where is your fitness lacking?

where is your fitness lacking?

  • Diet

    Votes: 40 40.4%
  • Aerobic activity

    Votes: 20 20.2%
  • Strength training

    Votes: 17 17.2%
  • Rucking with weight

    Votes: 8 8.1%
  • Mobility/flexibility

    Votes: 37 37.4%
  • Bad Habit(s)- smoking/drinking/drugs

    Votes: 12 12.1%
  • Not lacking anywhere dude! :D

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • All the above except the last one!

    Votes: 9 9.1%

  • Total voters
During the winter time I don’t do any rucking with weight, I need to but simply don’t. I exercise 5 days a week / one hour a day both weight training and cardio.

Diet is pretty dialed. Tracking my macros again and have cut off my alcohol consumption until I reach my goals.

Trying to shed a bit more weight off, 194# currently and want to get to about 188#.

I don’t make enough time for mobility work, I do full range of motion on the compound lifts and that certainly helps but not enough
Three kids in 3.5 years with the youngest now at 8 months. I'm lucky if I get a shower 3 times a week and get everyone to church on time on Sunday. Wake up at 5 and work a bit before the 2 hours of family chaos starts and then work all day until I start on supper and the chaos starts again from 5pm to 8pm. Then it's basically juggling which kids doesn't want to sleep for 2 hours until I make it to bed for a few hours of broken sleep.

The biggest thing I can control at this season in life is mobility and diet. On a whole 30 diet and I work from home so when I'm in meetings I'm always rolling around on the floor (my wife is a PT so I have good guidance there). We try to get out on walks every night, but the weather isn't exactly kid friendly at least half the days in the week over this 4-5 month stretch. I usually carry 10-15 lbs less in the summer because we're outside doing things every evening. I'm more on the walk myself into sheep shape the first couple days of the hunt and go from there program. Time is catching up with me for that tactic though. Hopefully the youngest is sleeping better by spring and I can get back to my evening rucks that I did before kids. If not for the exercise, at least for the alone time and quiet!
Voted Diet and Mobility. Rucking would be my 3rd choice, but I've been happy with my athletic performance while hunting this year.

I just struggle with keeping the diet in check. I'll be good for two months, then fall off for a month. Trying to get more consistent on the good months.

I'm working on mobility twice a week this year. Stretching and foam rolling have always worked well in the past. I just get lazy and forget to. Wednesdays and Sundays are dedicated to recovery and mobility
I voted diet. Like others have mentioned, I do good and then I fall off. I think my struggle is family. We have a 3 year old so we eat what he wants to eat to a point. I don't complain about dinners as my wife typically does those unless were doing steak or something I can grill. I am trying to control the two meals that I plan. Breakfast and lunch. My buddy and research has me eating the exact same thing every day. Breakfast is the same, lunch is the same. No matter the day. It gets old fast but a lot of fitness guys do it. Dinner I just eat what my wife is making. Another struggle for me, I like sweets. I am working to break that but sometimes a good piece of dark chocolate just sounds good, or a piece of fruit.
Diet and mobility are two main areas of focus that need improvement. Another one as of a year or two has been sleep. I go to bed around 21:00 and wake up at 05:00 but I don’t always sleep well. Sometimes due to work I may be awake for 36 hours or more. That can play hell on diet and recovery.
I'm real good at getting the intense stuff and weight training. My problem is really getting in the Z1 and Z2 base building work. I used to get that as a part of work (fisheries) so never worried about it. My goal for this year is to really do a lot of training in Z1 and Z2.....so I'm gonna be real bored.

Another goal is to be more intentional with my weight training programming. If there is any evidence of overtraining, back off a couple cycles and build back up. That way maybe my body won't be so tore up by the end of the year. Again, it's boring, but works.
I became really diligent with building that z1/z2 base the past two years and noticed a huge difference. I was skeptical at first but I’m a believer now. It’s super boring but I’ll watch movies/shows, listen to podcasts, escout, even occasionally do some work.
During the winter time I don’t do any rucking with weight,

I don't do any intentional weight rucking until 6-8 weeks before hunting season (I do backpack frequently year round, but seldom over 30 lbs on my back). Approximately two weeks (twice a week) with a 30 lb bag of sand, two weeks with 45 lbs, two with 60 lbs and the last two back at 30 lbs (pack weight is close to +10 lbs over the sand with the weight of the pack, water, sidearm, etc)

That's enough to get my body acclimated to heavier weight and have never (knock on wood) gotten an injury from it either.

So far, so good :)
Most would say that I lack in all those areas except flexibility and bad habits. But come elk season, none of that seems to slow me down much. What I lack is a good lower back and two good knees. Those give me grief but I can generally push through that.
I'm pretty happy with my diet- nothing overly stringent, but eat pretty clean.

I'm getting a shit ton of aerobic activity in- hiking single track trails almost daily (average close to 200' of gain/mile), a backpacking trip almost monthly and a decent amount of miles snowshoeing/backcountry skiing in the "winter". Most of this is in Zone 2 with some Zone 3 & 4 mixed in.

I have a rucking (weighted 40-70 lbs incrementally) plan I implement about 6-8 weeks out from hunting season that thus far has worked really well.

I've been pretty good about lifting twice a week- a modified Wendler 5/3/1 (focused on a progressive increase in deadlifts/squats/bench/overhead press).

Drink about a six pack of beer a week- none, one or two max. Worth eliminating, possibly????

BUT where I'm lacking is in mobility work, no doubt an important component- especially at 65! :D

I'm hoping to remedy that lack soon.
What’s your plan for improving your mobility?
What’s your plan for improving your mobility?

That's going to be my next thread :)

I'm looking for just a few good exercises that cover pretty much everything- one that looks like it will make the list is the Spiderman lunge with rotation. If I can get it down to a 10 minute or less session, plan on doing ti everyday.
That's going to be my next thread :)

I'm looking for just a few good exercises that cover pretty much everything- one that looks like it will make the list is the Spiderman lunge with rotation. If I can get it down to a 10 minute or less session, plan on doing ti everyday.
I will be tagged on that! Archery is tough on my shoulders and the desk job is rough on my lower back…
That's going to be my next thread :)

I'm looking for just a few good exercises that cover pretty much everything- one that looks like it will make the list is the Spiderman lunge with rotation. If I can get it down to a 10 minute or less session, plan on doing ti everyday.
As one may gather from my username, I am a fan of yoga. A 10-15 minute session in the morning would definitely help with mobility. Lots of videos on YouTube to choose from. Happy to suggest a few if anyone is interested.
I really liked mobility of the day. Simple and effective easy to follow.

My goal is year to year consistency. I'm real good from December through may. But work gets busy june-august. I usually struggle first few weeks June then it all goes to shit and I give up. Hoping I can manage this year.

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That's going to be my next thread :)

I'm looking for just a few good exercises that cover pretty much everything- one that looks like it will make the list is the Spiderman lunge with rotation. If I can get it down to a 10 minute or less session, plan on doing ti everyday.

My mobility was always terrible. At 6’1 165 and playing basketball a few times a week I couldn’t touch my ankles while standing without bending my knees

I just started doing basic stretches on the living room floor every night before bed while watching tv. Nothing complex, just like the basic stuff you’d do before football practice or in gym class. It’s actually become one of my favorite parts of the day, it feels really good at the end of the day. And within a few weeks I started to really gain in my flexibility. I’m not a contortionist or gymnast by any means but I feel like it’s really lowering my chances of pulling a muscle on a long hike. And best of all I’m mostly just laying on my living room floor and watching tv while I do it hahaha

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