When you have no cell reception.

Yokay, I'm going to step out of the box here.
When you have no cell reception. Don’t carry a phone.
I was wondering what folks do without a phone when they are out n found a bunch of stuff I haven't a clue about. I don't carry a phone around unless my beautiful wife makes me. And since there is little cell reception where I hang out in the bush when I'm hunting or just going on a walkabout. It stays at the cabin. Where cell reception is very iffy as it is.
Works great for me but I kinda feeling like a travel a different trail.
My question is. What do folks do when you're out n it's raining and you and everything you have is soaked. Falling in water kinda happens in the bush, well at least to me.
Hey I've tried. Waterproof phones, ah kinda waterproof and bulky and breakable. We get heavy clouds with rain . And in a heavy forest. The GPS my family bought has trouble finding a satellite.
I've been told that we don't have enough satellite crossing overhead and with the curvature of the earth. Well gaps in coverage. How do folks plan on staying out for more than a week if you're phones on ? More electric device's ?
I'm not trying to jerk anyone's chain here. I'm a guy that just doesn’t understand how when folks go out in the bush n depend on electric devices. How's that work ? I prefer to not have any unnecessary distractions when I'm hunting or just cruising around. Stuff happens fast.
Maybe I'm wrong to step outside the box n ask questions. But I'm still me n I admit that having a phone has its advantages. But I just can't get over the hump on how so many folks seem to be pretty dependent on them.
To the OP, I'm not sure you said you would be remote, just without cell service (traveling internationally). If you're traveling and can access Wi-Fi you can send texts via an app called WhatsApp. Just a thought if none the satellite stuff applies.
To the OP, I'm not sure you said you would be remote, just without cell service (traveling internationally). If you're traveling and can access Wi-Fi you can send texts via an app called WhatsApp. Just a thought if none the satellite stuff applies.
Where I’m going I will not have cell reception or any power source at the bush camp we will be staying at, so my phone will probably die the first day there. Thanks for all the help and information fellas.
Where I’m going I will not have cell reception or any power source at the bush camp we will be staying at, so my phone will probably die the first day there. Thanks for all the help and information fellas.
Is there no sun there? Many folks carry a small battery and fold up solar panel.
Also, cell phones tend not to die fast if on airplane mode and not in use.
Yokay, I'm going to step out of the box here.
When you have no cell reception. Don’t carry a phone.
I was wondering what folks do without a phone when they are out n found a bunch of stuff I haven't a clue about. I don't carry a phone around unless my beautiful wife makes me. And since there is little cell reception where I hang out in the bush when I'm hunting or just going on a walkabout. It stays at the cabin. Where cell reception is very iffy as it is.
Works great for me but I kinda feeling like a travel a different trail.
My question is. What do folks do when you're out n it's raining and you and everything you have is soaked. Falling in water kinda happens in the bush, well at least to me.
Hey I've tried. Waterproof phones, ah kinda waterproof and bulky and breakable. We get heavy clouds with rain . And in a heavy forest. The GPS my family bought has trouble finding a satellite.
I've been told that we don't have enough satellite crossing overhead and with the curvature of the earth. Well gaps in coverage. How do folks plan on staying out for more than a week if you're phones on ? More electric device's ?
I'm not trying to jerk anyone's chain here. I'm a guy that just doesn’t understand how when folks go out in the bush n depend on electric devices. How's that work ? I prefer to not have any unnecessary distractions when I'm hunting or just cruising around. Stuff happens fast.
Maybe I'm wrong to step outside the box n ask questions. But I'm still me n I admit that having a phone has its advantages. But I just can't get over the hump on how so many folks seem to be pretty dependent on them.
Personally, I don't want to be able to communicate with the outside world when I'm out hunting, or fishing for that matter... half the reason I'm out there is to get away from the rest of the world. I've been toying with an InReach or similar for a while now primarily for communicating with a hunting partner if we split up, but of course that requires 2 of them. I DO carry my PLB with me, if something bad happens hit the button and wait. I'll usually have my phone with me in airplane mode simply because it's built-in camera and I might want to take a picture of something. Most people aren't like that though, they want to check-in or be connected. My wife asked me once when we were hunting together and I chose to setup camp and hunt for expected 4-5 days where we had zero cell signal, don't you want to check and see if the boys are ok? I told her we're 1000 miles away, wtf are we gonna do about it if something happens back home?
InReach explorer here. I don't text much when I do use it but it's great insurance. I keep coverage year round since we have limited coverage and it's nice to keep in touch with our hunting group if needed.
Yokay, I'm going to step out of the box here.
When you have no cell reception. Don’t carry a phone.
I was wondering what folks do without a phone when they are out n found a bunch of stuff I haven't a clue about. I don't carry a phone around unless my beautiful wife makes me. And since there is little cell reception where I hang out in the bush when I'm hunting or just going on a walkabout. It stays at the cabin. Where cell reception is very iffy as it is.
Works great for me but I kinda feeling like a travel a different trail.
My question is. What do folks do when you're out n it's raining and you and everything you have is soaked. Falling in water kinda happens in the bush, well at least to me.
Hey I've tried. Waterproof phones, ah kinda waterproof and bulky and breakable. We get heavy clouds with rain . And in a heavy forest. The GPS my family bought has trouble finding a satellite.
I've been told that we don't have enough satellite crossing overhead and with the curvature of the earth. Well gaps in coverage. How do folks plan on staying out for more than a week if you're phones on ? More electric device's ?
I'm not trying to jerk anyone's chain here. I'm a guy that just doesn’t understand how when folks go out in the bush n depend on electric devices. How's that work ? I prefer to not have any unnecessary distractions when I'm hunting or just cruising around. Stuff happens fast.
Maybe I'm wrong to step outside the box n ask questions. But I'm still me n I admit that having a phone has its advantages. But I just can't get over the hump on how so many folks seem to be pretty dependent on them.
My Inreach is waterproof, at least enough to where a dunk into a river or rain won't hurt it.

