What’s your state do well?

Wyoming does a pretty good job at lowering mule deer population objectives every couple of years.
Yep. Gotta account for cheatgrass invasion, chronic wasting disease, a lack of logging/forest fires, housing developments on the winter range, feral horse expansion, drought, and a new 4-predator landscape since the time those objectives were set.
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Im not gonna touch on MT, IMO it's not really managing anything.

But in general, I find it interesting that across the West you have a ton of different strategies for hunting mulies: OTC in the rut, OTC in October, draw only everything, etc. Guess what, #'s are declining West wide regardless of management strategy. Weird.....
This is certainly the point, man. Not a single state across the west has populations approaching their historical highs, and likely never will, so I figure we might as well be grateful for what we have instead of being sour all the time.
I’m liking seeing some MT regions propose change to the mule deer season structure. I’m hoping the proposed season changes (LE, last 3 weeks of rifle LE, private land only doe tags, etc) in Region 4 become the norm for region 6 and 7 as well.
This is certainly the point, man. Not a single state across the west has populations approaching their historical highs, and likely never will, so I figure we might as well be grateful for what we have instead of being sour all the time
Yea, I get sour at everyone complaining like these game agencies are raising cattle or pigs and can actually control anything. No one complains when a new subdivision goes in or the BLM permits another 1000 gas wells on winter range....
Being a life-long WA resident, and having never hunted out of state, am I missing something here? Are there really states where Residents can't hunt deer OTC?
SD. With a bow you are guaranteed a tag but rifle and muzzleloader are draw. Every year there is one or more people in my family who don't get a tag.
In general I'd say there isn't much that California is doing well for Mule Deer. To me the biggest thing to help would be Cat management but that will never happen.

Locally we are finally doing controlled burns again and if we can hit a few key places to get some regrowth it could do a ton of good for our local populations so there is some hope.
Lol yeah true but you can shoot 2 bears in the fall. It doesn't replace the spring hunt but I mean that's kind of cool.

I encourage NR's to come shoot our bears pls and thank you.
3 bears in Oregon. 2 in Washington. I wouldn't mind seeing some dedicated YouTubers getting after 'em more than they do already! I didn't get my one bear in Wyoming this year, so may have to make a trip out to the PNW!
WI has a lot of Wolves. Population way exceeds objectives, so they're doing a bang up job by certain measures. . .

GB is full of walleyes, but not sure how much the DNR has to do with that, as it seems more related to outside factors than specific initiatives taken by the DNR.

The restrictive pan fish regs seem to be working well on a lot of waters.

There's a lot of really big bucks on privately managed areas in the southern part of the state. In the northern area with a lot of public ground where the DNR "manages" the herd its pretty dismal in a lot of areas.

The state parks are numerous and beautiful.
3 bears in Oregon. 2 in Washington. I wouldn't mind seeing some dedicated YouTubers getting after 'em more than they do already! I didn't get my one bear in Wyoming this year, so may have to make a trip out to the PNW!
The guys at PNWild do some awesome videos on fall bear hunting. Check them out.
I thoroughly enjoy the fact that I can hunt from August 30th through Jan 30th. I can hunt deer or elk in the morning, swing by the house and grab the dog and be in the chukar hills by lunchtime. Wrap up bird season at the end of January, move on into shed season and morels later in the spring. Not much to improve on a system like that!
Washington use to be my home up until a year ago. They are really good at adding predators and dropping deer and elk numbers. They are also really good at promoting drugs, crime , and homelessness. I currently live in PA and they are good at the making hunting and fishing affordable and having good deer numbers.
I genuinely appreciate the opportunities I have to hunt in Idaho. I love mule deer and I’m able to hunt mature bucks every year! Plenty of other hunting opportunities also.

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My county in Texas has antler restrictions, they have to be wider than their ears. We are in our second year of it but I feel like it’s working except for the poachers still kill anything they can.