Hanging Euro Mount (no stud available)

I have done that^^. My only elk euro isnt giant, but it sticks away from the wall enough that its a lot of leverage, and its in a stairwell so if it falls its going a long way. And I just dont trust drywall.
I cut open a square on each of the studs on either side, added a horizontal brace at the right height, and then screwed the piece of drywall back on, a little tape, a little mud, a bit of screening, some paint, and a few “moments” later I was able to screw the mount directly into the horizontal brace.
The zip it style hold pretty well. If it’s high and over people’s heads I would use a toggle. Put a nut and washer on the bolt so you have some hanging specie on the bolt head.
We inherited a lot of art. Huge paintings (like 8x8 feet) and such. My partner's grandmother was an artist who'd trade.

Floreat Hangers are the best ones. These work in plaster or drywall. Museums use them. I have 4 140-160 whitetail euro mounts on a corner post from a fence hanging on a single one (probably one of the 75 lb ones). That's probably the most weight I have one one outside of some of the paintings.


This held my elk well. Toggle bolt anchor with a 4” eye hook and 30lb picture wire. Obviously not a 300” mondo trophy but it seemed to hold well in the drywall. Recently moved so just pulled the eye hook and let the toggle bolt drop sweetly into its insulation space

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Monkey hooks work well and only make a tiny hole. Amazing what they will hold. It's what I hang my elk with. My brother hung a flat screen TV with them.

Lots of options as described above. Another is to bite he bullet and cut out a section of drywall and put a 2x4 or 2x6 from stud to stud. Then repair the drywall. That's the magic of drywall, it can be opened up and repaired and if done right won't show.
The “toggler” drywall anchors will do the trick. If you want to beef it up you could get a piece of ply and size it so it is hidden behind scull and use 2 to 3 of those anchors. That would put total weight well above 500lbs. Paint wood same as wall color. Then use a wood anchor into ply.