If being able to send a message from camp at night, or the SOS in an emergency makes my wife not worry, I can do that.
Does Zoleo supposedly send and receive messages faster?
I have both the Zoleo and an Inreach. I've found the sending and receiving is quite a bit quicker on my Zoleo.

I also take my Inreach so I can type out a text message if something happens to my phone.

I am a bit nuts about this as I have to be in contact with work so I always have a couple charging banks and the two satellite messaging devices and often times a sat phone.

Sucks ass to carry all that stuff but that's the price I have to pay to be gone from work for an extended period of time.
Im running the Garmin InReach Messenger. Very similar to the Zoleo. Way better battery life then the InReach Mini or Mini 2
If there’s going to be Wi-Fi any where along the trip. Airport hotel base camp etc. get WhatsApp and your wife too. It’s easy handy and pretty well used outside USA. Will be much easier than any satellite device when there is Wi-Fi.

Phones in camp is easy. Airplane or low battery mode and a power pack or two.
My only experience is with my Zoleo, but it's been great in wilderness with no cell.
A quick Google search shows Zoleo on sale right now for $50 off, plus some extra 6 months free mapping stuff. I've been debating on upgrading from my last device for a while now. Had myself talked into Zoleo.... the sale was all it took for me to pull the trigger
I don't care to stay in contact when I go out. That's part of the reason I go. That's also why I carry a PLB instead of the other devices that send messages. The PLB runs off a different, more reliable satellite system anyways. If something happens and someone urgently needs me, well, that's why I tell them where I'm going and they can contact the local FS or SO office to come find me.
Im running the Garmin InReach Messenger. Very similar to the Zoleo. Way better battery life then the InReach Mini or Mini 2
Yes, but don’t you have to pair a phone with it to type out messages? Worrying about charging two devices plus the additional weight seems more troublesome..

I’ve used the Mini in the field. I would turn the device on every morning/evening to send/receive messages. I also received several weather updates through the device. After using it as described for a week in the field it had 90% battery life (not connected to Bluetooth). I’m sure that would suffice for 99% of hunters.

Also, I don’t think you can go wrong with either. I have a Mini Inreach and a friend has a Zoleo. We had difficulties sending each other messages. Seems to be a common problem. If you have a hunting buddy, I’d recommend using what ever device they have…
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I use an Inreach SE+, and paired with a smartphone and the Garmin Earthmate app it works reliably to send and receive messages. It is quick and easy to type messages through the app and send them via bluetooth. I don't really use the GPS function for navigating, since I have OnX also on the phone.
I used a SPOT device a few years ago but the performance was indeed "spotty" for me and I got rid of it.