Looks like you got some good bone! Idaho? I've never taken pictures of my finds. This year I might be able to find a load. Mild weather and the Elk haven't migrated to the center of the private low-land. Hope it stays mild and I'll have some to show.
I am going to start shed hunting this year. my local areas get picked over pretty well by the long time shed hunters in the area but the hard to get to areas will be where I focus on. Wilderness areas where they can't get to with quads. just want a couple good sheds to get by.
Dang there are some nice ones in there. I plan on trying to find some this year at least that is the goal. I have picked up a couple moose sheds from behind the house this year but have only found one elk and it was pretty chewed up. Keep the pics coming!
Anyone ever see an antler bleed?
When I picked this one up it was clean and after carrying it for 5 minutes or so I noticed a dark red spot on it. After another 5 minutes it was getting bigger and bigger. Of course I had to smell it and immediately wished I hadn't, it was awful. I ended up stashing the antler until the end of the hunt because of the stench. I have picked up a lot of antlers over the years and never had one do this.
I've had one pour out blood from a broke off tine all over my fire place mantle and stink up the house last year, had to get it out of there. Buddy had one pour blood all over his pack, it was pretty rank for a long time. Be careful with the broken ones.