Why are 10 year old threads being resurrected?

A while ago I noticed noticed that. There’s a “similar threads” list at the bottom of the screen. My guess is that it’s sorted by relevance, not date. People are probably just clicking on them because of the topic.
People are always encouraged to search before posting. (This forum is the first I've used which suggests threads based on your proposed thread title which is cool.)

If I find a thread (here or elsewhere), and it's old, I hesitate to post, but heck, if it's on the very subject, then why not I figure.
I was one of the guilty ones today. I did it to find some help in NM, so I searched NM and posted in an old thread. I got a very helpful pm within hours that answered my questions and I didn’t have to start a new post for something simple. Just my 2 cents.
Yours wasn’t the one that I noticed.

There were 6 threads on page 1 earlier this afternoon all from 2012 with a simple “welcome”.