Whats your reloading process?

  1. Remove primers (for even measurements)
  2. Wet Tumble brass (only if very dirty)
  3. Anneal (every 2-3 firings)
  4. Spray with 90/10 alcohol/lanolin
  5. Resize brass w/o expander ball (bump shoulder .0015”, .004” NT)
  6. Expanding mandrel w/ dry lube (.002” NT)
  7. Clean case mouths of dry lube w/ q-tip and neck brush
  8. Quick dry tumble (remove case lube)
  9. 3 way trim
  10. Seat primers
  11. Load powder
  12. Seat bullets
Probably showing my ignorance here, but doesn’t FL sizing stretch the case and possibly put you over max length?
Not if you use a mandrel instead of an expander ball, so you size on downstroke instead of up. And usually very minor in any case.
-d-cap & Bump .003<

Boom. Repeat.

I don't anneal. When my brass wears out, I throw it in the trash.
Lifes too short to anneal brass for us non-ribbon chasers imho.
Mines pretty simple:

- Tumble in rice
- Anneal
- FL size
- Trim/chamfer/deburr
- Prime
- Charge
- Seat bullets
Brush inside the neck of brass
Busing dies
Giraud case trim
Cleaning primer pocket
Wet tumbling
Clean and dry
Oven for a few minutes make sure no moisture
Drop powder
Sitting bullets
And go to the range!

Happy shooting and hunting !
This is not the fastest but works for me and I usually only reload 25-50 rifle cartridges at a time. I actually like that this drags out the time as it gives me something to do

Measure for HS
SS media wet tumble 2 hours
Anneal in AMP
Size without expander ball using imperial wax
Wet tumble 1 hour
Debur case mouths
expand necks with 21st Century mandrel was using graphite now using Neolube
Seat bullet
Mine's not too different than others. For simplicity, I follow the same process for hunting rounds as I do my PRS rounds:
  • Tumble in walnut media with Flitz
  • Anneal w/AMP
  • FL size with SAC die. This bumps the shoulder 0.002", sizes the neck and de-primes
  • Trim w/Henderson so I have and inside and outside chamfer
  • Tumble again to remove the lube
  • Prime
  • Powder
  • Seat bullets
like many others

- deprime
- wet ss tumble
- dry in oven
- lube
- FL resize with 0.002" shoulder bump (using hornady comparator set)
- wipe lube off with rag and brake cleaner
- trim
- chamfer/deburr
- prime
- powder
- bullet
1. De-cap
2. Wet tumble
3. Anneal
4. FL size
5. Prime
6. Charge
7. Seat

I trim only when necessary. Drying after cleaning is done on a cookie tray. Usually overnight.

Clean in tumbler
Drop powder
Seat bullet

Sometimes if the brass is really dirty I will tumble first then resize.
For the .223:

Spray with RCBS Slick (one shot doesn’t exist in Canada as far as I can find)
FL size/decap
Wipe with rag
Throw powder
Seat bullet

I’ll trim when the brass grows too much.

For everything else that I’m not shooting as much of, I still fiddle around with stuff like neck mandrels and tumbling, mostly for the hobby sake of it. Maybe I’ll come around eventually and keep it simple with everything since I certainly can’t shoot the difference any of it makes.
Deprime, Anneal, in no particular order
Tumble with dry media
Clear flash hole, quick cleaning of primer pocket, wipe down brass
Redding Imperial wax, resize with Redding bushing dies, and bump shoulder 0.001-0.002
Trim with L.E. Wilson micrometer trimmer, chamfer and deburr, clean inside of neck with nylon brush
21st century hand priming tool and seat primers 0.003-0.0035 below flush
5-0-5 scale, RCBS deluxe check weights to verify scale, weigh and add powder
Bullet, light coating of Redding dry neck lube, seat bullet, wipe down

**considering adding expander mandrel to regimen**
Iv eliminated as many steps as I can, while still maintaining consistency.

Dry Tumble
Size/mandrel/decap (one step with sac die)
Dry tumble lube off
Giraud trim/chamfer/debur

Ready to prime and load.