What's your elk schedule?

I have a MT general tag but due to work obligations archery is not in the cards. Heading out in November with rifle in hand. Praying for snow and cold.
Hunting the entire CO muzzleloader season, 9/14-9/22, or until my hunting partner and I notch our tags. If needed, re-provision near the closest town in our hunt area and not return home until we get 'er done.
Headed out west September 14 for my first elk hunt. I have about 2 weeks to enjoy the mountains and chase some elk.
Weekend warrior here, at least i live in MT. Going to try and work some sat/sun weekends to trade for a wednedsay/thursday weekend or two. Maybe take a sick day here or there. I have a half week vaca Im going to spend in the eastern part of the state chasing antelope with a friend in rifle season, so unlikely to get a solid elk trip in. But ive got a couple quick overnight spots im looking forward too and lll be out 2 days a week every week till december. Cant complain about that.
Debating on taking the PTO to help a buddy archery in WY and then heading out with my cow tag mid-oct.
Currently on the road to NM for first season archery bull until the 13th got a late start had to work until this morning. Then onto NV for a sheep odds draw archery elk hunt sept 17-30. The tag gods were good to me this year.
UTAH LE Archery, if I get it done by the 15th or 16th off to Wyoming on my general tag with a archery permit. Leave tomorrow untill sept 25th or so. Can’t sleep. To excited.

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Started August 25th and will hunt every evening and weekend until I fold my tag, then onto my wife’s. The joys of living 15 minutes from my hunting spot
Leaving for MT Oct 22 (driving). Flying back home Nov 10.
Fly back to MT Nov 19th and will leave to drive back home Dec 1.
Oregon damage control cow for my 17yo in 2 weeks, then Arizona bull for my 15yo at end of November. Just hoping to be a pack mule this season.
Hunted hard the 1st and 2nd and almost connected on a 320ish bull at 10 feet that was behind a tree then stopped again at 15 feet and only had a head shot…and thanks guys from Louisiana with your white hat for cow calling every three steps and blowing an entire herd out of that drainage.
Leave the 10th through the 23.
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