Alpaca wool is better than merino.....

I'm also curious on the differences in real world performance between the 70% and the 100%. Looking to order a pair to test during the winter months, but not sure which one to get.
I believe the Mongolian Camel Wool that I ordered was 100%
I'm actually planning to order a few more of these. Hopefully I can find some a little taller as the pair I have is a little low. They work but just a little taller would be perfect.

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ive tried a few Buffalo wool sock models and all are great! not gonna say miles above merino but a bit nicer. YAk socks are my new fav being softer than the them all.
Do all of you just wear the wool sock? I always wear a polypro liner and then a merino sock. The inner is compression which I always like and with a liner I can wear tye same will sock more days in a row and just rotate liners.

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How'd you like them?

I just ordered some of these over the weekend but unsure of ETA:

I ordered those socks and did some testing and immediately ordered another pair.

with Lapponia IIs (tread sucks btw):

I wore them exclusively with no liner sock for a week of archery elk in MT. Temps got to ~25 in the morning and my feet were a bit cold out of the gate but soon warmed up with any exertion.

Granted, my boots and feet were in shape. But, I had no hotspots no blisters no foot issues of any kind.

with Vivo Tracker ATs:

4 straight days of ruffie hunting 8ish miles a day. Wore them with the injini toe liner socks in a MN October. No blisters no hotspots no foot issues.


I wore the Kenetrek Ultimate Liner whatevers that are primary polypropelene (sp?) with a DT merino sock. My feet would get pretty damp. I sweat profusely with very little exertion at a petite 165. I would occasionally get blisters and hot spots with this setup probably from the merino retaining moisture and heat (conjecture).

Going forward:

I am working my way into full minimal footwear. The bison pro gear socks and the camel socks mentioned previously in the thread are the only socks in my rotation with the addition of the injini toe liner sock. I gave away my collection of DT socks to my brother - I have no use for them anymore.

Side Note:

If you can find the men's version (must be sold out rn?) of these things from Vivo - they are my favorite every day wear for winter I have ever used. I wear them to work (classroom - education) and they handle the MN winter daily tasks no problem. I love those things.

Additional Side Note:

The bison wool company sleep socks are frickin' awesome and one of the most comfortable pair of socks I have ever put on my feet. I used them sleeping ~20 ish degrees and my feet were nice and toasty.


The bison wool company pro gear socks have been stellar for me and the camel wool socks are at the same performance level imo. YMMV.
I've worn the same grip6 socks daily (7pairs/week) for right around two years and just recently starting to get a little stretched and worn. Still good to wear though and I don't bother with crappy socks on my feet. I'm very impressed. Could I send out for their "Guarandamntee" warranty replacement? probably but I don't reasonably expect socks to last more than that. So I just some coupon code/sale and paid for a fresh setat a discount still was like $16 a pair. As others have pointed out small percentage of synthetic will have performance advantages in fit/elasticicy and durability while retaining the desired properties of wool. I've had good results from anything in the 70-90% wool. Merino, "classic" wool, alpaca are all good I haven't tried any of the more exotic wool like Yak or Camel but maybe they're the bomb. I think the bigger comparison is overall quality design, sewing etc rather than Alpaca vs Merinio vs XXX. I've only recently gotten ahold of some Darn Tough brand and they seem good but only had a few wears on 'em so far. any 100% wool I've tried get too stretched out and don't hold in place well. good for sleeping in or around the house/camp but not hiking or working.

I've been in the Belleville Minimalist (TR105) boots daily for almost a year and really like them after adjusting to 6+ miles a day (according to my iphone) working in "barefoot/minimalist" footwear. I've worn the soles off a couple pairs so far. I do put a few mm's of wool felt insoles in the bottom. I spend 12+ hrs a day in boots (run a tree service in S. AZ) and one big foot care tip I offer is two pairs of socks always. I usually wear the lower height grip6 on skin(low crew or something like that) and a longer pair of boot length socks over those, I prefer wool blend but have used various brands I can find a deal on in that 70-90% wool makeup. If you struggle with hot spots or blisters you might just have the wrong fit of boots but try two pairs of socks and it might change your life. the sock layers can slide against each other and alleviates so many issues. Also it helps wick away moisture and keep feet drier.

which leads to next tip. take your boots of mid-day for 5 minutes and dry your socks out. I live in S. AZ desert and they dry super fast but I always take my boots and socks off at lunch and dry them out. HUGE comfort difference at the end of the day. If I don't do that my feet will be damp and nasty after 12hr day. dry'em out at lunch time and I'm good to work til 8-9pm again.

Somebody mentioned polypropylene liners? polypropylene is nasty IMO. worst for moisture managament though its supposed to retain warmth/insulation when wet but it's the worst material IMO.

AND I just talked to a friend last night who was talking about how soaking feet in Black tea pretty well cured her teenage sons super stanky gross foot BO...