitka or USAA. I broke a Orvis fly rod and actually had a new rod sent to me before I could even get the damaged one sent back. Same for LL Bean. I had a defective zipper on a fly vest and received a new one before I could get the defective back in the mail.
I had an issue with first lite customer service a couple years ago. To preface, it was my fault, I ordered several items on sale, two sizes of each item(first time ordering from them and solidly between sizes). I breezed over their return policy and assumed I could return the ones that didn't fit.

Products came in, tried everything on, kept half($600 worth of gear) and initiated a return. Customer service asked me what was wrong with them, I said, nothing I just ordered two of each because I was between sizes. They then informed me because they were bought on sale and not defective, they were not eligible for return.

I calmly explained to the rep(sounded like a kid) that I was about to yell and curse and know I am not mad at him, but his company and their policies. I went on a rant threatening to slam them on every social media outlet and that I would never buy a single article again. The rep put me on hold, came back 30 seconds later, approved the return apologized and emailed me a free shipping label.

What frustrates me is that one, I understand if someone orders stuff and returns everything, you are wasting their time and money for zero revenue, but I made a significant purchase, I shouldn't have to rant to be able to do a return, even if it costs me money for label, it should be standard. Two they clearly have the ability to do the right thing, it took him thirty seconds to clear it with whoever. Why do I have to raise my blood pressure and slam some kid on the phone for someone to make it right. Just fix the policy.

I do still order from them for select things but I tend to buy more from other retailers. I have had great customer service from Exo, Stone Glacier, Filson, Go Hunt, Backcountry. Most other retailers, particularly ones that specialize in online sales go above and beyond, match sale prices, credit on a purchase if something went on sale after I bought(go hunt), re ship damaged even before I return the original(Exo). I try to prioritize buying from companies that have gone above and beyond to help me out with any issues.
FL should have just thrown the beanie in the box w/ the order. Doesn't matter who is right or wrong, but a happy customer is a repeat customer.

@danny6172, I also would have called and asked them to honor the code after the fact. Was your mistake though, and it didn't pan out. That doesn't rise to the level of CS sucking.
FL should have just thrown the beanie in the box w/ the order. Doesn't matter who is right or wrong, but a happy customer is a repeat customer.

@danny6172, I also would have called and asked them to honor the code after the fact. Was your mistake though, and it didn't pan out. That doesn't rise to the level of CS sucking.
I called them twice and spoke to two different people asking if they would honor the promo and got told to kick rocks by both of them. Not an ounce of effort was made to help me. I don’t think I was asking for much but a lot of people on here thought I was out of line.

I try to prioritize buying from companies that have gone above and beyond to help me out with any issues.
Exactly. REI may not have the best standing with rokslide but my experience with their customer service was 1000 times better compared to FL.
I have been after them for years for those semi nude photos of ole cal they promised me. Nada. Nothing.

I tried the FL train a year ago after pretty much only owning Sitka. I found the build quality far below that of Sitkas. I had a couple questions for CS and a return. Took weeks to get a response. I moved on. Sitka for me has arguably the best gear in the hunting market.

To the OP. I find it completely reasonable to ask for the beanie. Sorry to hear that FL didn’t realize a simple gesture could have secured a life long customer.
I order a lot from FL and have a ton of stickers, so when they forgot to put one with my order, i said "no biggie".

A couple days later, i get a packaged envelope from FirstLite with one single sticker inside. I never called them about it or anything. I thought that was kinda cool.
I placed an order last week for a couple pair of pants. ( First time FL customer)
Package arrived this week with one pair along with the promo free beanie & decal.

I wondered if possibly the other pair would be arriving separately, however the
packing slip said 2 pairs shipped.

I gave a call which was answered in short order by a young lady (Lauren, whose native language is English!!) and after checking my order said "Only one package was sent. Shipping must have screwed up. We'll send another pair right out , no charge of course".

