Whats your name boy?

I enjoy the word beast, for its usage in old hunting literature as well as werewolf movies. I always pretended I was some form of Ice age ‘beast’ throughout childhood. I feel more connected to beasts than almost all people. My best times are when surrounded by lots of dark tree cover, such as north facing slopes of pine or hemlock. I feel as though I’m apart of the trees or at least want to be.
Nickname from my teens at my first job, a handful of nobody’s I had never met came up with it. It has stuck and so has our friendship 30 years later
mine is pretty self explanatory and not very creative. I love chasing roosies, and spend almost as much time in the woods as they do during Sept😎
From the broomed sheep and goats I've taken over the years....

I love waterfowling and I also run hunt test and field trials with my labs. I live in the south so dog comes out dawg.
I was born and raised in central California, zone A is what I grew up hunting in. I know right, very freaking creative on my part. Lots of poison oak, triple digit temps and mean rattlesnakes, home sweet home.