Who else has caught the Rona?

Relevant in a going to get the thread locked kind of way, sure.

I'll just remind you of the thread topic:

Who has had covid?

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Brad, you are right but this thread has taken quite a few turns. I think much of the anxiety to the vaccine is 100% related to the politics of the last 24 months. I think it's healthy to discuss because a lot of us are pulled in different directions. I think it would be good for many of us to turn the sensitivity dial down and hear each other. Just my 2 cents.
Brad, you are right but this thread has taken quite a few turns. I think much of the anxiety to the vaccine is 100% related to the politics of the last 24 months. I think it's healthy to discuss because a lot of us are pulled in different directions. I think it would be good for many of us to turn the sensitivity dial down and hear each other. Just my 2 cents.

No kidding... a few folks like laramie, the OP, and myself are right in the middle of infection and appreciate the perspectives from other folks who have had it or who work in the field like @MuleDeerMike and @Mike7. Even if we don't agree, it's still worth hearing perspectives in case in changes your mind. Like the 223 for elk thread.

If you all can quit slinging mud it'd make it easier for us to get value out of the forum. The mudslinging is probably why a lot of good folks don't frequent this forum anymore.
Brad, you are right but this thread has taken quite a few turns. I think much of the anxiety to the vaccine is 100% related to the politics of the last 24 months. I think it's healthy to discuss because a lot of us are pulled in different directions. I think it would be good for many of us to turn the sensitivity dial down and hear each other. Just my 2 cents.
I enjoy the thread and hearing about peoples experiences with the virus, vaccines and livestock dewormers.

I don't care to hear about politics and conspiracy theories that Biden didn't win the election. That will get this thread closed and then we all loose out on the valuable info here.

Like I said, that stuff has a place and will fit right in at 24 hour campfire. I think the mods have made it clear in the past it's not acceptable here.

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Natural immunity is likely very good against reinfection, but the only problem is that it may come at a high cost in the future even with very mild infections. Unfortunately only time will tell and by then it may be too late.

Make whatever decision you guys feel is right for yourself and family, and good luck.

I'm not implying that someone should cross their fingers and hope they get it so they can justify avoiding the vax, just saying that for folks like me (or my children that can't get shots even if we wanted them to), it's good to hear that natural immunity is still a legit process.

Also, for a guy like myself (40s, no major health issues), the IFR is in the fractions of a percent realm. Multiply that by the odds of actually getting it (are we at about 12% of the country right now?), it didn't register as a threat to me. Maybe I'll regret that decision but right now my son and I are about a week in and were checking trail cameras this afternoon (two nice bears by the way).

Not saying that it isn't a threat to folks, but all too often we're hearing about that "36 year old athlete who got it and died three days later" kind of story. Not the tens of millions that walked away with minor symptoms.

Probably no clear answer to but I feel good about where my family sits today.
Exactly menhaden!

IMO we have for decades.... in the name of science... created a Catch-22 situation here.

On the one hand... there's the thought that everyone is worth saving. Cause ya never know when the one you saved will turn out to be a Steven Hawkins kind of guy that manages to contribute something great to society as a whole. And.. ya know.. I get that philosophical argument.

BUT... because of ethics... we can't really tell or command that persons baby we just saved that nature clearly wanted dead... that they can't be allowed to reproduce. We say that would be "unethical".

Ya see.. all the doctors and scientists nerding out over the possibility of what can be learned while developing a cure to the symptoms of a malady.... nobody ever stops to consider the long term issue of... "Ok... well... what happens then when this person... whom nature for sure would have eliminated from the gene pool because of this condition... then thru our artificial means is saved... and allowed to propagate their jacked-up genes within the population?"

Better question still... to make it hit home better for those who aren't in the habit of long-term critical thinking skills routinely... What happens then when your child happens to be the one which produces an offspring with somebody elses kid who WOULD have died, but was saved...and Bingo! receives this "gift that keeps on giving"? The other kid SHOULD have told your kid this was the scenario. But there's nothing stopping them from keeping quite about that, for fear of the other person rejecting them, right?

Seems like all these parents... and doctors too mind you... don't truly have the right kind of tough-love they need to have in their hearts and minds sometimes. If they did... they wouldn't be fighting tooth-and-nail to save absolutely everyone. And right now as you're reading this... your societal conditioning is giving you some mixed feelings just from me writing these words. Ya see how that works?

