Which Bullets to use? ELD-m "Murder bullets" for everything?

I feel the same way. Have a neck injury so avoid at all costs. Guide "required" a 300 as minimum. But after I saw the damn thing it kind of felt T-Rex like. My 300 with a 180 TTSX went the entire length of the animal front to back and lodged just at the ass. It still ran and I put a shot in the neck in the brush. Shot the rest of the ranch up with a 7 Saum and Berger bullets.
I was making a bad joke sorry.

If any "guide" has a "caliber" restriction I'd stay far away from them personally.

Animals sometimes run after being hit, man. From coyotes to buffalo and 22 LR to 404 Jeffery I've seen them all both die right there and run miles.

One thing that's consistent in high enough volume and with any bullet diameter in that I've seen, is that heavy for caliber tipped style bullets of good design and construction lead to the quickest kills.
I’m not trying to be a dick. I am just saying that when we have to cull animals, we are after the most efficient thing that kills it RIGHT THERE. Most of us choose a 223 with tmk or gold dots.

We have an even bigger motivation to drop the animal immediately and with as few steps than perhaps a trophy hunter does.
Are you saying that a mature bull nilgai weighs 1300 lbs?
I literally hunt them for a living and have for 25 seasons now. A big bull will field dress close to 500 lbs early in the season. This time of year, considerably less after running cows for a month or so.
Your post contains lots of misinformation but I will stop there.
And yes, we do shoot them standing still.
You mean they don’t run back and forth like in cabelas big game hunter and take a .300 lazeroni ultra magnum to get through their 10 inch shoulders 🤣
So you come on here and blatantly lie about the size of the "T-rex" you shot and have your theory (based on 1 hunt) of needing a big magnum completely disproven and now want to gaslight and throw sarcasm at people who are actually accomplished?!?!?
Not the most fabulous look.

Now, back to the murder bullets please. Personally I’d love to get to the bottom of the terminal vs external ballistics trade offs for the various 6.5 ELDs. We probably have enough data to get close to settling that.

Whoa look out!!! Keyboard tough guy over here!! Yeah, you sarcastically apolgized and then proceeded to gas light and talk sh@$
Deae god, let it die brother. Everyone here is on the same team.

From my experience, ELDMs seem like they might work best at longer ranges when velocity dips off. Im far from done testing but I had better wound channels on the deer we shot with Bergers up close comparatively. Only 6 or so samples but the entrance and exit proved to be bigger every time with the berger elite hunters. We are talking inside of 100yds.

Both the ELDMs and the EHs left catastrophic internal damage but the eldm left tiny little exit holes. Im guessing this is due to more rapid expansion and just smaller fragments exiting but still testing.

The bergers shoot more consistently at range for me with less tuning too. However, between all animals shot with eldms or bergers out of my 18" 6cm, they all died within 30-40yds. Eldm being the longest. All clipped at least part of the shoulder and that might be part of it too. I have confidence in both.
I love the internet, but I’m sure it was not originally developed as a soapbox for the ignorant, uninformed, and rude. Guess it just worked out that way all on its own.
This thread is a lot more pleasant with the ignore button.
Personally, there's a handful of people on the Slide whose posts I'd love to ignore.

But coming to this thread and seeing a bunch a y'all arguing with ghost posts is kinda confusing ... I can't imagine having this be how all my threads appear! :)
I’m not trying to be a dick. I am just saying that when we have to cull animals, we are after the most efficient thing that kills it RIGHT THERE. Most of us choose a 223 with tmk or gold dots.

We have an even bigger motivation to drop the animal immediately and with as few steps than perhaps a trophy hunter does.

I don't know anything about culling. How come it's important to kill them right there, compared with other kinds of hunting?