Article 4
That is definitely one option for sure. Yeah if you change barrels a lot, you want the tools. If you are like most shooters who have a few rifles, they might have to change a barrel every 8-10 years to get to 2500 rounds....some guys do that in a year.Once you’ve bought the tools, that per barrel cost for prefits drops significantly. Gauges aren’t that expensive, and can be rented for cheap. I’ve bought prefits from a couple makers, most chambered for non-saami cartridges. Last was. 338-284, and specified which reamer they should use (they charge $75 or so for a reamer they don’t have in house). I had one cut to match dummy rounds I sent in, though I’ve found I prefer to rent a throating reamer and finish them by hand to where I want them. I’d love to buy blanks and have them fit to my actions, but I don’t want to wait a year, and don’t want to spend the money (and space) on a lathe to do them myself.
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Using a pre fit and using a gunsmith assumes they are both on point in every thing they do. For me, I use a smith or do it myself. If using a smith, I use the same one I know and trust for many years, and many other shooters do as well. Gotta plan ahead though for sure.
Go and no go gauges $80 bucks
A guy should have a barrel vise - an inexpensive one is about $100 bucks and then you have to make your own wooden or other barrel adapter to accommodate breech size
Torque Wrench - 100 bucks - barrel tightness I usually go with is 80 lbs to start and then depending what the gauges tell me, a tiny bit less or more
If you are finishing by hand, you already bought the throating tool so thats about $180 bucks
For me, if the notion is to change barrels as a regular activity, why rent? Buy them - what person doesnt love more tools!!!!
Assuming is the big issue. It all has to work either way. Headspace matters. Concentricity and accuracy of the chamber punch matters. Action specs matter and quality control of all of them matter. Maybe it shoots, maybe it doesnt but with the know how and tools, I know why. If someone doesnt wanna learn the right way, pay a smith.
I asked the question to find out who loves them and why. I think prefits are way cool but would never buy one and "just spin it on" and go shoot without knowing the how and why it is done correctly.