I'm sure some of the "spiritually indoctrinated" here are gonna pounce on this to. And to them I'd say "Well, seems no different than you all giving kudos to fellow hunters who end up removing bad genes by taking out some weirdo deer with a funky bizarre rack." see what I mean?

Also... to people who are all militant about pushing vaccination.... I like to refer them to the H. G. Wells story of "The War of the Worlds". Long story shorter... the point of the story is that we EARNED our spot on this planet by surviving thru all of it's microorganism challenges. And when I say survive here, I'm NOT referring to tech tricks like vaccinations either. For certainly the whole world doesn't receive the vaccinations each and every time they roll one out. Therefore there's got to be some humans who possess the needed natural immunity to X or Y.

And in regard to this statement :

"Natural immunity is likely very good against reinfection, but the only problem is that it may come at a high cost in the future even with very mild infections. Unfortunately only time will tell and by then it may be too late."

I say this... it was most likely the pre-cursor to Covid19... the prior SARS outbreak of around '97 or so... that struck me then, and was also very harsh then. At that time... they attributed it to a Flu variant. If I remember right, they referred to it as the Bird Flu. At that time.. same deal for me... caught it... and it was way harsh. Lasted a long time. That time I was off work for two months as well. Wasn't right for maybe 3months.

And actually it was because of that incident that I became very diligent about Flu vaccination because my thought was I never want to experience that ever again! Fast Fwd to 2020 and here we are... all over again... and allllllllllllllll those Flu vaccinations didn't seem to do damn thing (at least in terms of THIS particular pathogen, which I believe we're told is SARS-2, SARS being the original Bird Flu) So if all those vaccines were purportedly based off of this pathogens ancestor, then it would seem like "Fat lotta good that did!" in terms of my up until now stellar history of punctually getting vaccinated against them. (Born out of the fear of going thru that again)

Now.... that history of vaccinating and it not preventing me from getting it.... well, that may be due to possible human meddling in a lab... certainly that is a possibility. Also I've been a lot more isolated from the population for the last 20 years since I work from my home. So perhaps less exposure to all of its variations from '97 to now. So it's hard to say what's the cause and reason why I had it now and it was again super harsh.
There is a misconception that people "managing at home" means they are not receiving any treatment while being at home. Much to the disbelief of many, people aren't being told to, "just take two aspirin and call me in the morning." Medication regimens, home oxygen, and home nursing visits are extremely common.
When we were all tested to be positive with Covid in our house, The infection control nurse from the Phoenix May clinic instructed us to take Tylenol and go to the hospital if we had any issues breathing.

I told her, "ya, that's not going to happen. I've got a business colleague who is a doctor that gave us a treatment therapy and we're going to take that". She made a blunt scoffing comment and said "there's no evidence that will work to treat covid". And my response was" well, I know for damn certain taking Tylenol won't do anything, so we're taking it". I also asked our family physician at the Mayo clinic what he recommended and his response was "there's nothing you can take other than tylenol to help with the fever. DON'T BELIEVE WAHT YOU READ ON THE INTERNET".

Its not a misconception, we lived it. Thankfully, not all medical professionals are the way the Mayo clinic is.
When we were all tested to be positive with Covid in our house, The infection control nurse from the Phoenix May clinic instructed us to take Tylenol and go to the hospital if we had any issues breathing.

I told her, "ya, that's not going to happen. I've got a business colleague who is a doctor that gave us a treatment therapy and we're going to take that". She made a blunt scoffing comment and said "there's no evidence that will work to treat covid". And my response was" well, I know for damn certain taking Tylenol won't do anything, so we're taking it". I also asked our family physician at the Mayo clinic what he recommended and his response was "there's nothing you can take other than tylenol to help with the fever. DON'T BELIEVE WAHT YOU READ ON THE INTERNET".

Its not a misconception, we lived it. Thankfully, not all medical professionals are the way the Mayo clinic is.

Tylenol treats pain and fever. I'm assuming you and you're family were is worse condition than a simple fever. Not all providers use the same protocol. Curious, what the treatment was that you were given and how bad the symptoms were?
This may seem paradoxical, but I read an immunologist's opinion piece, where he thinks recurrent vaccination with our current covid vaccines after disease may increase the chance of future covid disease effects or the occurrence of diffuse inflamation with future exposure to the disease.

