Where to retire?!

Born and raised in Colorado and it sucks now. The hunting crowds are getting worse each year after someone reads some article in a magazine or online. All the pot heads come here to grow and ship it back to their state, the homeless population has exploded and the traffic is horrible. Cost of living is crazy expensive if you don't own a home then good luck. Now for the positive, I love the mountains ;)
Born and raised in Colorado and it sucks now. The hunting crowds are getting worse each year after someone reads some article in a magazine or online. All the pot heads come here to grow and ship it back to their state, the homeless population has exploded and the traffic is horrible. Cost of living is crazy expensive if you don't own a home then good luck. Now for the positive, I love the mountains ;)
All my California neighbors!! I don't plan on going to Colorado anytime soon. Utah is much better, liberals are banished to Park City, and Robert Redford land. Conservative politicians and much better hunting than Colorado overall. Or Idaho, it's how America was now. I don't notice a big difference in California, since pot became legal, because it's been medically legal and before that the cops looked the other way, except for the trafficking.
Retired at 28!! good for you that is awesome got any advice on how you did that or is that a whole other post. Wyoming or Idaho would probably be my two choices as of right now, but I am many years from retirement as it stands now. Another option or thing I think would be cool is buy a cheaper house/property close to family as home base type deal then have a rv or trailer to live and hunt out for most of the time, and just go where ever a guy felt like or got tags to hunt.
There's lots of ways to retire at 28. Winning a lottery, inheritance, trust funds, getting in on the ground floor of a company that booms, being a movie star, being a super model, being a very successful criminal, slum lord, hedge fund speculator, real estate speculator, house flipper, being a drug dealer, trafficking drugs, trafficking people, being a democrat politician, prostitution, the porn industry, and the list goes on and on. Then there is the small matter of what are your assets and income as a retiree? $500 per month living in a tent, or $5 million per month with mansions, and mistresses throughout the world?
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Born and raised in Colorado and it sucks now. The hunting crowds are getting worse each year after someone reads some article in a magazine or online. All the pot heads come here to grow and ship it back to their state, the homeless population has exploded and the traffic is horrible. Cost of living is crazy expensive if you don't own a home then good luck. Now for the positive, I love the mountains ;)

Man, I could say the EXACT same thing about Oregon. 16 years left in this career and I’m outta here.

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