I have a bergara ridge in an hmr stock that weighs 10lbs. It shoots good but I wouldn't want to carry it around for long hikes.
I see some people complaining about their sore shoulders in regards to their rifle weight. How you carry your rifle is just as important as how much it weighs. Mine is 10.5# with scope/suppressor on it and I carry it either in a SG quick release strapped to the side of my backpack or a Kifaru universal gunbearer. I think some people here should think about transporting their rifle smarter rather than cutting weight off of it.
Yeah the other side of my pack has my tripod on it so that helps too.This is very true but it’s important to state the importance of balancing the weight of the pack. If you hang a 10lb rifle off the side of a pack, one should make an effort to shift some heavier things over to the other side. Spotter, water, food, shelter, stuff like that. If you do this right, it makes a big difference in how heavy things “feel”, and that 10+ lbs gun becomes much less of an encumbrance.
Good to know. I pack my 10.75 lb rifle on the K gun bearer as well without issues and wondered what a sub 8lb rifle would feel like compared.I’ve packed around my 11 lbs rifle and my 5.5 lbs rifle. I carry them both in a Kafaru Gun Bearer and I honestly can’t tell much difference.