So in reference to the above studies, I am interested to see how the Israeli individuals do 1-2 year's down the road who had 1 IM covid vaccination after covid disease vs. those with no vaccination after covid ds? Hopefully, they follow them.

Also, will the "once vaccinated after covid" individuals require recurrent boosters just to maintain the same level of immunity, or will they continue to have equal or better immunity compared to the "disease alone individuals"?

Also, despite the one off horror stories, so far the main people that I have seen or heard about in our clinic having severe covid are either the very old, or usually quite obese.

So, my theory is that the Wuhan Chinese weapons laboratory is trying this covid as one of many stages in taking over the phat US and the even phatter South Pacific Islands...a prior stage was the millennial Maoist revolution here and building islands in the south china sea. Coincidence? I think not!
Sorry Brad, I couldn't help myself.
Also, will the "once vaccinated after covid" individuals require recurrent boosters just to maintain the same level of immunity, or will they continue to have equal or better immunity compared to the "disease alone individuals"?
Yes you will most assuredly require new vaccinations each season just like the Flu. In speaking with a microbiologist who had read the white-papers on their initial findings about 1/3 of the way into 2021, she stated the virus is mutating about 5 times a month. That's just raw number of mutations and doesn't necessarily mean the mutations are necessarily anything that makes it more strong or worse for us. But as you can imagine with that mutation rate, they'd for sure likely need new revisions each year just like the Flu (another corona virus I might add) does.
So, my theory is that the Wuhan Chinese weapons laboratory is trying this covid as one of many stages in taking over the phat US and the even phatter South Pacific Islands...a prior stage was the millennial Maoist revolution here and building islands in the south china sea. Coincidence? I think not!
Well, it's very public knowledge and even admitted by the Chinese themselves that they are playing the "long game" with world domination. So none of this is far-fetched in the least, especially if some of those theories on long term brain degradation prove true. On the other hand, you don't have to look long or far to see how far our nation has degraded in that regard even before Covid.
Well, it's very public knowledge and even admitted by the Chinese themselves that they are playing the "long game" with world domination. So none of this is far-fetched in the least, especially if some of those theories on long term brain degradation prove true. On the other hand, you don't have to look long or far to see how far our nation has degraded in that regard even before Covid.
Haven’t looked in a while, but for the longest time we had about 25% of the COVID deaths worldwide despite having about 4% of the worldwide population.
Just tested + for the Rona last night. Basically had a head cold and congestion for about 3-4 days. Finally woke up feeling decent yesterday morning, only to realize, I can’t smell anything. Sure enough test was positive. Today would be like the 5th or 6th day and the best morning yet. Just a runny nose and little cough. 31yo, pretty good shape and no health issues. I’ll ride it out with the normal OTC stuff. Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C and some flu medication. All in all, it was maybe a little stronger than a cold, but far less than a flu or bronchitis (that sucked). I’ll keep ya updated.
Update. Felt a little better early today. Have had a little energy but that is about gone for the day. Oxygen levels are holding in the low 90s. So frustrating to not be able to do much. Wears me out to walk outside to get some sun. Hopefully tomorrow is another small improvement.
I enjoy the thread and hearing about peoples experiences with the virus, vaccines and livestock dewormers.
Just read an article where a second person was hospitalized in Mississippi - state with lowest vaccination % - for taking feed store ivermectin. 70% of recent calls to poison control have been ivermectin-related.

Who could have possibly anticipated that it is a bad idea to eat the injectable version?

Just read an article where a second person was hospitalized in Mississippi - state with lowest vaccination % - for taking feed store ivermectin. 70% of recent calls to poison control have been ivermectin-related.

Who could have possibly anticipated that it is a bad idea to eat the injectable version?

This isn’t the only indication that the general public struggles with math.
Leading scientists working for health agencies are considering making all water not dispensed by the bureau illegal.

One scientist, Dr Foochi told the federal news bureau, "People just can't be trusted to manage their own water. I think we can all see that. We have licensed products like beer and soda, that are tightly regulated, and safer than water in our definitive short term studies where people were exposed to water in the form of forced drowning, water boarding, and rapid forced oral rehydration after dehydration with diuretics."
