Whats your name boy?

Started bowhunting solely with my bow in 1982 for what i have found to be the wildest turkey in America. Nobody believe I could kill one with archer gear. Killed one and from there set a goal of killing Alabama's limit what was 6 at the time. Even my dad said I would never accomplish such a lofty goal. Took to probably 1988 to get it done and have limited out almost every year since. Take around 10 spring gobblers every year now. I am proof if you set your mind on something and don't quit, no matter how much the odds are against you, keep pressing and you can get it done.

Done a lot of self video and put in YouTube. Named my YouTube channel TurkeyBowMaster and it just carried over.
SLDMTN = Slide Mountain

Been on that hill since I was a twinkle in Dad's eye, so much family tradition there, its still my favorite place to exist. - Kyle

Oh and great idea for a thread 👍🏻
Slide mountain in WA?

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I can't remember where but for some sort of username the only thing available was my last name without the vowels and i added me College Baseball number. Last name Stewart = Stwrt and # = 9 Stwrt9

Favorite number of my favorite player growing up. I wore it in high school as well. Derek Jeter. Loved the way he played the game and how he was outside the lines as well. Back Country Hunter . . . well, that's what I do.
Coachjdub= I used to coach a lot of sports, first initial and my last name starts with W, Dub = W. I had one of my football players call me this one year and it just stuck.
Brian Rogers = Roy68

Went to a small school and had 3 Ryan's in my class, another Ryan a year older. My brother and I were in HS at the same time, so a coach yelling my last name didn't work and my first name sounded to much like Ryan; confusing a group of athletes. One of my classmates started calling me Roy because of my last name and my ranching background. 68 was my # in sports.
I always found big trees fascinating. Trippy to think how long they have been around, hence "oldgrowth". Hopefully no one took it to mean I had some kind of weird growth somewhere on my body!:eek:
How did you guys come up with your user name? You would think that living in the land of speed goats my user name ( 4rcgoat) would have something to do with pronghorn. Im a life long motocross fan and one of my favorite riders was Ricky Carmichael, ran the number 4 until retirement, considered to be the greatest of all time. Ok your turn.

At one point or another, everyone I have ever hunted with eventally said, "Where's Bruce?" Where I was just that well concealed in my camo, was way behind em or way ahead of em depends on who I am hunting with. Gary used to march me into the ground...now i can pretty much keep up with him. I was much slower and weaker seven years ago when I started hunting.
Pretty simple...came up with it when I lived in Montana and love fly fishing for those mountain trout
I love chasing elk, and I have a masters degree in physiology, and am a dietitian with board certification in sports dietetics. So, Elkfitness was a name I picked when I joined my first forum (bowsite). I probably wouldn't try to be as cool now and would just be mikefromColorado!