Who’s running alpaca socks? Durability?

I wear alpaca socks from late November until early March. I started wearing them last year with my work boots. I work outside all day, five days a week. I tried merino socks from Costco and they would lose elasticity and fall down and start bunching up on my feet and around my toes. I wear waterproof Irish setter cowboy boots with ankle high alpaca socks and they are flippin awesome. They stay where they should and they are super warm and wick sweat away from your skin. One other cool thing is the socks don't stink even after working 12 hours. Before the alpaca socks I'd have to switch to Sorel pac boots when the temps would dip below freezing during the day. Now with the alpacas I don't use the PAC boots, my toes stay toasty. Don't laugh but I got mine off of woman's Amazonish website. Bunch of earthy crap and jewelry. I'll look it up later. I've ordered like 8 pair and have my wife using them now. She runs 4 miles a day 365 unless there's ice.
I wear alpaca socks from late November until early March. I started wearing them last year with my work boots. I work outside all day, five days a week. I tried merino socks from Costco and they would lose elasticity and fall down and start bunching up on my feet and around my toes. I wear waterproof Irish setter cowboy boots with ankle high alpaca socks and they are flippin awesome. They stay where they should and they are super warm and wick sweat away from your skin. One other cool thing is the socks don't stink even after working 12 hours. Before the alpaca socks I'd have to switch to Sorel pac boots when the temps would dip below freezing during the day. Now with the alpacas I don't use the PAC boots, my toes stay toasty. Don't laugh but I got mine off of woman's Amazonish website. Bunch of earthy crap and jewelry. I'll look it up later. I've ordered like 8 pair and have my wife using them now. She runs 4 miles a day 365 unless there's ice.
The website is Etsy. I also just throw them straight into the wash like regular cotton. I have 3 pair that are 2 years old and they are still kicking like new. They actually get softer as they age and get washed. When the sock are new they are a little stiff. After a couple of washings and wearing them they start to get super soft and fluffy.
I use alpaca socks exclusively for hiking and hunting. Homemade by my sister in law. Hot water is not your friend, do not put in a dryer. I simply do not wash them, rinse, air dry and repeat. I can wring out water in late october, feet are still warm. Ultimate wool!
I use alpaca socks exclusively for hiking and hunting. Homemade by my sister in law. Hot water is not your friend, do not put in a dryer. I simply do not wash them, rinse, air dry and repeat. I can wring out water in late october, feet are still warm. Ultimate wool!
Ya the lady that sold me the socks at the alpaca farm said basically mild shampoo in cold/luke warm water in a bowl, let them soak, agitate with fingers, rinse, air dry on flat surface
I just ordered some from purely alpaca. Looks like a small farm trying to make it. Definitely enjoy trying to support those type of businesses.

My feet don’t stink or get tore up wearing cotton socks in work boots for long hours six days a week.

However, when I put on the kenetrek merino socks it r Costco for an extended period of time, It the most foul smell ever!

Pretty excited to try these out on a five day hunt coming up.
Alpaca of Montana is where I got mine. Ove them last winter for my work boots with steel toes.
Pretty excited to try them out later next month on a mule deer hun. Glad I run into this topic as it reminded me to order another pair.

I have a couple pair of alpaca. I also have a bunch of Smartwool. To be honest, I cannot tell the difference. I like them all.
So I’m wanting to try some out. Whose the best brand or farm to buy from? Anybody local to Idaho by chance?

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So I’m wanting to try some out. Whose the best brand or farm to buy from? Anybody local to Idaho by chance?

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Check out Alpaca of Montana.
I liked their felt insoles also. Made a big difference standing on cold concrete floors last winter. It stopped the heat loss through the bottom of my boots.