What's With The Tape On The Barrel?

I've been taping the muzzle for a long time, but I was unaware the cool kids started stashing extra tape on the barrel. Brilliant.
I keep a length of electrical tape, gorilla tape and gear repair tape wrapped around one of my hiking sticks. Change it out every year.
For the barrel brake guys, what are you using to seal up large ported brakes like the SRS and MBMs?
I throw a strip of electrical tape over the muzzle in one direction, then a second perpendicular to make sure it's really sealed. Then a couple wraps around the tag ends of the barrel to make sure it's secure.

Assuming others do similar, you're seeing the tape that's securing the tag ends.
Good to know. I've always been afraid to tape the ports. I suppose my thoughts were maybe there would be an unequal discharge of gases that could result in impact shifts.

Nope. Not remotely a thing. The tape blows off from the air in the barrel ahead of the bullet.