what's your beef with turkey?

Sounds like I need to plan a trip to N. Idaho/Eastern Wa. The whole nuisance thing is a cop out. Its like hunting geese, go to the park and they're eating out of your hands, go set up in a field to hunt them and they'll give you a bad case of the red ass. Same thing with deer in neighborhoods.

If you've hunted turkeys and it doesn't tickle your fancy, I respect that, don't understand it but respect it. But if you have never hunted them, please STFU!

K man. I’ve never lived in N ID or E WA, but I've lived in various places across Idaho. I’ll start hunting turkeys that gobble at me right off the public roads with a baseball bat so I can have an opinion. The only difference between me being a turkey hunter or not is killing them while they’re gobbling at me.

Even if they lived in a really cool spot and were smarter, I still don’t think they’re that cool of an animal. They also look super dumb in pictures with their head and neck all floppy. And you get a few pounds of meat that the majority dislike. Just my opinion.
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I shot my first turkey this year and enjoyed it immensely. Called it in to about 10 yards. I’m a pretty new hunter and this was the first time I’ve ever experienced something like that. Quite an experience. I was so pumped up on adrenaline after the kill that I nearly felt sick. So, I get it.
That being said, I don’t know that I’d ever travel to hunt turkey. Or take vacation days. Or take it over a big game hunt.

Thanks to everyone for the replies...this post is pretty much exactly where my head is at, too. I live in MO and am within an hour of great turkey hunting. I can go for a few hours before work or on a weekend without sacrificing any vacation or family time (if I bring my daughter with me).

Big game still has the edge for sure, but turkey is pretty dang fun so I was just surprised to see so many people ANTI turkey, which was the point of my OP. Really appreciate everyone's responses.

Mike from MO
K man. I’ve never lived in N ID or E WA, but I've lived in various places across Idaho. I’ll start hunting turkeys that gobble at me right off the public roads with a baseball bat so I can have an opinion. The only difference between me being a turkey hunter or not is killing them while they’re gobbling at me.

Even if they lived in a really cool spot and were smarter, I still don’t think they’re that cool of an animal. They also look super dumb in pictures with their head and neck all floppy. And you get a few pounds of meat that the majority dislike. Just my opinion.

Like I said, if you haven't actually hunted them you don't have an opinion. And lets be honest, meat plays a very small factor in why we hunt what we hunt or we would all be hunting cattle.
For me, wild turkey meat is way more desirable than that mushy butterball stuff.

I feel like the texture is similar pork.

We threw some of the lady's bird on the grill last night and it was excellent.

... antelope on the other hand, no bueno.
Like I said, if you haven't actually hunted them you don't have an opinion. And lets be honest, meat plays a very small factor in why we hunt what we hunt or we would all be hunting cattle.

Okay so when I (hypothetically) baseball bat the turkey steps off the public road on public land, what is that going to do for me? I will be magically turned into a turkey aficionado?

I think I might’ve turkey hunted with a buddy many years ago or maybe it was just small game hunting. We got bored after like an hour (long turkey hunt in these parts) because we were kids and left and did something else.
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Like I said, if you haven't actually hunted them you don't have an opinion. And lets be honest, meat plays a very small factor in why we hunt what we hunt or we would all be hunting cattle.
I would tend to strongly disagree with that statement. Meat plays a very large factor in why and what I hunt. Becuase if it didn't I'd be out there hunting the shit out of squirrels and stinky ass turkeys. But I dont do either because squirrels provide little meat and wild turkeys taste like garbage. Couple that with how boring it is, I find it irrelevant in my hunting category no matter whose claiming it's a challenge or where it is. The meat is the most important part.
I would tend to strongly disagree with that statement. Meat plays a very large factor in why and what I hunt. Becuase if it didn't I'd be out there hunting the shit out of squirrels and stinky ass turkeys. But I dont do either because squirrels provide little meat and wild turkeys taste like garbage. Couple that with how boring it is, I find it irrelevant in my hunting category no matter whose claiming it's a challenge or where it is. The meat is the most important part.

If they were delicious, you still wouldn't hunt them. You would just go down your long list 'why nots'.
If you're scared, say you're scared!

Hahahaha scared of a turkey? What would they do to you exactly? I have been tempted to snap their neck for the experience. When you're in Idaho, let me know and I'll tell you where to find some road birds and you can shoot and/or judo them.
There is nothing I hate more than to be snubbed by a gobbling tom that was crapping in my yard the day before. That said getting one to come in on a string is an exhilarating experience. I don't feel the drive to pursue one especially since one of my Rural residential customers has implored me to come do turkey control because they come by to eat their animal's feed and hay every morning. Feels dirty...

One part of turkey hunting I'm proud of though is I have helped 4 first time Turkey hunters get their first birds.

I'd be less sad about Turkeys disappearing forever than any other game bird or animal I've killed. There is always gonna be that last kid chosen and for me it is the yard bird. Ok Well Ducks are in the same boat...
They just don't do anything for me at all...I still do it sort of but they can be gobbling 5ft from me while hunting and its cool no doubt but doesn't get my blood pumping.
Turkeys is the only thing that gets me through the lull till September. Granted, calling in a bugling bull is on another level, but other than elk, what other animal offers such a cool calling opportunity?

Most people say the adventure is part of why they hunt so it makes sense that it isn't any fun for guys to just go sit in the pasture or right out the back door and kill one. It wouldn't be fun for me either, but I don't understand how any September elk hunter wouldn't enjoy a good public land turkey hunt. It's elk hunting without getting busted by the wind! Who wouldn't like that?

The meat aspect I can't understand either. I know they aren't no elk or deer, but tags are cheap and I get 10+ meals out of a turkey easy. We get to have a spring Thanksgiving every year that my family loves. I turn the legs into about 8-10 packages of breakfast sausage with 10% pork fat. All some of the family favorites. While it's not a ton, it's definitely some of the best wild meat out there and my family always looks forward to it.

Everybody has what trips their trigger, I get it, but I think especially some of the elk hunters here are missing out. They can be a whole lot of fun!