Irony and hypocrisy. "UT is better because it is more conservative politically."
No irony and no hypocrisy at all. I like Utah better overall than Colorado and would rather retire there, spend time there, and spend my money there than Colorado, even if the access and quantity is better in Colorado, because I like the folks and government in Utah. That's just me and my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
." How often do residents get to hunt in UT, where hunting is for sale to the highest bidder?
Do you mean all hunting, or big game hunting, or premium hunts? Utah sells some premium auction tags. I'm not crazy about it, but I don't really care.
How many Utards depend on CO for their annual big game hunting?
I have no idea? There are lots of general hunts and cow and doe hunts in Utah, you probably mean hunting for a nice buck or bull? I'm sure some do go to Colorado, some go to Idaho, Montana etc. Yes, there is more opportunity for elk and deer hunting in Colorado, but the quality is far better for elk in Utah. So what is the price of tea in China?
What state politically leads the national movement to privatize the public land where we hunt?
Russia, Russia, Russia?

Actually I think California leads the national movement to transfer more federal land to the states. McClintock and my Congressman Hunter are big on that.
CO offers good hunting opportunities for NRs because of its politics.
If it were more conservative, hunting access and tags would be for sale to the deepest pockets
I don't think you understand what Conservatism is. I think that you fiercely oppose anyone or anything that you believe may interfere with your hunting opportunity and that is extremely selfish. I am generally a conservative on most issues first and second I am a hunter, fisherman, mountain biker, etc. What I mean by that is I would never vote for a liberal candidate, even if they promised things that I liked and could benefit from.
Take a look at this definition,
American Conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, support for Judeo-Christian values, economic liberalism, anti-communism, fascism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from threats posed by "creeping socialism", moral relativism, multiculturalism and liberal internationalism. Liberty is a core value, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the free market, limiting the size and scope of government, and opposition to high taxes and government or labor union encroachment on the entrepreneur. American conservatives consider individual liberty, within the bounds of conformity to American values, as the fundamental trait of democracy