Who else has caught the Rona?


Feb 26, 2020
Mountains of CA
IF you can find it before it gets banned, again, theres a great video about a vaccine developer, who is very pro-vaccines, and very against the covid vaccine. He is world renown by name in his field. Ill share it if i can find it again. If you listen to it and have had the shot you will be pissed at what he says and in disbelief.

I know of two health young males that had heart issues from the vax, and an elder man who died of heart problems after shot 2. Im good.


Dec 26, 2017
...and an elder man who died of heart problems after shot 2. Im good.
Close family friend of mine has (had) a brother that the same thing happened to, except it was after the first shot. 4-6 weekd of complications before he passed away.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
My mom went into the hospital four days after her second Pfizer shot in April, and died a week later. Coincidence? Who knows. I didn't really think about it too much until some other seniors we know locally started having issues after their second shots as well.

I got Covid possibly Feb 2020, took 4 months to get over it. Then had it in December 2020, lost taste and smell that time, and it's still gone for the most part. It comes and goes with every different taste and smell, but I'll go a week without tasting a thing and then suddenly can taste stuff again......and then it's gone as quickly as it came back.......sometimes during the same meal. Then in July my daughter came back from camp with a cough and gave it to me. My lungs hurt like they did the first time around and passed (mostly) after a couple weeks. There were other kids that came home that tested positive, so figured she had it too. Is my asthma worse after Covid? Yes. Would I change anything from what I have done? No.

My bottom line is.......if you want to get the vaccine, then get the vaccine. If you want to wear a mask, then wear a mask. If you want to isolate, then isolate. But don't expect or demand that everyone else do what you choose to do with this. This is America.......not some communist dictator nation....we have the freedom and hopefully the intellect to be able to make our own decisions without the government's help.......or overreach.
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Feb 20, 2020
There are 762 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis from 339 million doses.

Good for a .0002% chance or 1 in 500,000.


Feb 11, 2016
There are 762 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis from 339 million doses.

Good for a .0002% chance or 1 in 500,000.

The odds, while still extremely low, are higher than that of you run them on a per person basis. A majority of the vaccinated population went the 2 shot route, and the powers to be are now pushing for a 3rd.

What’s the odds of a truly healthy, less than 40, with no pre existing conditions, who’s already recovered from Covid, catching the delta and dying?

I’m betting it’s pretty darn low as well, however we’ve abandoned science for political virtue signaling, so the answer to that question isn’t allowed to be pursued…

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Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
There are 762 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis from 339 million doses.

Good for a .0002% chance or 1 in 500,000.
Let's see here.......get the vaccine and have a small chance of suffering permanent issues........or get the virus and have a small chance of suffering permanent issues. This is exactly why these decisions are no one's business except our own. There could be a 100% chance of suffering permanent issues from the virus, and the choice is STILL ours.
Feb 20, 2020
You are correct that number would go up (and probably by a decent amount) if adjusted to only young men 16-30, received Moderna, and per person instead of per dose. Most likely transient and not a big deal for those individuals, however.

Still worth getting the Moderna vaccine IMO, especially since Pfizer isn’t protecting as well. Delta is really looking like it could get ugly, and hospital workers are already burned out. Add in the fact that some staff will leave due to the vaccine mandates, it’s a recipe for disaster.

Good read here from Forbes (and really everything on COVID I have read on Forbes has been good):
Feb 20, 2020
Oh plus the Forbes article today saying in Dallas they may start having to ration hospital beds for unvaccinated individuals. That’s a much bigger deal than a very small chance of getting mild/temporary heart inflammation.


Feb 11, 2016
You are correct that number would go up (and probably by a decent amount) if adjusted to only young men 16-30, received Moderna, and per person instead of per dose. Most likely transient and not a big deal for those individuals, however.

Still worth getting the Moderna vaccine IMO, especially since Pfizer isn’t protecting as well. Delta is really looking like it could get ugly, and hospital workers are already burned out. Add in the fact that some staff will leave due to the vaccine mandates, it’s a recipe for disaster.

