Yokay, I'm going to step out of the box here.
When you have no cell reception. Don’t carry a phone.
I was wondering what folks do without a phone when they are out n found a bunch of stuff I haven't a clue about. I don't carry a phone around unless my beautiful wife makes me. And since there is little cell reception where I hang out in the bush when I'm hunting or just going on a walkabout. It stays at the cabin. Where cell reception is very iffy as it is.
Works great for me but I kinda feeling like a travel a different trail.
My question is. What do folks do when you're out n it's raining and you and everything you have is soaked. Falling in water kinda happens in the bush, well at least to me.
Hey I've tried. Waterproof phones, ah kinda waterproof and bulky and breakable. We get heavy clouds with rain . And in a heavy forest. The GPS my family bought has trouble finding a satellite.
I've been told that we don't have enough satellite crossing overhead and with the curvature of the earth. Well gaps in coverage. How do folks plan on staying out for more than a week if you're phones on ? More electric device's ?
I'm not trying to jerk anyone's chain here. I'm a guy that just doesn’t understand how when folks go out in the bush n depend on electric devices. How's that work ? I prefer to not have any unnecessary distractions when I'm hunting or just cruising around. Stuff happens fast.
Maybe I'm wrong to step outside the box n ask questions. But I'm still me n I admit that having a phone has its advantages. But I just can't get over the hump on how so many folks seem to be pretty dependent on them.