Who’s ready to go pink?


Mar 16, 2016
Not sure how I successfully multi-quoted :rolleyes: (though out of order) but I'll take the W ...

VERY interested to hear the different reactions here ... I posted about pink and chartreuse above. Turns out everybody's different ... Who'da thunk it?

I say: Add a color to the safety rainbow. Pink is an excellent choice.

It was a mistake, in my opinion, to tempt people to believe that if it wasn't orange, it was fair game.
My color blind is based on shades...not sure what the name for it is but I cannot distinguish between different shades of colors. You take orange against tan/yellow grass, and it doesnt stand out to me like it does others. Certain plaid shirts look like the lines are "waving." Pink or blue are different enough from tan/yellow grass that it stands out way better. You take that same blue and put it in a shadow though and I can see orange better. Pink is probably the best all around for me to see and the only reason I know that, is my wife wears a pink hat when she goes hunting.

A couple years ago, my wife had a cow elk tag and we were glassing from the pickup. Without binos, probably 800 yards across from us, my wife was like "theres some people over there" and pointed. She had to walk me into them, me using my EDG 10s, once I found them, I put the spotter on them. It was a guy and a girl sitting next to each other sharing a hunter orange blanket. That is how much orange there was that I couldnt see.

Once I figured this out, I understood why I see about half the animals that others do. Either way, you are pretty much ****** on me seeing you during rifle season.
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Swamp Fox

Oct 20, 2022
The question is, do the animals see pink the same way they see orange?
I'd bet the answer is "Pretty much, yes."

This is pretty good:

But don't ask me what this knucklehead from the article is doing:



Jul 22, 2019
Prediction: Solids in pink are going to be the next hunting fashion craze... get this "buckskin" nonsense out of here!


Jun 9, 2021
South Carolina
I carried a pink rifle on 5 or 6 afternoon hunts this season. Wanted to see some first hand performance results and lady friend wasn't always able to hunt when I could.
I even took pics and sent to my old timer buddies to give em a chuckle.