Who else has caught the Rona?

Vandal 44

Jun 3, 2012
8/20 I went on a hike climbed a hill that I have climbed 100’s of time, however this go around I was winded. I didn’t think anything of it. 8/21 I wake up and feel like I was drinking the night before, I had a little headache and my head was foggy. My wife is a RN I told her how I was feeling. She had me follow her into work and get tested for COVID. Later that day I got the results and I am Positive for COVID.

8/22 I am feeling fine so far, the only problem I have is a little headache and kind of tired

I am not vaccinated nor do I plan on getting vaccinated. If a person chooses to get vaccinated then that’s great but don’t tell me or force me into getting the vaccine

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Mar 13, 2017
Central California
Caught it sometime last week. Headache finally lifted today. Tried to do some reloading but am to weak to pull the lever. Coughing like crazy but o2 saturation is good. Will have to wait till I can draw my bow to hunt (This is opening weekend in my area).


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
While I agree with choice, I haven’t seen any studies or effects of permanent issues AFTER getting the vaccine. Do you have anything you can link?
A couple of my buddies in the ER with me chose not to get the vaccine. One has COVID now and is doing ok. His wife on the other hand is not. I support his choice. I chose to get the vaccines because I did see the side effects of those that got COVID and never fully recovered.
Having a choice is proper but like I said, I haven’t seen any negative side effects from the vaccine outside the 48 hours like any vaccine nor have I seen a scientific article/study on it.
That's a good question worthy of attention, but a follow up question could be, who is going to fund that study, and who will even publish it thereafter? The govt, govt funded universities or hospitals full of stifling group think, the drug companies themselves?

Another question to be answered is how many vaccine side effects are required before it becomes a net loss to the individual...like for instance in younger people?
I was trying to decipher the recent data out of Israel last week, and although it looks like a lower percentage of people over 60 who are seriously ill in the hospital have received at least 2 vaccinations compared to unvaccinated people, the difference for people under 60 appears to be negligible.
Jul 18, 2019
That's a good question worthy of attention, but a follow up question could be, who is going to fund that study, and who will even publish it thereafter? The govt, govt funded universities or hospitals full of stifling group think, the drug companies themselves?

Another question to be answered is how many vaccine side effects are required before it becomes a net loss to the individual...like for instance in younger people?
I was trying to decipher the recent data out of Israel last week, and although it looks like a lower percentage of people over 60 who are seriously ill in the hospital have received at least 2 vaccinations compared to unvaccinated people, the difference for people under 60 appears to be negligible.

Also hard to study long-term effects for an experimental treatment that pretty much launched within the past so many months.

I’m maybe 5 days in on covid and feel good. Hope it turns out that way but I suppose the next week will tell.


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
Someone above mentioned post vaccination myocarditis as one potential acute vaccine side effect, with unknown possible long term effects.

This study below found myocarditis in over 80% of teens after the second vaccination on imaging. Luckily however most seem like mild cases. And myocarditis can also occur after covid-19 infection. But who knew until this month how many kids were potentially getting some heart inflammation after vaccination? Certainly not those "experts" who already claim to know everything.

My questions as a parent on this topic...
Will intramuscular injected immunization protect from a second episode of myocarditis when exposed to covid-19 disease, as compared to having gotten immunity from the disease itself previously (with the respiratory tract antibodies, etc.)?

And is there a greater chance of vaccine induced myocardial damage if you as a young teen get the vaccination after the disease?



Jun 27, 2021
Just got a text from my sons private school, shutting down next week.
8-10 teachers with the Covid.
I think its gonna be longer,,,,mine lasted 3 solid weeks.


Apr 12, 2019
Me and my wife have been vaccinated and both have it now. She isn’t bad but lost taste/smell. I have a constant fever and feel like someone beat the crap out of me.


Mar 24, 2016
Someone above mentioned post vaccination myocarditis as one potential acute vaccine side effect, with unknown possible long term effects.

This study below found myocarditis in over 80% of teens after the second vaccination on imaging. Luckily however most seem like mild cases. And myocarditis can also occur after covid-19 infection. But who knew until this month how many kids were potentially getting some heart inflammation after vaccination? Certainly not those "experts" who already claim to know everything.

My questions as a parent on this topic...
Will intramuscular injected immunization protect from a second episode of myocarditis when exposed to covid-19 disease, as compared to having gotten immunity from the disease itself previously (with the respiratory tract antibodies, etc.)?

