Whats your name boy?

Was trying to think up a truck license plate name. Was a country song at the time "Pick Up Man" Was gonna use that but thought better of it and came up with Buckman cause I was always after that buck deer. I've had that plate for prolly 30 years.
Needed a name when I joined my first forum. Was not that creative. I use this one on all forums

I move freight - a Freight Forwarder

Pays the bills and supports the hobbies
Back when I got my drivers license I wanted to put a tag on the front of my truck that said "deer slayer." My dad bought me one that said "time killer" instead because he said that was more appropriate! The 13 is because I was born on the 13th.
Too much talk lately of politics, flat brim vs curved,new vs old. Need to lighten up the mood around here. Those of you who have joined in the past couple years,how did you come up with your user name and what if any significance is behind it? Mine stems from my love of motocross. 4rcgoat.
Ricky Carmichael ran the #4, some say he was the greatest of all time.......at that time.
I had been hunting all day in the rain. I was soaked to the bone, covered in pine needles, leaves, foot of soaking wet hair hanging out from under my hat and had a bad case of crotch rub going on! I walked into camp with a stiff legged gait and noticed a conservation officer talking to my hunt partner. The CO noticed me first and said "holy shit its the creature from the black lagoon". My partner looked at me, laughed and said "swampthing".
Well.......myself and a buddy were creating an account on another site trying to buy a bow off a classifieds add and I just blurted it out being funny and he set my account up with MtnOyster, just laughed and went on..........been thinking about changing it lately..........a little too catchy for me.
From rapid city and a firefighter, years ago as a fng thought it was a cool nickname

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Guys at work started calling me Shrek when the movie came out. I am kind of a big grumpy Ogre looking guy so it fits. I liked the movie character.
I was bow hunting turkeys (spot and stalk) with a buddy and we kept getting close, but couldn’t seal the deal. I said “if I had to live off of what I killed with my bow like the Indians, I would be one SKINNY INDIAN!” It stuck, but luckily today, my freezer is full! It is meant as a sign of respect and admiration for their skill, and absolutely nothing derogatory. As you can see in my avatar, I’m fairly skinny too.
I’m a avid steelhead fishermen and my lure of choice is a spoon. In my group of fishing friends I was the only one that fished spoons and did very well fishing them so they started calling me Spoonman.84829425-0249-4B07-8F7D-06492527113D.jpeg
Current community where I live, three farms, a tavern that used to be a country store/creamery, and a church. Although not organized, all locals know where Timberland is