What's the deal with everyone using suppresors?

In addition, no, it's not to look cool. From an article I saw, "Interestingly, in many European countries, suppressors on firearms are mandatory to make target shooting and hunting quieter and less disturbing to neighbors. Firearm owners in France, for example, are fined and penalized for firing guns without a suppressor to quiet the noise." I didn't fact check this claim, however.

As with all things firearms related, it's best to model France.
I'm not so sure about the claim of game not isolating the sound. I've sat in a pit on a long range shoot - the bullet snap is louder than the sound of the rifle.

Just out of curiosity I searched and found this video...

Sure, the supersonic snap is one part of the sound but the boom is another. The boom is located at the shooter and the snap at the travel of the supersonic path of the bullet.

Do you see how suppressing the boom means the game can’t isolate the location of the boom over then snap?

You will just have to go hunting with a suppressor and you will see first hand. That video isn’t evidence of how game react.
Huge benefit when it comes to hunting and game can’t isolate the sound and don’t react with alarm to typical shots out west.

Don’t forget that.
I have sat next to buddies shooting deer, elk, antelope, and coyotes. Some times he gets first shot, some times I do. We have not noticed any difference. At times they spook, and other times they can’t pin point where it came from. Don’t think it matters, I think its more of how the shot “ echos” or is perceived to come from to the animal. Many times, I believe they react to the bullet hitting the ground after it goes through them. Because many times we have them head towards us, rather the away. Again don’t seem to matter weather is suppressed or not. Many times not much if any reaction at all, either. Obviously I am not a salesman lol.
Sure, the supersonic snap is one part of the sound but the boom is another. The boom is located at the shooter and the snap at the travel of the supersonic path of the bullet.

Do you see how suppressing the boom means the game can’t isolate the location of the boom over then snap?

You will just have to go hunting with a suppressor and you will see first hand. That video isn’t evidence of how game react.
Hmmm. Idk - the decibel readings in the video seems like a good downrange indicator to me. I'm not proud to say that I've had 2 flat misses with a muzzle braked rifles in my life. A bear at 720 - he just lifted his head and went back to feeding. My second shot killed him. My other miss was a buck hanging with 5 doe at 400 yards. All of the deer stood there for 20 minutes until my second shot which killed the buck. Do you really think wildlife differentiate between a droning boom and a sharp crack?
Either the level sound matters or it doesn’t. Either the way sound echos matters or it doesn’t.

I believe that animals will react to bigger sounds and my limited experience is consistent with others who report it. I believe animals will try to locate the origin of sounds.

Suppressors are definitely less disruptive and harder to pinpoint the location of the shooters

Obviously there are other factors. Animals are not as predictable as one would expect.

Maybe it is confirmation bias on my part.
Biggest thing I’ve noticed is removing the shock wave from the shot. Much more comfortable to shoot. It cuts recoil. Animals react markedly different, harder to place where the shot came from.
Agreed. Much easier on the hearing too. I don't wear hearing protection hunting big game--or turkeys. So while I know it isn't good, it's still much easier on your hearing than not suppressed. Kinda like getting that Big Mac but ordering a diet coke to wash it down. And shooting a suppressed rifle keeps you from scaring the bajesus out of people in a nearby residence when you do shoot.
It’s like really nice to hunt and not worry about losing my hearing if I don’t get plugs in in time or correctly. I always wear plugs at the range either way, but I’ve definitely sent it without them hunting and paid for it.

Also really nice to reduce concussion and I think I’m a better shot for it
Keep hearing the opposite ^^^^ they are trying to ban them. But then again, they are trying to ban the guns they are on. And damn, where are you guys that are shooting in neighbor hoods, and bothering neighbors. Crap I don’t think I would feel comfortable shooting any thing more then an air rifle if I have to worry about neighbors !!!!
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I honestly want to know. I don't get the need for one on a rifle. I've noticed on SM that a lot of these guys are using one and have seen pictures of people using them on here. I just don't get the need for one. Can someone fill me in? Is there some unknown advantage (other than obviously being more quiet) that I'm missing? Or are people just using them to look cool?
how about not ringing my ears when there isn’t time to put on ear pro when I go to make a shot
All it took was muzzle threads and give-or-take $1000 to stop being bullied

Totally worth it. Might even try talking to girls next