Good read here from Forbes (and really everything on COVID I have read on Forbes has been good):

You missed the most important part of my question. Why should someone, already recovered from Covid, get an imperfect experimental drug? Why can’t we acknowledge the fact that the only real thing we’ve learned from following the science is natural immunity has yielded better and longer lasting immunity than inoculation via an experimental vaccine?

I’ll wait…

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Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
I have not seen a single case of documented myocarditis yet in a young person, which fits with the numbers. But there better be damn near zero side effects in young healthy people from a vaccine, when they by in large tolerate the actual disease so well.

On the other hand, just within the past week I know of 1 middle-aged person with a heart attack and 1middle-aged person with a pulmonary embolism, both within a few days of getting the vaccine.

Could this be a coincidence?...sure it is very possible.

Have I ever seen this after other vaccines?...never.

Could this make a person a little more skeptical of drug company funded study data about a drug company-govt funded product, especially one that is being forced on low risk people?...why yes it does.


Oct 15, 2020
Sacramento, CA
Anyone care to explain what happened to the flu? Nobody surprised that there was 98% decrease in flu cases this winter vs last? Funny how so many people have flu-like symptoms, but nobody has the flu...Could it be that all those cases of the flu were called covid, and you believed it?

CDC estimates 25000 to 62000 deaths due to flu in 2019/20 season...magically, only 695 flu related deaths this season...

In before someone says it was due to social distancing and masks
Flu was negated due to social distancing, masks, sanitation. When a person is swabbed the dab is actually ran for COVID, influenza A and influenza B. We see the results under the same panel. Both the flu and COVID are mRNA virus’ hence why we are always chasing the flu with the random flu shots. mRNA virus’ are always trying to recreate them selves. It’s how they spread. Every once in a while they accidentally make a new copy that works but is slightly different. It’s like making a Ford out of dodge parts. That’s how a variant becomes existent. Every person that gets sick is one more opportunity for a variant to be created.


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
Flu was negated due to social distancing, masks, sanitation. When a person is swabbed the dab is actually ran for COVID, influenza A and influenza B. We see the results under the same panel. Both the flu and COVID are mRNA virus’ hence why we are always chasing the flu with the random flu shots. mRNA virus’ are always trying to recreate them selves. It’s how they spread. Every once in a while they accidentally make a new copy that works but is slightly different. It’s like making a Ford out of dodge parts. That’s how a variant becomes existent. Every person that gets sick is one more opportunity for a variant to be created.
Flu numbers yearly are only estimates of symptomatic illness, not actual numbers of people infected.

For instance, a bad flu season could potentially be a new flu strain that barely infects anyone, but makes those it infects very ill. Or a light year could be a virtually asymptomatic strain that infects everyone.

The decreased "flu numbers" during the covid pandemic is likely multifactorial. Since the pandemic, there have been many fewer people seeking medical care and getting flu tested for flu-like illness. And of those relatively few tested, there have been low positive flu rates.

Clearly a year of social distancing, or basically avoiding everyone, could have a temporary positive effect in transmission of diseases, but would this be a wise long term strategy?

Consider the pandemic of 2009-10. In September-October swine flu swept through the young people prior to vaccine development/deployment, and young people overall did quite well with the disease.

On the other hand, people over 50 were largely unaffected by the disease, presumably due to their exposure to the similar flu strain decades prior when they were young and healthy (which was even verified by measuring antibodies still present decades later).


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Looks like big tech and the main propaganda media can't suppress this any longer.

I shared a study on Facebook two months ago about the vaccine being linked to myocarditis and pericarditis in children and wrote "Something for parents to consider."

That got me banned and my account deleted. I was phasing out fb already, but that still pissed me off.

If you are under 30, the vax is a much greater threat to your health than the virus.
That is disgusting! We're living in the shadow of the East German Stasi when an entity like FB can do the things they do with no concern or repercussions.


Feb 5, 2019
The flu just "went away"...hilarious, you know it didn't. The flu cases and deaths were rolled into covid, for profit.

The "experts": "Wear this mask, close down your business, avoid all of your friends and family, keep your kid isolated, keep your kids from their education, develop no natural immunities, tank your immune system so we can feed your more prescriptions, don't go to the gym or the grocery store to be healthy, just order fast food from home, and here take this shot, we'll give you a donut..now another...whoops that didn't work, now a booster."
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