What’s your state do well?

I live in Idaho and enjoy being able to hunt deer elk bear & antelope every year and the option to choose my unit & weapon to hunt with !! But I have also watched Idaho Fish & NO GAME destroy units that were once big buck producing units year after year ! I have ranted to them for 15 plus years to do away with the forked horn & Useless does hunts across the state, Apparently the # 1 credential to work at F&NG is to be DEAF !! 2nd is to not give a single F--K about any game species ! Units that were putting bucks in B&C & Idaho record books are not & have not produced record caliber animals in over 20 years .
Nebraska has been trying and our mule deer numbers had been going up but last winter was hard on them in the unit I live.

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Oregon - I think they do a good job of maintaining the opportunity to hunt. Even though the quantity of animals on the animals landscape is not what it should be.
We have plenty of game in MT. They are trying to make more opportunities with the Block Management system. For the most part, I think the Elk Shoulder Seasons make sense. For those unaware, the permits are only legal on private land. That effectively removes some private land Elk while leaving the public land Elk alone.
I like that Colorado lets OTC elk hunters compete with the deer hunters for 5 seasons per year. It’s gotta save some bucks’ lives. Wish we could do a high fence/deer crossing program like Wyoming does.
Utah does a good job at promoting some of the hardest to draw and hunt units in the country and leaving opportunities for me to smash great bucks in some of the least sought after units in the country more often than not.