Who would you hunt with?

Lewis and Clark expedition

more recent history: Dirk Ross - he was an outfitter in colorado who died in a plane crash scouting elk. I had all the videos he and his brother produced. Childhood hero sort of thing
I second some of the comments, as someone who is very new to hunting I feel like Janis from Meateater would be a great teacher haha
Jeremiah Johnson, and Bear Claw Chris Lapp

"Elk don't know how many legs a horse have"

"Didn't put enough dirt down. Seen it right off"

"Can't cheat the mountain"

This is the kinda stuff ya need to know. Wise men.

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Jeremiah Johnson, and Bear Claw Chris Lapp

"Elk don't know how many legs a horse have"

"Didn't put enough dirt down. Seen it right off"

"Can't cheat the mountain"

This is the kinda stuff ya need to know. Wise men.

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Yep that’s pretty dang good advice for sure
Daniel Boone must have been someone to hunt with. I like the Proenneke suggestion. I love that show. Crazy that he took so much time to document what he did with Super 8 or whatever. Yes, Davey Crockett, too.
If you could hunt with any historical/famous person (maybe excluding already famous outdoorsman) who would it be and why?

I would hunt with general Patton. Why? Well bc tanks.

I might add I would never hunt with Dick Chaney for obvious reasons(sorry boys beat everyone out for that joke.
Tanks are quite fun when they are working
Rollo aka Rolfe the ganger, famous Viking. Dude was supposedly a berserker, be pretty cool to take a bunch of mushrooms and fjord mountains with bows and spears lol.
I spent the weekend hunting South Texas several years back with a former Seal Team 6 member. One of the most memorable and eye opening experiences I have ever had. Forget the hunting….this guy was a modern day Bad Muther F’er that had so many stories to tell I could care less about hunting. I would gladly do it again in an instant. I have yet to meet someone so unselfish an focused in all of my life. Respect does t even begin to describe it. Someone along the lines of Jocko Willinik, Chris Kyle, Marcus Luttrell.

If I wanted a hunter after the 4 legged kind it would be the likes of some highly respected Aborigine from Australia, tribal Patriarch of the African plains, or some Indian Scout on the frontiers of North America.