I found an arrowhead in a very unlikely location, I have looked for them a bunch, and when I found one, i was not looking, and it was the coolest place to find one.
I had been out of town on a dive stretch for about 10 days, had a trail cam in this creek bottom (spring bear) and my plan was to sit above this bottom until 10am and then go get my cam.
About 9:30 I hear something in the timber below me, and it crossed below me right to left, then it got quiet, it sounded like a deer rather than a bear, so I wasn’t too worried about not seeing it.
At 10 I go down and grab my cam 80yds below me looking over this nice lush patch of grass, start scrolling through pics and the pic before it got me was a big Tom lion, which was cool, then I looked at the date and my heart sinks… what I heard was that lion, and it walked 80yds below in the wide open, directly in my line of sight, I was so bummed. At that time I hadn’t killed a lion yet, and I just had a slam dunk opportunity on the big Tom in the area and didn’t even know it
I walk back up to the clay landing to walk out and here is a pristine perfect arrowhead that is elevated about an inch above the ground, the clay eroded around it, and it was just sitting there waiting for me to find it
That made the sting of not killing that lion a lot better, and it was cool to find in a canyon that had been very productive for me. Something about finding it there, and by accident made it more valuable to me, it’s one of my most prized possessions.
It was cool considering the effort I had spent looking for them in areas that were historic native areas, and I found one in an area that wasn’t.