10-12ish... need to weigh it now, as I'm curious, but it's a heavy SOB. Shoots like a dream, and I can spot shots. Carry it on my pack for hike ins (generally 10+ miles to our high camps) and hunt off my back with a 50# pack on, so I'm used to it. A good quality sling/ gun bearer makes all the difference, but I still feel it. (Although the hard edges/ sharp corners on my bipod are far more annoying than the rifles weight). Generally spot and stalk from high points above tree-line, so not super worried about quick access in the timber. If I am hunting timber I carry a Model 70 .270 sporter w/ a 2-8 Leupold and no bipod. Currently shopping suppressors, so will be adding a shorter Proof barrel to keep the length down a bit as its already a bit long at times. Also going to a lighter/ less bulky bipod this year. A lot of cross canyon shots for both elk and mulies where I hunt, so I like the stability, and the ease of seeing my hit/ fast follow up shots.
700 Rem Sendero II 26" 300 WM w/ Witt Machine Brake
6-24 Vortex Viper PST II
Harris Bipod
Hornady Butt Stock Pouch w/ 5 rounds