It’s not cool for the flatbrim crowd and you won’t get a lot of likes on Instagram. There’s no “look a me and my hard core ways and this big ass pack out” wooo hooo I’m an extreme outdoor dude. And not much to hang on the wall.
I could pop deer while eating Capt’n Crunch in my jammies, so the nuisance thing is kinda funny.
Lotsa high horse riders....
There’s a whole other IG crowd around it and it looks like this:
Absurdly fancy and $$ mechanical decoys
Fancy Shotguns patterned out to 100 yards
It’s lame and pathetic. They brag about 90 yard shots on social media and then Jerk each other off about Red dot scopes, high end shotguns, chokes and ammo combos. Somehow, turkey hunting went from being about calling and woodsman-ship to being a high end shooting sport where you haul a blind, a chair and a life size mechanical decoy around.
So, to add to all of the things I listed above, the contemporary social media culture built around turkey hunting disgusts me. **** these guys. If you take the purists approach out of turkey hunting, there’s really nothing left except a gear intensive shooting sport.