Who else has caught the Rona?

Alright ladies/gentlemen.

The vaccine does not 100% prevent illness. This was the intention and the original premise. However, with more variants coming into play, we are seeing break through infections in those who are vaccinated as well as those who have had the infection AND also vaccinated. Even if vaccinated you can and will spread SARS-COV-2. Thus the new mask mandates. I didn't make the mandates so please no hate. The real benefit of the vaccine, in real-time, is preventing moderate-to-severe disease and an extremely low-risk of death if vaccinated.

Honestly, I don't care if one is vaccinated or not. It is a personal choice.

This is factual evidence-based medicine. No info from Twitter etc.

You either intentionally left out the bottom of the symptoms list to support your asinine position of "no treatment without blue lips "
Or- your too stupid to read the entire item you were listing as evidence.
The vet comment was a general shot at the other idiots Taking horse dewormer- that may treat symptoms after you catch Corona- but will not take a vaccine that will prevent catching Corona in the first place.

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The list was copied in its entirety from the CDC website. I even gave you the link so you could verify it. Please post what I left out that is pertinent to my post.

Please post the prehospitalization treatment protocol recommended by the CDC.

What does the vet comment have to do with me?
Felt groggy the first few days, work said I couldn’t come back until all symptoms were gone. Spent every day the next 3 weeks goose and duck hunting.
Boss on Phone- "How are you, when are you coming back?"
Sherman- Feigned coughs..."sorry still feeling like shit" In the background- BANG BANG....quack
Boss- "What was that?"
Sherman- "Ummmm........."
I strongly disagree with this and so does my doctor. Do you have a way of telling if people are going to have mild symptoms or are going to require hospitalization? No one I know can and the longer you wait and let the virus build up in your body, the less effective these drugs will be.

There’s a 5 day window from the onset of symptoms where this treatment is most effective. Once you go beyond 5 days, the efficacy dwindles and your chances of requiring hospitalization and intubation increase.

Why let the virus replicate unchecked in your body and potentially mutate if we have the means to stop it. It just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to just do nothing when there are treatments out there to stop it. I’m sorry but that’s just stupid and irrational and not a gamble I’m willing to take with myself and my family.
I'm not going to argue with you. Let the evidence-based medicine speak for itself.
Friendly recommendation, no emotions, consider researching the said meds from a respectable journal such as JAMA or NEJM.

Personally, I would be surprised, if any astute physician would prescribe a SARS-COV-2 cocktail to every single patient. That's not medicine that's simply CYA.
Boss on Phone- "How are you, when are you coming back?"
Sherman- Feigned coughs..."sorry still feeling like shit" In the background- BANG BANG....quack
Boss- "What was that?"
Sherman- "Ummmm........."
Pretty much nailed, except it was the HR lady, not the boss.
The list was copied in its entirety from the CDC website. I even gave you the link so you could verify it. Please post what I left out that is pertinent to my post.

Please post the prehospitalization treatment protocol recommended by the CDC.

What does the vet comment have to do with me.

Not having it written on the website does not mean the CDC is saying not to treat a person's symptoms unless they reach that point. We have written protocols but, not everything we can do is in them.
The list was copied in its entirety from the CDC website. I even gave you the link so you could verify it. Please post what I left out that is pertinent to my post.

Please post the prehospitalization treatment protocol recommended by the CDC.

What does the vet comment have to do with me.
This part after the asterisk. I highlighted it for you.

treatment protocol before one needs hospitalization- rest, hydration and treating the fever- typical protocol any dr would be happy to discuss with you if you test positive for Sars Covid-19. For the majority of individuals that is sufficient to get through the cdc isn't in the business of treating symptoms they are concerned with stopping the spread of infections disease. That's why there's no advice on their website to treat symptoms

If you want something outside of that the Internet claims you'll miracously be cured if you take a malaria drug or a horse dewormer. Don't take too much horse dewormer or you'll end up intibated in a very impacted icu with people who are actually sick.

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This part after the asterisk. I highlighted it for you.

treatment protocol before one needs hospitalization- rest, hydration and treating the fever- typical protocol any dr would be happy to discuss with you if you test positive for Sars Covid-19. For the majority of individuals that is sufficient to get through the cdc isn't in the business of treating symptoms they are concerned with stopping the spread of infections disease. That's why there's no advice on their website to treat symptoms

If you want something outside of that the Internet claims you'll miracously be cured if you take a malaria drug or a horse dewormer. Don't take too much horse dewormer or you'll end up intibated in a very impacted icu with people who are actually sick.

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Great, so you got nothing, just as I suspected.

Well done not being able to answer a single one of my questions.
This part after the asterisk. I highlighted it for you.

treatment protocol before one needs hospitalization- rest, hydration and treating the fever- typical protocol any dr would be happy to discuss with you if you test positive for Sars Covid-19. For the majority of individuals that is sufficient to get through the cdc isn't in the business of treating symptoms they are concerned with stopping the spread of infections disease. That's why there's no advice on their website to treat symptoms

If you want something outside of that the Internet claims you'll miracously be cured if you take a malaria drug or a horse dewormer. Don't take too much horse dewormer or you'll end up intibated in a very impacted icu with people who are actually sick.

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I think the original premise was that if a physician follows their guidelines they are just going to repeat what you just posted....i.e. if your lips arent purple nothing to worry about.
Article in JAMA on Ivermectin use for COVID. I hate to spill the beans on how it ends, but:

Findings In this randomized clinical trial that included 476 patients, the duration of symptoms was not significantly different for patients who received a 5-day course of ivermectin compared with placebo (median time to resolution of symptoms, 10 vs 12 days; hazard ratio for resolution of symptoms, 1.07).”

My family is currently hanging out at home because my wife traveled to California last week and my 8 year old boy got it. Tested positive the day after he got back. He had very slight symptoms.

He’s had the slightest fever, and the slightest cough. It’s honestly the least sick he’s ever been. He’s generally a very healthy kid though.

The wife and I are vaccinated and have so far tested negative. We’re not making any efforts to avoid being around him, other than we’re not sharing food.

in my kids words “dad, Covid is pathetic”. At this point I guess I can’t disagree.

it’s given me a bunch of time with the family, and a bunch of time to shoot my bow and get my hunting arrows dialed in. :)
I think the original premise was that if a physician follows their guidelines they are just going to repeat what you just posted....i.e. if your lips arent purple nothing to worry about.
That's not what it says it very clearly says to discuss with your doctor any other symptoms you feel need addressing.
Your physician can treat those symptoms, if they need treatment, taking into account your medical history, allergies, current medications and comorbidities.
Having a one size fits all treatment protocol would be asinine.

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I think I already have a pretty good idea, but where did this nonsensical idea that Ivermectin provides any benefit come from?
Headache cough and runny nose...and that deserved a post, why?

Because it’s Covid and that’s kind of a big deal right now? Because I want to know what others experienced when they had it? So I can compare and share my experience with you guys? @Billy Goat has a point though, I do have nine days left in the hotel room
I think the original premise was that if a physician follows their guidelines they are just going to repeat what you just posted....i.e. if your lips arent purple nothing to worry about.
That screenshot/web page is for individuals looking for information on when they should seek care. Not when providers should treat.