Who hunts with a 10lb+ rifle?

Hunting fields, deer often run back into the woods if they don’t drop in the field. I have had to track a few and being able to see where they entered woods after the hit is important. Much easier to watch in the scope with a light recoiling rifle vs the having to see what happened from a hard kicking gun.
Ya when you gotta put your hat back on and wipe the snot off your face you know your not going to see what way he went.
It depends on where you you live/hunt. Midwest cornfields, its about a Harris that will get you above the stalks…..7”ish. Pastures, you’ll need to get creative, the big bluestem is several feet tall. Not constant, but enough to make a precision shot at >500 yds enough to make you think twice. Plan ahead…..2x4 and and some cheap plywood screwed together beforehand can make it all come together beautifully.
Weight is a huge concern for some people and not a factor for others it seems.
I have buddies who won't carry anything more than a standard weight (~8.5 pounds) anywhere.
These guys freak out when I hand them my 15lb 6.5 PRC but they also freak out when I hand them a 5.5lb 308.
Just last night I was watching a video on the tube where they said something like "Now this rifle weighs 12 pounds so it's definitely not a hunting rifle but a match rifle". That statement cracked me up because the guy that said it is always talking about long range hunting.
The safe here has a variety of hunting rifles ranging from 5.5 to 16 pounds and I'm really wondering why I have so many lately since most never go to the field any more. I have 3 or 4 that have a real purpose.
A 7lb 7WSM is great for the steep and deep long adventures while the 16lb 6CM is perfect for stand or ridgeline hunts but most often I'll pick something in between those to carry around whether I'm in NM, AZ, MT or OR.
I guess I tend to prefer heavier rifles and most often carry a 13 pound 7-08 in my hand for hours at a time just because it is a great combination that tends to kill things when I need it to at most distances.
On the desk are the beginning components of a 9 pound 6CM so we'll see if that replaces the trusty 7-08.
In the end it just ain't right for a person to call someone an idiot for carrying a gun that's "TOO HEAVY" which happens often around here.