Whitetail System on a budget

I would concentrate on decent base layers, which don't have to be a hunting brand. Goodwill or military surplus for a wool sweater. For outer, any warm jacket and pants. No need to search out hunting specific, solid works, or just toss a camo shell over it.

Nice hunting brand clothes are great, but have always been very low on my priority list for whitetail hunting. I have quite a few pieces now, but it's taken me 10yrs to put them together when I find them on clearance.
I just wear my carharts and what ever coat is handy. The pickup is generally a short walk away not like your freezing to death if you get wet or weight matters
Pnuma is awesome , and they has Mil discount along with regular sales. Great company.
x2 for the ECWS
All sitka, kuiu, first lite do is teach men how to dress by calling it a system.
Nothing they produce is magic or proprietary, just high quality, which isn't new, just newer to the hunting world and having a cool camo pattern.

Base layer - 2 options, synthetic or merino wool. I prefer wool, it's antimicrobial = less stink and warm when wet
Insulating layer - Fleece
Wind shell - thin wind proof
Outer shell wet weather - Wind/water proof jacket and pants insulated and non insulated depending on temp
extreme cold insulation - puffy jacket/ pants primaloft or down jacket
Even though sitka is great, they’re a wholesale brand which means they hike the price up to reach profit margins. Brands like Kuiu and First lite may be similarly priced but because they’re direct to consumer, they don’t need to inflate their prices. And you can buy them on sale 20-40% off a few times a year like in september.
dude asked for a budget system and people are recommending sitka LOL
Lolol 100% NOT a budget system that’s for sure. I was only shining light on why sitka is NOT budget (wholesale price hike).

My budget system was hand-me-downs and value village wool pants for the first 30 years of my hunting career. Hell, i still wear old wool pants.
It hard to beat good old fashioned wool for staying warm. It might be a little much for what was described through. I'm experimenting with some huntworth stuff for more mobile stuff. It's been pretty good so far.
I hunted Wyoming and Nebraska on a broke college kid budget for many years. Walmart clearance clothes worked just fine for me. Layers are the key...
Check out Code of Silence. Good clothing that's like half the price of Sitka. I'm pretty sure the owner used to design clothing for Cabelas back in the day.
I’m in Ohio, and hunt a ton during late October through November. Temps could be in the high 60’s or below freezing here. I have First Lite wool base layers and mid layers, and Huntworth outer garments. Huntworth actually has some really nice and quality stuff for the price. Check out their website, It’s different than the cheap stuff you find at Walmart. I am a super mobile hunter and I like being able to shed layers or put them back on as I need. I keep a cheap camo rain poncho from amazon in my truck for downpours, the Huntworth stuff is rain resistant enough for lighter rains.