And is there a greater chance of vaccine induced myocardial damage if you as a young teen get the vaccination after the disease?

Interesting 92% of the cases studied were male. What the hell type of bioweapon did Wuhan make to only affect young males like this?
Aug 4, 2015
Rose Lake, Id
I'm currently isolated in my camper since everyone at work got crushed by it. I would carry on like normal, but then kiddo starts kindergarten in 2 weeks and I don't want him to miss his first day of school. My better half informed me if I get a pos test tomorrow I should pack my camper and hunting stuff up and isolate in the mountains. Rifle deer and archery elk open Monday. I could use a few days scouting......

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Apr 17, 2020
Im on round 2- assume this is the Delta variety. This one is hitting me a little harder than the last one and now my 12 year old has come down with it. Not fun.

Never thought I would say this but I'm thinking pretty hard about the vaccine this next spring after the immunity from this go round wears off. My wife is vaccinated and hasn't gotten it either time that I did. It seems to be working pretty well for her.
Jul 18, 2019
Was side tracked this morning and occasionally check out the data from "Our World" (a neat site).

Plotted vaccines vs new cases by date/continent. Looks pretty good in Africa and South America but who knows? I'll probably get banned from something for thinking.

Untitled - Graph Builder.png


Dec 29, 2019
Africa, South America, and any number of poorer countries do not have a robust testing regimen. Confirmed cases will always be lower if you can't test for it.


Dec 29, 2019
I had the original variant way back in March '20 before everything shut down. Caught it in Jackson Hole on a ski trip from a friend who had been in South Korea. Thankfully it was a mild case; a persistent mild cough and no sense of smell or taste for about a month. My stamina wasn't affected, I was still doing 5k jogs without an issue during my quarantine away from everyone.

I'm vaccinated now but I'm against government mandates for it. However, private businesses can do whatever they want in regards to vaccine mandates for employees. That rolls into private property rights for me.
Jul 18, 2019
Africa, South America, and any number of poorer countries do not have a robust testing regimen. Confirmed cases will always be lower if you can't test for it.
Any idea why cases are spiking with vaccine rates in first world countries?
Jul 18, 2019
I had the original variant way back in March '20 before everything shut down. Caught it in Jackson Hole on a ski trip from a friend who had been in South Korea. Thankfully it was a mild case; a persistent mild cough and no sense of smell or taste for about a month. My stamina wasn't affected, I was still doing 5k jogs without an issue during my quarantine away from everyone.

I'm vaccinated now but I'm against government mandates for it. However, private businesses can do whatever they want in regards to vaccine mandates for employees. That rolls into private property rights for me.
Many would disagree with the property rights thought, but to each his own.


Dec 29, 2019
Any idea why cases are spiking with vaccine rates in first world countries?

I assume it's due to so many that are still unvaccinated and the Delta variant that the current vaccines are less effective against. I'm not an epidemiologist though.

Many would disagree with the property rights thought, but to each his own.

And that's fine. I just know that unless you're protected by your employment contract, union or otherwise, most of us live in at will employment states, so employers can fire you for any reason they want. Vaccine status doesn't fall into one of the federally protected classes.
Oct 9, 2013
Keizer, OR
Working through the Covaids right now, overall it’s not bad for me. The first day my legs and back felt like they got beaten by a bag of hammers. Later that night I had the worst night sweats i’ve ever had. The next two days I had some sinus pressure, but was otherwise fine.

My wife got hammered for almost three weeks. She had new symptoms every day, everything from muscle pain, upset stomach, fever, loss of smell/taste. This super-cold is defiantly strange how it effects everyone differently.

What’s scarier than being sick is seeing how so many are willing to for go people’s freedom of choice and institute blanket mandates for the “greater good”. I live in a deep blue state and I have a feeling in the next couple months i’m going to have to make a choice between keeping my principals or taking the shot to keep my job.

l’m not here trying to make some political statement, but things seem to be changing for the worse in a lot of places especially in blue states.


Oct 2, 2014
Folks with the Vax are still getting covid and spreading it. Maybe people with the vaccine are worse, maybe they get less symptoms, believe that they are safe and are walking around spreading virus due to the fact the vaccine kept them from feeling sick?

You can spin it a million ways.

A company my wife subs for is mandating VAX, she works remotely, logic just never enters the scene anymore, she will claim religious exemption just like she does for the flu vax.

Look at Australia, I crossed that dump off the list for places to visit!