Whats your name boy?

Haha, love that reference.

Mine is a reference to Ron Burgundy from Parks and Rec.
Parks and Rec was one of my favorite shows. I think Ron Burgundy was the Anchorman. Ron Swanson was the boss on Parks and Rec. You may have to change your name. Haha.
I got all crazy and put my first name followed by the initial of my last name without a space between them.
Yeah, I got close to that crazy but not quite. Initials and last name lol

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Parks and Rec was one of my favorite shows. I think Ron Burgundy was the Anchorman. Ron Swanson was the boss on Parks and Rec. You may have to change your name. Haha.
Oops, I use Ron Swanson for another forum, I totally forgot haha.

This one is in reference to Ron Burgundy from Anchorman.
Please see pic on the left...killed in VA with a bow. I also second the previously said...Great and fun post to read and learn more about our fellow members on here.
Oops, I use Ron Swanson for another forum, I totally forgot haha.

This one is in reference to Ron Burgundy from Anchorman.
They were both cool Ron's....Ron Swanson was the coolest though. Best episode....."Woman of the Month".
I was mainly an upland bird hunter until I got hooked on chasing velvet muleys above timberline. I still love a good day in the field following my faithful german shorthair. Shorthair was taken so I added the 0. I have had a shorthair or two for the last 15 or so years and would be lost without one.
After reading everybody else's, mine is so boring. I don't remember the first forum I joined for sure (maybe power stroke forum?) but I didn't want to think about it too much so I used my computer login from a brief office job I had back at the turn of the century/millennium. It's the same on all but one or two forums. The first 6 letters of my last name followed by the first and middle initials. That was their default way of assigning logins. I should've went ahead and thrown the "t" from Colbert in there for good measure.
When I was a rookie I always hung out with and related to the " old school " guys at work and learn
Ned from them. Now I'm old ...
I have a degree in fisheries and work in fisheries management for the state. You could say i fish for a living. I just use nets and electricity...