Why am I always tired?

Why be twisting it up? Do you want us to try and help or not? Genuine question.
My sarcasm never comes across as well on the interweb. The point of this post is to get professional rokslide help about why I'm tired, not to tell everyone that I do crossfit, even though I do a lot of crossfit.
Do you take vitamins at all? Could be low on something like vitamin D. That happened to me at about your age was in the spring/early summer we had a long winter and my vitamin d levels were very low. I would just go get a physical explain to your dr what your dealing with and I would think they would know what to test for. I would think the other things said and vitamin d would be good to look into.
I should look into taking more vitamins.
if it hasn't been mentioned, go see your Dr. and explain what's going on then demand to be scheduled for a 100% complete work up. If you just have a standard physical, there may be something which was overlooked. my sister died because the Dr. didn't listen to her complaints until it was too late. Get it done right away, if not for you, then do it for your family. I didn't intend to put the fear of god in you, or anyone else, but sometimes nothing else works.
I was going through the same thing at 30. Had my testosterone checked and was severely low. Fixed that with injections and have been great ever since. Only down side is the injection I have to give myself regularly. It does cost money, but it’s worth every penny.