Why am I always tired?

Jul 22, 2018
There are some obvious reasons. I've got 5 kids under 8. I'm a farrier. I crossfit at 6 AM most days. And I understand that those are generally good reasons for a person to be tired. However, I need a better answer.

I'm 36 years old. I eat healthy and balanced meals. I usually get 7-8 hours of good sleep per night. I drink tons of water. I'm happy and satisfied with life and marriage (not depression). But I'm exhausted every dang day. Even on a Saturday, when I sleep in and don't workout, I'm ready for a nap by 11 AM. And if I do nap, which is rare, I can sleep for like 2 hours, and then be ready for bed by 8:30 that night.

I've had people tell me that it's just part of getting older, or part of raising kids. But I want a better answer. I have lots of friends in the same stage of life, with a similar lifestyle, that aren't as tired as me.

Anybody else out there that's extra sleepy? Better yet, anybody that used to be and has discovered some solutions or lifestyle changes that helped?
There are some obvious reasons. I've got 5 kids under 8. I'm a farrier. I crossfit at 6 AM most days. And I understand that those are generally good reasons for a person to be tired. However, I need a better answer.

I'm 36 years old. I eat healthy and balanced meals. I usually get 7-8 hours of good sleep per night. I drink tons of water. I'm happy and satisfied with life and marriage (not depression). But I'm exhausted every dang day. Even on a Saturday, when I sleep in and don't workout, I'm ready for a nap by 11 AM. And if I do nap, which is rare, I can sleep for like 2 hours, and then be ready for bed by 8:30 that night.

I've had people tell me that it's just part of getting older, or part of raising kids. But I want a better answer. I have lots of friends in the same stage of life, with a similar lifestyle, that aren't as tired as me.

Anybody else out there that's extra sleepy? Better yet, anybody that used to be and has discovered some solutions or lifestyle changes that helped?

Get your hormones checked. If it's some where in that area, then it could be anything from thyroid to testosterone to whatever. But it sounds like you've got everything else very well dialed in.

You dealing with long covid at all, by any chance?
I'm right there now too. 5 years ago I was running with the guys 25 years younger on the hill. Today I'm beat and losing every bit of badassery I have amassed in my life.

Mine tanked hard at 44 yo.
My BIL naps every day at the same time. He’s in great shape and is a chiropractor. For him, I think it’s more of a habit than a need. He’s is, what I can tell, perfect shape (physically and mentally) and just likes his quiet time which I think and married person can understand with young children. Your body needs rests.
Get your hormones checked. If it's some where in that area, then it could be anything from thyroid to testosterone to whatever. But it sounds like you've got everything else very well dialed in.

You dealing with long covid at all, by any chance?
I hadn't considered long covid. I think I've probably had covid a couple times over the last 4 years. How does a person go about figuring out if they're dealing with long covid?