Assuming it arrives (I have no reason to doubt) I have to give FL a hearty 5 STAR rating.

Oh, and the pants look good.
Imagine with me, if you will, you've packed in 20 miles and you glass through your 85mm Swaro spotting scope for 15 days. All of a sudden, 20 minutes before last light, on the last day, you see THE BOAL. You pick your way through 4800 feet of elevation change in brutal mountain terrain on a 7 hour stalk. You have complete the most perfectest stalk of all time, the wind is completely in your favor, you haven't made a sound; then you peak over the ridge and the buck is 23 yards away bedded - BUT all of a sudden the bucks head swings around looking directly at you and like that he is up and gone over the mountain, never to be seen again. What happened? You reach up and realize you didn't enter the coupon code at black friday checkout and therefore didn't receive and therefore you aren't wearing your Made in China First Lite Free Beanie with Every Purchase with Coupon Code "FREEBEANIE" Beanie. You realize without that beanie the deer must have caught a shimmer of light off your hair. You raise your fists to the sky and release a high pitched scream that can be heard for many drainages. Are you yelling at God? The child slave that made the beanie you didn't receive? First Lite customer service? Not even you know, but you will let everyone on Rokslide know since you missed out on finally getting to post a picture of a dead animal on Instagram.
Imagine with me, if you will, you've packed in 20 miles and you glass through your 85mm Swaro spotting scope for 15 days. All of a sudden, 20 minutes before last light, on the last day, you see THE BOAL. You pick your way through 4800 feet of elevation change in brutal mountain terrain on a 7 hour stalk. You have complete the most perfectest stalk of all time, the wind is completely in your favor, you haven't made a sound; then you peak over the ridge and the buck is 23 yards away bedded - BUT all of a sudden the bucks head swings around looking directly at you and like that he is up and gone over the mountain, never to be seen again. What happened? You reach up and realize you didn't enter the coupon code at black friday checkout and therefore didn't receive and therefore you aren't wearing your Made in China First Lite Free Beanie with Every Purchase with Coupon Code "FREEBEANIE" Beanie. You realize without that beanie the deer must have caught a shimmer of light off your hair. You raise your fists to the sky and release a high pitched scream that can be heard for many drainages. Are you yelling at God? The child slave that made the beanie you didn't receive? First Lite customer service? Not even you know, but you will let everyone on Rokslide know since you missed out on finally getting to post a picture of a dead animal on Instagram.
Good story but I am sure it was the steam coming off his head the bull saw! Had the beanie been on it would have contained the steam.
Good story but I am sure it was the steam coming off his head the bull saw! Had the beanie been on it would have contained the steam.
The steam from being so upset at the customer service person who would not send him the Made in China First Lite Free Beanie with Every Purchase with Coupon Code "FREEBEANIE" Beanie
I placed an order last week for a couple pair of pants. ( First time FL customer)
Package arrived this week with one pair along with the promo free beanie & decal.

I wondered if possibly the other pair would be arriving separately, however the
packing slip said 2 pairs shipped.

I gave a call which was answered in short order by a young lady (Lauren, whose native language is English!!) and after checking my order said "Only one package was sent. Shipping must have screwed up. We'll send another pair right out , no charge of course".

Assuming it arrives (I have no reason to doubt) I have to give FL a hearty 5 STAR rating.

Oh, and the pants look good.
Had the same thing happen to me this week. Received package last Saturday, called on Monday and received missing item to my door on Wednesday.
I get the impression that OP is the type of guy to eat 15oz of a 16oz ribeye at Texas Roadhouse and then try to send it back because it was overcooked.
The steam from being so upset at the customer service person who would not send him the Made in China First Lite Free Beanie with Every Purchase with Coupon Code "FREEBEANIE" Beanie
Enough with the “made in china” comments. We have a few threads about the subject where it’s appropriate to discuss. Here it just doesn’t fit the context of the thread.